中文药品:纽莫法注射液 23价肺炎球菌多糖疫苗
英文药名:Pneumovax 23 制造商: 默沙东
性状 本疫苗是无菌、用于肌肉或皮下注射的透明液体疫苗。它含有混合的经高度提纯的23种最广泛流行、最具侵袭性的肺炎球菌荚膜多糖。每0.5 mL疫苗中含每种分型的多糖25 ug,溶解于生理盐水中并含有0.25%苯酚作为防腐剂。 药理作用 本疫苗所含的经过提纯的肺炎球菌荚膜多糖可引起抗体的产生,而此抗体可有效地预防肺炎球菌的感染。多价疫苗用于人体的研究表明,对23种荚膜型的每一种都可产生免疫力。任何年龄的成人都可以对疫苗产生免疫应答。在接种后的第三周,保护性荚膜型特异抗体的水平将升高。 适应症 使用于免疫预防在疫苗中含有的肺炎球菌型引起的肺炎球菌疾病。 选择性接种(2岁以上者) :脾切除者或是由镰状细胞性疾病及其它原因引起的脾功能障碍者 ;可增加肺炎球菌感染机会的慢性疾病患者,如心脏、呼吸系统及肝肾功能受损者 ;年龄在50岁以上者 ;患有其它慢性疾患、嗜酒或免疫抑制而可能增加肺炎球菌感染机会的患者 ;何杰金氏病患者如需疫苗接种可在治疗开始前10日给予。至少要在开始放疗或化疗开始前14日以产生最有效的抗体免疫应答。 群体接种(2岁以上者)群体接触密切者,如寄宿学校、养老院 ;当疫苗中含有的某型肺炎球菌在人群中流行时 ;具有发生流行性感冒并发症的高度危险者,特别是肺炎。同时给予肺炎球菌多糖疫苗及流行性感冒全病毒疫苗可有满意的抗体应答,而并不增加不良反应的发生。 再接种 :成人 :并不主张常规再接种,然而对于那些具有慢性疾患者及那些有明显迅速的肺炎球菌抗体水平下降者(如 :肾病综合征、肾衰、接受器官移植者),因可增加致命的肺炎球菌感染的危险性,则建议再接种 ;此外,距上次接种23价疫苗超过6年的极高危成年人也应进行再接种。儿童 :10岁以下儿童,在3年前有过接种史而目前又处在肺炎球菌感染的高危状态,如脾切除、镰状细胞病和肾病综合征,则应考虑再接种。 用法用量 0.5 mL皮下或肌肉注射。
不良反应 常见注射区局部的疼痛、红肿及硬结。偶见低热(<38.3°C)。罕见头痛、发热(>38.9°C)、身体不适感及虚弱无力、腺炎、过敏样性反应、血清病、关节痛、肌痛、关节炎、皮疹、荨麻疹。已稳定的特发性血小板减少性紫癜的患者,会极偶然地在接种后的2-14日内血小板减少症复发且可持续2周。罕见神经病学方面的紊乱如感觉异常、急性的神经根神经病,包括格林-巴利氏综合征,其因果关系尚未被证实。
禁忌症 对于疫苗的任何成份过敏者。 注意事项 禁用于静脉注射,皮内注射亦当避免。皮下或肌肉内注射应慎防误注入血管。正在进行免疫抑制治疗的病人,则血清中可能不出现所期望的抗体反应。严重心肺功能障碍的病人注射纽莫法时要谨慎,可能会发生相当严重的全身性反应。任何发热性的呼吸系统疾患及一些活动性感染都应推迟使用纽莫法。需要青霉素(或其它抗生素)来预防拮抗肺炎球菌感染的患者,该种预防措施于接种纽莫法后不应该中断。 孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药 孕妇使用本疫苗是否会伤害胎儿或是影响生育能力及此种疫苗是否会从母乳中分泌,均不能肯定,故孕妇及哺乳妇女慎用。 儿童用药 本疫苗对2岁以下幼儿的安全性及有效性尚未肯定。 贮藏/有效期 已开包装或是未开包装的疫苗均贮存于2-8°C。
學名:Pneumococcal Vaccine,Polyvalent 商品名:Pneumovax 23 Injection apsular polysaccharides from 23 types of Streptococcus pneumoniae, 25mcg of each type/0.5mL/vial 中文名:紐蒙肺多價性肺炎雙球菌疫苗 藥品作用:預防感染肺炎雙球菌 注意事項:需冷藏 (2-8度C)。
Pneumovax 23 (Injection)
Pneumovax® 23
PNEUMOVAX® 23 helps protect against multiple pneumococcal types. Persons aged 50 to 64 years commonly have chronic illnesses and may be at increased risk for invasive pneumococcal disease. Invasive pneumococcal disease is a serious threat. PNEUMOVAX 23 is indicated for vaccination against pneumococcal disease caused by those pneumococcal types included in the vaccine.
Pneumovax 23 (Injection) Drug and Prescription Information Pneumovax 23 (Injection)
Pneumovax 23 (Injection) Medication Classification PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINE (Injection)
Pneumovax 23 (Injection) Brandname Pneumovax 23, Pnu-Imune 23
Pneumovax 23 (Injection) is used for the Treatment Pneumococcal Vaccine (NOO-moe-KOK-al vak-seen) Prevents severe infections, such as pneumonia and meningitis.
When To Not Use Pneumovax 23 (Injection) You should not receive pneumococcal vaccine if you have had an allergic reaction to it, or if you are in the first 3 months of pregnancy. This vaccine is not recommended in infants and children under 2 years of age.
How Should You Use Pneumovax 23 (Injection) Proper Pneumovax 23 (Injection) Storage Store Pneumovax 23 (Injection) at room temperature away from sunlight and moisture unless otherwise stated by manufacturer's instructions or labelling. Keep Pneumovax 23 (Injection) and all medications out of the reach of children.
What To Avoid While Using Pneumovax 23 (Injection) Ask your doctor or pharmacist before using any other medicine, including over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Pneumovax 23 (Injection) Warnings This vaccine is usually given only once as side effects may occur more often if given a second time. Make sure you tell your doctor if you have received pneumococcal vaccine in the past. Check with your doctor before receiving pneumococcal vaccine if you have an illness with a fever. Patients who are getting medicine like prednisone, receiving chemotherapy for cancer, or who have HIV infection or AIDS may not be fully protected by this vaccine. Because there may be some benefit, your doctor may still want you to receive the vaccine. Pneumovax 23 (Injection) Side Effects Call your doctor right away if you notice any of these side effects:
Trouble breathing, chest tightness, or wheezing Swelling of the face, lips, or throat Severe skin rash, intense itching, or hives Unexplained high fever Unusual bleeding or bruising If you notice these less serious side effects, talk with your doctor: Soreness, redness, or a lump where the shot was given |