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雌二醇透皮贴Climara(estradiol transdermal patches)

2012-08-31 18:47:32  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:314  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 英文药名: Climara(estradiol transdermal patches) 中文药名: 雌二醇透皮贴 品牌药生产厂家: Schering 药品名称 英文药名: Climara (estradiol 17b patches) 中文药名: 雌二醇 生产厂家 Berlex ...

 英文药名: Climara(estradiol transdermal patches)

中文药名: 雌二醇透皮贴

品牌药生产厂家: Schering


英文药名: Climara (estradiol 17b patches)
中文药名: 雌二醇

Berlex Laboratories

Climara所有剂量:每日释放雌二醇0.025 mg,0.0375 mg,0.05 mg,0.06 mg,0.075 mg或0.1mg,一周1次治疗中度至严重绝经后引起的血管舒缩症状(如热潮红和盗汗),外阴、阴道萎缩症状(如阴道干燥)和预防绝经后妇女的骨质疏松。
贴片应用后, 血清雌二醇水平上升。血药达峰时间ftmaxl为22小时,在7日内维持一个有效而平稳的血药水平。中止用药后24小时.血清雌二醇水平即恢复到给药前水平。药物经肝脏代谢, 主要代谢物为雌三醇、雌酮及其结合物, 以葡萄糖醛酸盐及硫酸盐结合物的形式经肾脏排出。
作为透皮贴片,Climara不良反应小, 恶心和胃肠道不良反应等比激素口服制剂小得多。本品一周1次贴于腹部、臀部或髋部表皮上。

Short Description


Climara (estradiol transdermal) is a prescription medication used in estrogen replacement therapy. It contains the active ingredient called estradiol, a form of estrogen hormone that is used to effectively manage menopausal symptoms. 

Climara comes in patches that are individually packed in sealed pouch and is available in different strength, hereinafter illustrated:

Climara 25 – contains 2 mg of estradiol that is contained in 6.5 cm2 translucent patches.
Climara 50 – contains 3.8 mg of estradiol that is contained in 12.5 cm2 translucent patches.
Climara 75 – contains 5.7 mg of estradiol that is contained in 18.75 cm2 translucent patches.
Climara 100 – contains 7.6 mg of estradiol that is contained in 25 cm2 translucent patches.
Climara is a brand for estradiol transdermal skin patches that is manufactured by 3M Drug Delivery Systems for Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals.

Pharmacological Action

The female sex hormone, estrogen that is contained in Climara in a form of estradiol works by reducing the symptoms of menopause.

When the body produces less estrogen, hot flashes and vaginal dryness will usually occur in addition to other symptoms naturally occurring during menopause like mood swings and depression. The medication will increase the body’s estrogen production and thereby reducing the symptoms of menopause.

When Climara patch is applied into the skin, estradiol will be absorbed through the blood stream. It is important to note though that women who had undergone operation for hysterectomy (removal of uterus) must be given progestin hormone in addition to this treatment to avoid complications. 


Climara (estradiol transdermal) is indicated for the management of menopausal symptoms and other conditions associated to low estrogen. The benefits of estradiol treatment are the following:

Reduce menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, itching and burning sensation in and around the vaginal region.
Treat conditions associated in the less production of estrogen hormone because of ovarian failure (primary) or hypogonadism.
 Reduce the tendency of acquiring osteoporosis that is most likely to happen to women during the menopausal stage.
It is important to note that estrogen replacement therapy is not intended to treat vaginal itching or osteoporosis alone. There are medications to treat this particular condition that is safer compared to estrogen replacement therapy.    

Mode of Administration

Climara (estradiol transdermal) is administered through sticking the patches in the skin, either in the buttocks, lower abdomen or hip. The estradiol substance shall be absorbed in the skin and passes through the blood stream.

Your health care provider will guide you on how to use Climara patches. Climara is ideally to be administered at lowest dosage and for short duration. The following guidelines shall guide you on its proper administration:

The patch must be replaced on the same day every once a week (7 days) for the duration as instructed by your health care practitioner.
Make sure to clean the area of the skin where the patch is to be placed. Wipe it dry and oil-free before placing the Climara patch. 
Do not apply a new patch on the same site of your skin twice to avoid irritation.
Always follow your Doctor’s instruction and communicate any concerns that you have regarding its use.

Contraindications and Cautions

Climara (estradiol transdermal) is contraindicated to women who had displayed allergic reactions to estradiol or any ingredients of Climara.  

Climara is contraindicated to pregnant women and to certain conditions that may be complicated when using this medication. Talk to your Doctor if you have any of the following conditions:

Blood Clotting Disorder
Increased Blood Pressure
Liver Dysfunction
History of Breast or Ovarian Cancer
Vaginal Bleeding that has not been diagnosed
Gallbladder diseases
If you have any of the aforementioned condition, your doctor may prescribe a close monitoring treatment of your condition or otherwise disqualifies you from undergoing the treatment.

Side Effects

The use of this medication can have possible side effects that vary depending upon the condition of the patient. The most common side effects that had been reported on the use of this treatment are skin irritation on the application site.

The following side effects had also been reported but are manageable and shall fade away in due time:

Sleeping trouble or Insomnia
Tired feeling or Fatigue
In instances when these symptoms persist or worsen, consult your health care provider to have a complete evaluation of your condition.

Drug Interactions

There are medications that may interact with Climara (estradiol transdermal). Talk to your Doctor if you are using any of the following drugs :

Aromatese inhibitor ( anastrozole, exemestana, letrozole)
Warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven)
Antifungal medication such as  itraconazole, ketoconazole, voriconazole or miconazole
Antibiotic medication such as clarithromycin, erythromycin, dalfopristin, rifampin or telithromycin
Drug interactions will usually affect the efficiency of the medication. Although it is not necessary to stop taking one of which, it is important to inform your Doctor in order for him / her to issue guidance on how to manage the drug interaction.

Interesting facts

It is an interesting to know that that Climara (estradiol transdermal), when used after menopause shall reduce the risk of bone thinning or osteoporosis and prevents bone breakage. However on account of its risk, estrogen treatment is only indicated for women who are at higher risk of developing severe osteoporosis.

Women who had been undergoing hysterectomy operation (removal of uterus) are prone of developing osteoporosis than women who are already at the menopausal stage even at early age.

In order to prevent osteoporosis, it is necessary to have an adequate calcium intake prior to menopausal stage.  





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· Evamist(雌二醇透皮喷雾...
· Duavee(conjugated est...
· 胎盘制剂Melsmon(Human...
· BRISDELLE(甲磺酸帕罗西...
· Minivelle(雌二醇透皮系...
· 奥培米芬片OSPHENA(ospe...
· 替勃龙片Livial(Tibolone)
· 雌酮硫酸酯哌嗪片Ogen(e...
· 酯化雌激素片Menest(Est...
· OVRAL-L|左炔诺孕酮炔雌醇片

