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Aqualift(Hydrophilic Gel)

2010-11-02 03:38:56  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:557  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: Aqualift 是用来进行丰胸的另一种质料,由于它不属于透明质酸,因此我们对使用它有所保留。不过,我们相当放心地用它来进行丰臀治疗;我们有许多病人在进行臀部Aqualift注射后,其丰满效果维持约一年。 ...

Aqualift(Hydrophilic Gel)为轮廓整形手术的新一代植入物
Hydrophilic Gel AQUALIFT™ – implant of a new generation.
Prospects for the hydrophilic gel AQUALIFT™ application in contour plastic surgery.
Though a seemingly simple procedure, the injection technique in contour plastics has got a number nuances. The choice of preparations is rather wide. The doctor, who is using this technique, must know perfectly well the chemical properties of the implants he uses, indications and contraindications for their application, and the relative injection technique for a concrete material.
When choosing the filler, it is necessary first of all to keep in mind the following data:
• Safety of application;
• Possible complications;
• Peculiarities of application;
• Peculiarities of durability and necessity of repeated corrections.
Contour plastic surgery of the face with hydrophilic gel AQUALIFT™ opens up the following possibilities for the surgeon:
1. With Aqualift™ , it is possible to perform correction of the outer contour tissues of the temporal region, also of the cheeks, cheekbones, chin, lower jaw.
2. Cosmetic surgery of the face with Aqualift™ allows the surgeon to eliminate interbrow wrinkles, deep nasolabial folds, age related wrinkles on the upper and lower lips, to fill up the volume and to correct the shape of the lips, to correct and reshape the nose tip and nasal arch.
3. Contour plastic surgery with Aqualift™ is also possible, and brings success, for corrections of posttraumatic deformities of the face.
4. Since the gel Aqualift™ is well fixed within the tissues, keeping up its volume, shape and consistency, it meets well the necessary requirements for correction of facial deformities in children. Ability of the gel to form a depot that does not restrict growth of the child’s organs and bones of the facial skeleton, as well as the gel possibility to be additionally injected later on while the child is growing, all this allows the doctor to start correction of deformities at the child’s early age when he/she is not yet aware of the impairment due to his/her facial deformity.
5. The Aqualift™ contour plastics of facial deformities has certain restrictions for some facial regions. Aqualift™ must not be injected into parotid salivary gland, as this may lead to its atrophy and salivary disruption. For the patients having rough drawn-in post-traumatic, or postoperative, scars on the face it is necessary to perform preliminary excision of the scars by careful sewing up layerwise the wound. Some 4-6 months later on, after the soft tissues acquire liveliness, the doctor can start polishing the scars and after next 3-4 months the hydrogel contour plastics itself can be performed.
After Aqualift™ implant was presented at the market, new prospects for a
low-invasive breast augmentation plastics have appeared. Study of the received clinical follow-up data has shown the following positive results:
• Favorable behavior of the short postoperative period, absence of pain, no loss in ability to work, comfortable state of health by the 7th day;
• Absence of infiltrations within the zone of injection;
• Absence of any signs of inflammation or allergic manifestations within the zone of injection;
• Absence of the gel migration out of the injection zone;
• Absence of the implant fragmentation, natural condition of the soft tissues consistency both immediately after the operation and in remote periods of observation.
Widespread view among the doctors assuming that injecting big volumes of the gel into anatomical regions may lead to severe complications can be attributes to:
• Nonprofessional approach of the doctor to the operations techniques;
• Imperfect physical-chemical properties of some earlier used gels.
During all past years of the gel Aqualift™ application, there has not been observed a single severe complication. Most of the women patients expressed their satisfaction with the results of their treatment. Thanks to its physical-chemical properties the preparation Aqualift™ optimally corresponds to elasticity of the body soft tissues.
The obtained aesthetic result and naturalness of the soft tissues remain the same during all postoperative follow up period. Absence of any undesirable manifestations allow us to characterize Aqualift™ as most physiological and the safest material being used for the breast plastic surgery nowadays.
The procedure of Aqualift™ injection must be performed in specialized medical institutions and centers. In order to guarantee absence of complications, the doctors-specialists must have adequate qualification which they can obtain by undergoing special training program on the Aqualift™ injection technique. Our company can involve relative specialists for this training.
Analysis of the received results of clinical observations has shown convincingly vivid advantages of the low invasive surgery applying the implant Aqualift™ , as compared to installation of silicon prostheses.
With appearance of the hydrophilic gel Aqualift™ at the market, the plastic surgery doctors can now use it for contour plastics of the shins.
It is well known that the shin is characterized by its high functional activity and delicate anatomical structure. After analysis of all preparations offered to serve as fillers for the shin soft tissues, and also on the grounds of detailed study of their characteristics, we can confidently declare that the gel Aqualift™ is most physiological and the safest out of the analogous now available implants.
During all those many years of the hydrophilic gel Aqualift™ application for thousands of patients in dozens of countries in the world, there have not been revealed any complications that we could refer to the unfavorable impact of the material.
Though the contour plasty with Aqualift™ may seem rather simple and doctors can perform the operations without hospitalization of the patients, this manipulation must be performed in conditions of strict aseptics and antiseptics same as at a stationary operation room. The surgeons and theater nurses must work wearing sterile clothes, masks and gloves. The operative site must be thoroughly treated with antiseptics and round up with sterile sheets.





· Rozex Gel 0.75%(甲硝...
· Onexton Gel,1.2%/3.75%...
· 葡萄糖酸胶囊|Effizinc(...
· EPIDUO gel(阿达帕林复...
· 过氧化苯甲酰泡沫RIAX(B...
· 米诺环素胶囊MINOCIN(mi...
· 维甲酸软膏|RETIN-A MIC...
· ACANYA(clindamycin pho...
· 孕二醇片DIOL(Pregnane...
· 异维A酸胶囊ABSORICA(is...



· Rozex Gel 0.75%(甲硝...
· Onexton Gel,1.2%/3.75%...
· 葡萄糖酸胶囊|Effizinc(...
· EPIDUO gel(阿达帕林复...
· 过氧化苯甲酰泡沫RIAX(B...
· 米诺环素胶囊MINOCIN(mi...
· 维甲酸软膏|RETIN-A MIC...
· ACANYA(clindamycin pho...
· 孕二醇片DIOL(Pregnane...
· 异维A酸胶囊ABSORICA(is...

