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2010-08-24 18:27:35  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:1740  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 你的容貌是否为脸颊和前额的暗疮而苦恼?或是否深受黑斑病的困扰? 不用担心,全球首支治疗药品Tri-Luma面膏将为您解决这一面部难题。 Tri-Luma面膏含有三种活性成分——氟轻松,对苯二酚,维甲酸是治疗 ...


Tri-Luma Cream汰膚斑乳膏资料


Tri-Luma™ Cream说明书



一项采用新疗法(PIGMENT试验)治疗黑斑病的社区前瞻性调查进一步表明,由0.01%氟轻松、4%氢醌和0.05%维A酸组成的三联乳膏(Tri-Luma Cream)治疗黑斑病安全高效。

研究发现,用药后皮损迅速改善,适用于临床各种皮肤类型患者日常使用,并能显著改善患者的生活质量。开放性PIGMENT IV期临床试验包括1290名患者,年龄18-84岁,Fitzpatrick皮肤分型I-IV型,中重度黑斑病病程至少3个月。研究对象主要是女性(占96%)和高加索人(n=800,62%),但也包括相当多的其他人种,如非裔美国人(n=130,10.1%),亚洲人(n=94,7.3%)和西班牙人(n=295,22.9%)。所有患者均避免日光照射,黑斑局部应用三联乳膏,每天一次,共8周。按计划于4周后开始随访,直至治疗结束。大约有500名调查者参与了该项研究。以黑斑面积和严重指数(Melasma Area and Severity Index,MASI)的变化为主要疗效终点,





来自PIGMENT的总体资料显示,治疗前所有患者平均MASI得分为14.68,治疗4周后大约减少一半,为7.38,而至第8周,减少了75%,为3.64。进一步分析表明,治疗4周和8周后,在高加索人、非裔美国人/非裔黑人、亚洲人和西班牙人中得到相似的结果。各亚组MASI得分均下降,比基础值下降67%-78%。按Fitzpatrick皮肤分型分析表明,治疗前,深色皮肤类型者的平均MASI得分高( I型11.5,VI型18.70)。



Torok也是上市前研究的研究者,他说:“令人鼓舞的是,这次研究显示三联乳膏的安全性比上市前试验的好,出现显效时间早 。



Tri-Luma® Cream (fluocinolone acetonide 0.01%, hydroquinone 4%, tretinoin 0.05%) is the only triple-action cream for the short-term and intermittent long-term treatment of moderate to severe melasma of the face.

Tri-Luma® Cream can help reduce or eliminate the discoloration caused by melasma. In fact, the combination of the three active ingredients in Tri-Luma® Cream is more effective than any combination of the individual components. Women treated with Tri-Luma® Cream also reported a favorable side effect profile as compared to women using various combinations of the ingredients.²

After using Tri-Luma® Cream for 8 weeks — women embarrassed to some degree by their melasma dropped from 82% of respondents to 40%.¹
Over the last week, how embarrassed or self-conscious have you been, because of your skin?¹
Response Baseline (%) Week 8 (%)
 Very Much 19% 2%
 A Lot 24% 5%
 A Little 39% 33%
 Not at All 18% 60%

Tri-Luma® Cream has been clinically proven — in three studies — to improve and frequently clear melasma after eight weeks of treatment. If melasma has not cleared in eight weeks, the latest long-term safety studies confirm that Tri-Luma® Cream is safe to use until melasma is resolved. It is also safe to use again whenever the condition reappears. Because melasma can be worsened by sun exposure, long-term therapy should include sun protection.

Women who are pregnant, plan to become pregnant or are nursing should wait to begin treatment with Tri-Luma® Cream until after pregnancy or when nursing has concluded. The safety and efficacy of Tri-Luma® Cream in pregnant women and nursing mothers have not been established.

1. Grimes P. Incidence and psychosocial implications of melasma. Presented at: American Academy of Dermatology; July 25-29, 2003; Chicago, Ill.
2. Data on file, Galderma Laboratories, L.P.

1. Grimes P. Incidence and psychosocial implications of melasma. Presented at: American Academy of Dermatology; July 25-29, 2003; Chicago, Ill.2. Data on file, Galderma Laboratories, L.P.

Tri-Luma® Cream is contraindicated in individuals with a hypersensitivity, allergy or intolerance to fluocinolone acetonide, hydroquinone or tretinoin. In clinical trials, the most frequently reported side effects were erythema, desquamation, burning, dryness and pruritus.

Mild to moderate redness, peeling, burning, dryness or itching may be experienced. This product contains sulfites that may cause severe allergic reactions including anaphylactic symptoms and life-threatening asthma attacks. Exposure to sunlight, sunlamps or UV light and extreme heat, wind or cold should be avoided. Use of sunscreen with appropriate SPF of 30 or higher is required. Wear protective clothing and change to nonhormonal forms of birth control, if hormonal methods are used.

Tri-Luma® Cream contains hydroquinone, which may produce exogenous ochronosis, a gradual blue-black darkening of the skin, whose occurrence should prompt discontinuation of therapy. Tri-Luma® Cream contains the corticosteroid fluocinolone acetonide. Systemic absorption of topical corticosteroids can produce reversible hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis suppression with the potential for corticosteroid insufficiency after withdrawal of treatment.


ILUVIEN implant(氟轻松玻璃体内植入物)



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· 美国FDA批准各种HIV感染...
· FDA批准复方抗艾药Evota...
· 新型Reyataz(atazanavir...
· SCENESSE(afamelanotide...
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· Cosentyx(secukinumab)白...
· Otezla(apremilast)将获...
· 新重组单抗Cosentyx(sec...
· Soolantra(Ivermectin 1...
· 美国FDA批准Gardasil 9价...

