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2011-10-01 12:02:14  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:171  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 【药物名称】维脑健、氯酯醒、遗尿丁、Centrofenoxate、Clophenoxine、Lucidril。 【作用与用途】本品主要作用于大脑皮质,能促进脑细胞的氧化还原代谢,调节神经细胞的代谢,增加对糖类的利用,对中枢 ...







【原产地英文商品名】LUCIDRIL 250mg/vial 10vials/box
【中文参考商品译名】LUCIDRIL 250毫克/瓶 10瓶/盒


Lucidril * (centrophenoxine).
Centrophenoxine is an antiaging drug widely used by humans to increase brain energy, since it stimulates the chemical activity of the brain. In particular, uptake of the sugar glucose is increased. Glucose is essential for energy production. Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production also increase significantly when centrophenoxine is taken regularly, providing further evidence of its effectiveness. Centrophenoxine has been found to be very effective in the treatment of various human disorders such as brain damage due to old age, stroke, brain injury caused by chemicals or drugs including excessive alcohol consumption . Centrophenoxine has the ability to protect against the damage caused by toxic environmental chemicals.

It also has been found that prolonged administration of centrophenoxine to healthy old animals causes a large reduction of the lipofuscin present in heart and brain cells . Lipofuscin is a waste product that builds up in old cells. The lifespan of centrophenoxine weaned animals is much longer than that of animals that do not receive the drug. The learning ability of treated animals is greatly improved compared to old untreated animals.

Centrophenoxine is able to REVERSE the age-dependent accumulation of the mineral potassium in brain cells, and a number of other damaging changes that occur as the brain ages. Centrophenoxine causes an increase in the production of chemicals that are essential for the proper functioning of the brain such as RNA and protein. Glucose uptake into the brain also is increased. In spite of the positive benefits obtained by taking centrophenoxine, the way it works is not quite clear. Some of its biological effects are possibly due to the DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) that centrophenoxine contains. DMAE is able to stay in the brain in the membranes of nerve cells for a long time. Since DMAE is a very efficient free radical scavenger, centrophenoxine is able to protect the brain against free radical damage.

Free radicals occur in biological systems and are responsible for some aging damage. The drug centrophenoxine has played a central role in many antiaging experiments. Scientific experiments have proven the free radical scavenging properties of DMAE. It should be stressed that this part of centrophenoxine is actually incorporated into the brain cell membrane. The presence of DMAE in the brain cell membrane provides increased protection against damaging free radical attacks. The present findings offer strong evidence supporting the observation that vital membranes are protected during continuous treatment with centrophenoxine.

The other compound in centrophenoxine also is a powerful free radical scavenger, although probably not as important as the DMAE portion. The combined effect of both parts of the drug prevents free radical induced aging damage and improves the body's defense against free radical attack.

Many scientific experiments have revealed a considerable age-dependent drop in levels of the chemical RNA in the brain. RNA is essential for the body to make protein. Treatment with centrophenoxine is able to REVERSE this decrease in production of RNA.

Since the increased rate of RNA production allows the cell to carry out protein synthesis at a higher rate, the effects of centrophenoxine may also involve an increased rate of protein tumover. This increased rate of protein turnover is important because it is related to all the beneficial antiaging effects of centrophenoxine.

Combats Memory Loss
Various drugs have been developed to treat senile dementia and centrophenoxine has been found to be useful. Regular use of centrophenoxine offers you the chance to prevent mental deterioration. Memory performance is improved in both the normal elderly and those with dementia following treatment with centrophenoxine .

The most obvious change in the nerve cells of elderly individuals is the appearance and increase in the amount of lipofuscin pigment. Experimental studies have shown that centrophenoxine treatment can reduce the amount of lipofuscin in nerve cells. This suggests that the beneficial effects on mental function in demented patients is partly due to removal of age pigment from nerve cells. Many scientists believe that benefits also are produced by the improvements in cell metabolism that centrophenoxine produces.

Senile dementia is related to changes in the part of the brain known as the hippocampus. The nerve cells of the hippocampus are damaged as part of the aging process; however, in senile dementia these damaging changes are much worse. Similar changes also may occur in the rest of the central nervous system. This extra damage indicates a furthur decline in metabolic activity in affected nerve cells.

A very important effect of centrophenoxine is the stimulation of uptake of glucose by the brain. This can help to make up for the damage caused to the hippocampus by aging and senile dementia.

The beneficial effects on mental performance seen in older people following regular use of centrophenoxine are due to a real improvement in the efficiency of the workings of vital cells. Nerve cells in particular work much better under the influence of cetrophenoxine..

The exact way that centrophenoxine works to combat the aging process is unclear, however, an attempt to explain it has been made using the so-called "membrane theory of aging".

The "membrane theory of aging" attributes a primary role in aging to a decrease in the ability of the mineral potassium to get into and out of cells. This causes the level of potassium in the cell to rise leading to a reduction in essential protein production. the rise in potassium levels is due to free-radical induced cross-linking in the cell membrane. the "membrane theory of aging" as outlined above suggest that the cells of the body gradually lose their ability to eliminate damaged components ie. lipofuscin builds up within the cells. Centrophenoxine slows down the rate of accumulation of age deposits (lipofuscin) in brain cells and it also removes deposits that have already accumulated in aged brains, is incorporated into the membranes of brain cells, where it protects against the cross-linking effects of free-radicals.The drug is able to increase the storage of new information in long-term memory and increase mental alertness.

There is virtually no toxicity associated with centrophenoxine in therapeutic doses.
Caution: People with the following medical conditions should not take centrophenoxine: severe high blood pressure, convulsive disorders including epilepsy, pregnant and lactating women.





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