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盐酸多西环素缓释片|DORYX(doxycycline hyclate)

2011-02-13 21:56:33  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:1388  文字大小:【】【】【
简介:ACTION: Doxycycline, long-acting oxytetracycline tetracycline derivative, is used to inhibit bacterial protein synthesis and treatment of non-gonococcal urethritis and cervicitis, chronic obstruc ...

Doxycycline, long-acting oxytetracycline tetracycline derivative, is used to inhibit bacterial protein synthesis and treatment of non-gonococcal urethritis and cervicitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients in acute bronchitis, adult periodontitis.

Doxycycline in patients

Mechanical oral hygiene procedures (ie, brushing, flossing) should be avoided at any 7 days to process the areas.

Avoid excessive sunlight or artificial ultraviolet radiation and the receiving doxycycline.

Doxycycline can reduce the effectiveness of contraceptives.

Interaction of doxycycline

Because tetracyclines have been shown to inhibit the plasma prothrombin activity, patients who may need anticoagulation therapy is a downward adjustment of their anticoagulant dosage.

Antibacterial drugs may interfere with the bactericidal action of penicillin, tetracycline and penicillin is best to avoid combination.

Reduce the absorption of tetracycline with aluminum, calcium, or magnesium, iron preparations containing antacids.

Reduced the absorption of tetracycline bismuth salicylate.

Barbiturates, carbamazepine, phenytoin, and reduce the half-life of doxycycline.

To tetracycline and Penthrane (methoxy) simultaneously has been reported to cause fatal renal toxicity.

Tetracycline while using oral contraceptives may result in less effective.

Drug / Laboratory test interactions

Catecholamine levels in urine may be false due to the interference with the assay.

Doxycycline contraindications

Who showed that the drug tetracycline contraindications allergic to any drugs.

For additional information doxycycline
Doxycycline indications: for the treatment of infections caused by sensitive microorganisms.
Mechanism of action: doxycycline, minocycline, is lipophilic, the lipid bilayer by bacteria. Doxycycline reversibly binding to ribosomal subunits and 50S ribosomal subunit 30 seconds may be the (S) and block the mRNA-tRNA binding and inhibit bacterial protein synthesis.
Drug interactions: Avi A increase the risk of intracranial hypertension
Amobarbital reduced anticonvulsant effect of doxycycline
Amoxicillin possible confrontation
Ampicillin possible confrontation
Anisindione increase in anticoagulant effect of tetracycline
Aprobarbital reduced anticonvulsant effect of doxycycline
Possible confrontation azlocillin
Aztreonam possible confrontation
Carboxylase possible confrontation
Butabarbital reduced anticonvulsant effect of doxycycline
Butalbital reduced anticonvulsant effect of doxycycline
Butethal reduced anticonvulsant effect of doxycycline
Anticonvulsant effect of carbamazepine in reducing doxycycline
Possible confrontation clavulanate
Cloxacillin possible confrontation
Cyclacillin possible confrontation
Possible confrontation Dicloxacillin
Anticoagulant effect Dicumarol The tetracycline increases
Tetracycline digoxin increased digoxin in 10% of patients
Dihydroquinidine anticonvulsant effect of barbiturates doxycycline reduced
Ethinyl estradiol, anti-infective agents that can reduce the effect of oral contraceptives
Ethotoin reduced anticonvulsant effect of doxycycline
Etretinate increased risk of intracranial hypertension
Possible confrontation flucloxacillin
Fosphenytoin reduces the anticonvulsant effect of doxycycline
Heptabarbital reduced anticonvulsant effect of doxycycline
Hetacillin possible confrontation
Hexobarbital reduced anticonvulsant effect of doxycycline
Tetracycline increases the risk of insulin hypoglycemia
Insulin aspart increased risk for hypoglycemia tetracycline
Insulin detemir tetracycline will increase the risk for hypoglycemia
Insulin glargine increased risk for hypoglycemia tetracycline
Insulin glulisine increased risk for hypoglycemia tetracycline
Insulin increases the risk for hypoglycemia available tetracycline
A different dimension increased risk of increased intracranial pressure acid
Mephenytoin reduced anticonvulsant effect of doxycycline
Mestranol This anti-infective agent can reduce the effect of oral contraceptives
Possible confrontation Mezlocillin
Methohexital reduced the anticonvulsant effect of doxycycline
Anticonvulsant action of methyl benzene doxycycline reduced
Nafcillin possible confrontation
Possible action against oxacillin
Possible action against penicillin G
Possible action against penicillin V
Anticonvulsant action of phenobarbital decreased doxycycline
Anticonvulsant effect of pentobarbital decreased doxycycline
Anticonvulsant effect of phenytoin decreased doxycycline
Piperacillin possible confrontation
Primidone reduces the anticonvulsant effect of doxycycline
Quinidine barbiturate anticonvulsant effect of doxycycline reduced
Rifabutin The rifamycin reduce the effects of doxycycline
Rifamycin rifampin reduces the effect of doxycycline
Secobarbital reduced anticonvulsant effect of doxycycline
Talbutal reduced anticonvulsant effect of doxycycline
Anticoagulant effect of warfarin increased tetracycline
Aluminum to form non-absorbable complexes
Tetracycline increased toxicity of methotrexate methotrexate
Magnesium Formation of non-absorbent composite oxide
The formation of non-absorbable complexes Magnesium
The formation of palygorskite complex non-absorbent
Bacampicillin possible confrontation
The formation of non-absorbable complexes Bismuth
The formation of non-absorbable complexes Calcium
Iron to form non-absorbable complexes
Possible actions against methicillin
The formation of non-absorbable complexes Zinc
Anticoagulant effect Acenocoumarol The tetracycline increases
Pivampicillin possible confrontation
Pivmecillinam possible confrontation
Tazobactam possible confrontation
Possible action against ticarcillin
Food Interactions: Avoid alcohol.
Avoid milk and dairy products contain calcium, iron, antacids, or aluminum salts 2 hours before or 6 after the use of this drug, and in antacids hours.
A glass filled with water to not calcium, aluminum, magnesium, iron within 2 hours of taking the drug added.
Common Name: doxycycline
Alias: Doxcycline anhydrous doxycycline hydrochloride, doxycycline monohydrate; Doxytetracycline
Drug Classification: antimalarial, antibacterial agent; tetracycline
Drug Type: Small Molecule; approval; investigation
Other brand names containing doxycycline: altitude, doxycycline; apo doxycycline; Atridox; Doryx, Doxycycline 100; doxycycline, upper limit; doxycycline, Lemon; Doxychel; Doxychel ADM; Doxycin ; Doxylin; Doxytec; Jenacyclin; Monodox; Connaught - Doxylin; efforts doxycycline; Periostat; Supracyclin; Vibra, label; doxycycline; Oracea;
Absorption: completely absorbed after oral administration.
Toxicity (excess): Symptoms of overdose include anorexia, nausea, diarrhea, glossitis, dysphagia, enteritis, and inflammatory lesions in anogenital region (with Candida overgrowth), such as rash and red rash, exfoliative dermatitis, photosensitivity, allergic skin reactions such as urticaria, angioedema, allergic reactions, anaphyl - actoid purpura, pericarditis, and increased systemic lupus erythematosus, healthy adults to stop disappearing increased intracranial pressure medicine, such as hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, eosinophils haematologic and exceptions. The LD50 = 262 mg / kg (in rats by intraperitoneal injection).
Protein binding: "90%
Biotransformation: Hepatic
Half-Life :18-22 hours
Doxycycline dosage forms: oral tablets
Oral capsules
Gel, measurement of periodontal
Chemical IUPAC Name: (2Z, 4S's, 4aR, the five permanent members, 5aR, 6R's, 12aS) -2 - (amino hydroxymethylidene) - 4 - dimethylamino - 5,10,11,12's A - tetrahydroxy - 6 - methyl - 4A No, 5, 5a, 6 - TETRAHYDRO - 4 hours, four benzene - 1, 3,12 - trione

【别名】盐酸多西环素 、脱氧土霉素、强力霉素

【外文名】Doxycycline HCI, Doxitard, Liomycin

【成分】 盐酸多西环素


成人及8岁以上儿童(体重>50kg)第一天每12hr服50mg或100mg qd,8岁以上儿童(体重<50kg)2 mg/kg体重/日,分2次口服。





【原产地英文商品名】:DORYX TABLET DR 75mg/tab 60tabs/bottle
【中文参考商品译名】:DORYX缓释片 75毫克/片 60片/瓶
【生产厂家中文参考译名】:MAYNE PHARMA INTL





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· 多西环素注射剂DOXY(DOX...
· Tygacil(Tigecycline In...
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· 苄星氨苄青霉素+氨苄西林钠
· 苄星氨苄青霉素AMPICILL...
· Doxycyclin-ratiopharm ...
· 土霉素胶囊|Terramycin(...
· 去甲金霉素片|Declomyci...
· 盐酸强力霉素胶囊|Vibra...



· Tygacil Injection(Tig...
· 多西环素注射剂DOXY(DOX...
· Tygacil(Tigecycline In...
· TERRAMICINA(多粘菌素/...
· 苄星氨苄青霉素+氨苄西林钠
· 苄星氨苄青霉素AMPICILL...
· Doxycyclin-ratiopharm ...
· 土霉素胶囊|Terramycin(...
· 去甲金霉素片|Declomyci...
· 盐酸强力霉素胶囊|Vibra...

