部份中文去羟肌苷处方资料(仅供参考) 通用名称:去羟肌苷 英文名:Didanosine 商品名:VIDEX EC CAPSULES/Enteric-Coated Beadlets,惠妥滋 其它中文名:双去氧肌苷 日文药名:ヴァイデックスECカプセル 药理 本品属逆转录酶抑制剂,对HIV有作用。本品在细胞内磷酸化后转化成 dd-ATP而起作用,竞争性抑制逆转录酶影响病毒DNA的合成。本品与 DDC有交叉耐药性。 药动学 本品供口服,对酸不稳定,空腹时与抗酸剂合用,生物利用度为 35%;进食服用可减少吸收至少 50%。约 40%的服药量自肾清除由尿排出。 Dd-ATP的半减期为 8~24h。 适应症 单用或与其他药物联合用于治疗成人及儿童艾滋病患者不能耐受 AZT者,或已应用 AZT长期治疗(14个月以上)病情更趋加重的严重患者。经本品治疗后可望提高 CD4 计数,降低血中 P24抗原水平,改善症状。各种治疗方案及治疗剂量的临床试验尚在进行中。 用法用量 本品供口服,一般剂量为成人体重 60kg以上者每日2次,每次 200mg;体重< 60kg者每日 2次,每次 125mg。药片必须先嚼碎后吞服。在疗程开始 6个月内不良反应的发生率较高。 避免大剂量应用本品,以减少发生胰腺炎的危险性。须空腹服用(为减少胃酸破坏,制剂中加有缓冲剂)。 任何疑问,请遵医嘱! 给药说明 避免大剂量应用本品,以减少发生胰腺炎的危险性。须空腹服用(为减少胃酸破坏,制剂中加有缓冲剂)。 不良反应 疗程 2~6个月时,约1/3患者发生周围神经痛,5%~10%发生胰腺炎。偶有腹泻,此外尚可见以下不良反应:头痛、失眠、恶心、呕吐、食欲减退、发热、皮疹及转氨酶升高,少见有血液毒性。 Product name: VIDEX EC Capsule Main ingredient: didanosine (Didanosine) Dosage form: white capsule, No. 2 capsule Sheet description: On the action and effect of this medicine Compete with the natural substrate deoxyadenosine 5-triphosphate, and by stopping elongation of the viral DNA strand by incorporation into viral DNA, it inhibits the reverse transcriptase activity of HIV-1. It is usually used for treatment of HIV infection. Be sure to tell your doctor and pharmacist before using • If you used medicine before, it may have allergic symptoms such as itching, rash. I have pancreatitis. • Pregnant, may be pregnant, breastfeeding • You are using other medicines etc. (There is also the possibility of strengthening or weakening each other 's actions, so please be careful including other general - use medicines and foods in use). Dosage regimen (how to use this medicine) • Your usage and dose (filled in with medical staff) • Usually, adults weighing 60 kg or more will take 2 capsules (400 mg as the main ingredient) once per day, between meals once a day, but it will be adjusted according to the symptoms as appropriate. Be sure to follow the instructions given • In cases of renal impairment, side effects may appear strongly, so we may adjust the dose. Please follow the directions given by your doctor. • Please drink without chewing. • If you forget to drink, please take one dose when you notice it. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and continue your regular dosing schedule. Never drink two doses at the same time. • If you drink too much accidentally, please consult your doctor or pharmacist. • Do not stop drinking at your own discretion without the instruction of your doctor. Living attention • This medicine does not fundamentally cure HIV infection. Even if you take this medicine, there is a possibility that the disease will progress, so please report all changes in your physical condition to your doctor. • Hyperuricemia may occur, so please take blood test at the indicated date and time. Be careful after using this medicine (side effects) Diarrhea, nausea, numbness, rash, abdominal pain, liver dysfunction, anorexia, infectious disease, peripheral neuropathy have been reported as main side effects. If you notice such symptoms, please consult your doctor or pharmacist. The following symptoms appear rarely and it is possible that it may be the initial symptom of side effects shown in. In such cases, please stop using it and get medical attention immediately. • Malaise, weight loss[lactic acidosis] • General malaise, fever [fatty liver, portal hypertension] • Decreased vision, blurred vision [retinitis pigmentation/optic neuritis] These side effects do not describe everything. If any other symptoms are noted besides the above, please consult your doctor or pharmacist. Storage method Other • Please keep out of direct sunlight, high temperature and moisture in infants and children, out of the reach of hands. • If medicine remains, please discard it without storing it. For disposal please consult the pharmacy or medical institution you received. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., Ltd. Internal medicine Created in November 2013 Medicines have side effects (risks) as well as effects (benefits). It is important to minimize side effects and maximize effect. Therefore, understanding and cooperation of the patient who is using this medicine is necessary. http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/6250003M1029_2_18/ ---------------------------------------------------- 产地国家:日本 原产地英文商品名: VIDEX EC CAPSULES(ヴァイデックスECカプセル)125mg/CAPSULES 30CAPSULES/bottle 原产地英文药品名: didanosine 中文参考商品译名: VIDEX EC肠溶胶囊(ヴァイデックスECカプセル)125毫克/胶囊 30胶囊/瓶 中文参考药品译名: 去羟肌苷 生产厂家中文参考译名: Bristol-Myers Squibb 生产厂家英文名: Bristol-Myers Squibb
 ---------------------------------------------------- 产地国家:日本 原产地英文商品名: VIDEX EC CAPSULES(ヴァイデックスECカプセル)250mg/CAPSULES 30CAPSULES/bottle 原产地英文药品名: didanosine 中文参考商品译名: VIDEX EC肠溶胶囊(ヴァイデックスECカプセル)250毫克/胶囊 30胶囊/瓶 中文参考药品译名: 去羟肌苷 生产厂家中文参考译名: Bristol-Myers Squibb 生产厂家英文名: Bristol-Myers Squibb
