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戊酸雌二醇注射剂|Delestrogen (Estradiol Valerate)

2011-02-16 12:14:32  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:923  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 中文通用名称: 戊酸雌二醇 英文通用名称: Estradiol Valerate 其它名称: 雌二醇戊酸酯,补乐,Progynon,Progynova,Oestradiol Valerate,Femogex,Delestrogen DELESTROGEN ® (estradiol valerate inj ...

中文通用名称: 戊酸雌二醇
英文通用名称: Estradiol Valerate
其它名称: 雌二醇戊酸酯,补乐,Progynon,Progynova,Oestradiol Valerate,Femogex,Delestrogen

DELESTROGEN ® (estradiol valerate injection, USP) contains estradiol valerate, in the intramuscular injection of long-term use of estrogen sterile oil solutions. These solutions are clear, colorless to pale yellow. Recipe (per ml): 10 mg containing 5 mg estradiol valerate chlorobutanol (chloral derivative / preservative), sesame oil vehicle; 20 mg of estradiol valerate in the presence of benzyl benzoate 224 mg, 20 mg of this vehicle - zyl alcohol (preservative), and castor oil, 40 mg, 447 mg of estradiol valerate in the presence of benzyl benzoate, benzyl alcohol 20 mg, and castor oil vehicle.

Estradiol valerate chemical designated as estra - 1,3,5 (10) - triene - 3,17 - diol (17β) -, 17 pentanoate. Graphic formula:

DELESTROGEN (estradiol valerate injection, USP) is indicated:

Treatment of moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms associated with menopause.
Treatment of vulvar and vaginal atrophy with moderate to severe symptoms of menopause. When the prescription symptoms of vulvar and vaginal atrophy treatment only, topical vaginal products should be considered.
Treatment for hypogonadism hypoestrogenism, castration or primary ovarian failure.
The treatment of advanced hormone-refractory prostate cancer (for relief only).

When estrogen is a provision in postmenopausal women the uterus, progesterone should be started to decrease, the risk of endometrial cancer. Women without a uterus does not need progestin. Use of estrogen, alone or in combination with progestin, should be the lowest effective dose and shortest duration of treatment goals and risks for individual women is consistent. Patients should be re-assessed in the clinical appropriate (such as 3 months to 6 months intervals) to determine whether still requires regular treatment (see Boxed Warning and Warnings). Women who have uterine, appropriate diagnostic methods such as endometrial sampling that should be taken out of the diagnosis of persistent or recurring abnormal vaginal bleeding malignant cases.

Should be noted that injection, the outer quadrant of the gluteal muscle following the usual precautions deep intramuscular injection. Low viscosity of the vehicle by virtue of this DELESTROGEN (estradiol valerate injection, USP) and the preparatory work, managed a small needle. Since the effect of 40 mg provided a high concentration in a small volume, special attention should be observed, and managing the dose.

DELESTROGEN visual inspection should be particulate matter and color prior to administration; solution is clear, colorless to pale yellow. Storage at low temperatures may cause some warming crystal materials redissolves easily separated.

Note: The dry needles and syringes should be used. A wet needle or syringe may cause solution to use to become muddy, but this does not affect the material's effectiveness.

Patients should start at the lowest dose of signs. DELESTROGEN lowest effective dose for any signs yet to be determined. The treatment of patients with an intact uterus should be closely monitored signs of endometrial cancer and appropriate diagnostic measures should be taken out of persistent or recurring abnormal vaginal bleeding fatalities. See Notes on progesterone increase.

For the treatment of moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms, vulvar and vaginal atrophy associated with menopause, the lowest dose and regimen that will control and drug therapy should be selected as soon as possible to stop symptoms. Usually 10 to 20 mg dosage DELESTROGEN every four weeks. Try to stop or taper medication should be made within 3 months 6 months interval.
Women hypoestrogenism for hypogonadism, castration or primary ovarian failure treatment. Usually 10 to 20 mg dosage DELESTROGEN every four weeks.
For the treatment of advanced hormone refractory prostate cancer palliative care only. Usually a dose of 30 mg or more of the management of one or two weeks each.

How to provide
DELESTROGEN ® (estradiol valerate injection, USP)

Multi-dose vials

10 mg / ml (5 ml): North District Council 42023-110-01
20 mg / ml (5 ml): North District Council 42023-111-01
40 mg / ml (5 ml): North District Council 42023-112-01

Store at room temperature.

Do not let children.

April 2007 provides for the information. Manufacturers and distributors: JHP Pharmaceuticals, Rochester, MI 48307. FDA's pastor Date: 10/11/2007

Side effects
See boxed warning, warnings and precautions.

Because clinical trials are conducted under widely different conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in a drug can not be directly compared in clinical trials of another drug and the rate of clinical trials may not reflect the rates observed in practice. Adverse reactions from clinical trials information does, however, to identify drug use that seems to approximate the rate of adverse events and the basis.

The following additional adverse reactions have been reported with estrogen and / or progesterone treatment.

Genitourinary system
Vaginal bleeding pattern and abnormal withdrawal bleeding or flow changes; breakthrough bleeding, spotting, dysmenorrhea, uterine fibroids the size of the increase; vaginitis, including vaginal can, didiasis, changes in cervical secretion and changes in cervical ectropion, ovarian cancer, endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial cancer.

Tenderness, swelling, pain, nipple discharge, galactorrhea, fibrocystic breast changes; breast cancer.

Deep and superficial venous thrombosis; pulmonary embolism, thrombosis, myocardial infarction, stroke, high blood pressure.

Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, bloating, cholestatic jaundice, increased incidence of gallbladder disease, pancreatitis, enlargement of hepatic hemangiomas.

Chloasma or melasma, which may continue during withdrawal, erythema multiforme, erythema nodosum, hemorrhagic eruption; scalp hair loss, hirsutism, itching, rash.

Retinal vascular thrombosis; can not tolerate contact lenses.

Central nervous system
Headache, migraine, dizziness, mental depression, chorea, nervousness, mood disorders, irritability, seizures, dementia.

Increase or decrease in weight; reduced carbohydrate tolerance; deterioration of porphyrin; edema; arthalgias, leg cramps, changes in libido, urticaria, angioedema, allergic / allergic reaction; hypocalcemia, aggravation of asthma; increase in triglycerides.

Drug Interactions
Drug / laboratory test interaction.
Accelerated prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, platelet aggregation time, increased platelet count; II, VII antigen, VIII antigen, VIII coagulant activity, IX, X, XII, VII - X of the complex, the second to VII - X of the complex factors that increase β-thromboglobulin 1996-04-03 antifactor Xa and antithrombin Ⅲ lower level, lower antithrombin Ⅲ activity, fibrinogen and fibrinogen activity levels increase; increase in fiber plasminogen antigen and activity.
Increase in thyroid binding globulin (TBG) levels, thereby increasing the total circulating thyroid hormone levels as a measure of protein binding iodine (PBI) T4 levels (by column or radioimmunoas, for example) or T3 levels by radioimmunoassay. T3 resin uptake decreased, reflecting the increase of TBG. Concentration of free T4 and free T3 remain unchanged. Patients with thyroid replacement therapy may require higher doses of thyroid hormone.
Other binding proteins may be elevated in serum (ie, corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG) is the sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG)), which leads to increased total circulating corticosteroids and sex hormones, respectively. Free hormone concentrations may be reduced. Other plasma proteins may be increased (angiotensinogen / renin substrate, α-1 - antitrypsin, ceruloplasmin).
Increased plasma concentrations of HDL subfractions and HDL2cholesterol, lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration, increased triglyceride levels.
Impaired glucose tolerance.
Metyrapone reduced response to the test.


[英文名]EStradLol Valerate
中文同义词: 氨氯地平苯磺酸盐;雌二醇戊酸酯;3-羟基雌甾-1,3,5(10)-三烯-17b-醇 17-戊酸酯;戊酸雌二醇
英文名称: Estradiol valerate
英文同义词: 3,5(10)-triene-3,17-diol(17-beta)-estra-17-pentanoate;atladiol;b-estradiol17-valerate;deladiol;delahormoneunimatic;delestrogen;delestrogen4x;dura-estradiol
CAS号: 979-32-8
分子式: C23H32O3
分子量: 356.5
熔点  144°C

DELESTROGEN ®(戊酸雌二醇注射液,美国药典)包含戊酸雌二醇,在肌肉注射使用无菌油解长效雌激素。



关闭所有的妇女服用雌激素的临床监测是重要的。适当的诊断方法,包括子宫内膜取样时指出,应采取排除在确诊持续或反复出现异常阴道出血的恶性案件。没有任何证据表明,“自然”雌激素会导致不同的比同等剂量的人工合成的雌激素雌激素子宫内膜癌的风险状况使用。 (见警告,恶性肿瘤,子宫内膜癌)。
雌激素和孕激素不应该用于预防心血管疾病。 (见警告,心血管疾病。)妇女健康倡议(WHI)这项研究报告在5年的心肌梗死,中风,浸润性乳腺癌,肺栓塞,与绝经后妇女发生深度静脉血栓(50至79岁)的风险增加以口服共轭与安宫黄体酮(MPA的2.5毫克),相对于安慰剂相结合雌激素(CE认证0.625毫克)治疗。 (见临床药理学,临床研究。)
妇女健康倡议记忆的研究(WHIMS的),一个WHI的次研究,报告增加发展中国家在65岁以上的老年人在4以口服结合雌激素加甲孕酮治疗绝经后妇女可能患有痴呆症多年相对于安慰剂的风险。目前还不清楚这一发现是否适用于较年轻妇女停经后妇女或单独服用雌激素治疗。 (见临床药理学,临床研究。)其他剂量的口服安宫黄体酮与雌激素结合,和其他组合雌激素和孕激素和剂型没有在WHI的研究和临床试验的可比数据的情况下,这些风险应假设是相似的。由于这些风险,雌激素与孕激素或不应该规定最低有效剂量及治疗时间最短的目标和个别妇女的风险是一致的。 

7。 DELESTROGEN不应该用于治疗过敏其成分。




在无人反对的雌激素的妇女使用的是完整的子宫已与子宫内膜癌的风险增加。该报告在无人反对的雌激素子宫内膜癌的风险是用户约2 - 12倍大于非使用者,并似乎对雌激素治疗时间和剂量依赖性。大多数研究显示没有显着增加的风险与雌激素使用不到一年的关联。最大的风险显然与长时间使用,增加风险为15 - 24倍五至十年以上,这种风险已被证明至少8至15岁的雌激素治疗后,坚持已停止。

对绝经后妇女雌激素和孕激素的使用有报道增加乳腺癌的风险。最重要的随机临床试验提供了关于此问题的信息是妇女健康倡议(WHI)这项使用CE / MPA(见临床药理学,临床研究)亚组。从观测研究的结果通常与WHI的临床试验报告的一致,没有患乳腺癌的雌激素或孕激素不同,剂量,给药途径或风险显着变化。

在妇女健康行动记忆的研究(WHIMS的),4,532名一般健康的65岁以上的绝经后妇女进行了研究,其中35%是70至74岁,18%为75岁或以上。在平均随访4年,40名妇女正在接受使用CE / MPA
(1.8%,2,229例)和安慰剂组21名妇女(0.9%组,n = 2,303)接受可能患有痴呆症的诊断。对于使用CE / MPA与安慰剂的相对风险为2.05(95%信赖区间1.21 - 3.48),并为与不WHIMS的绝经前妇女使用激素类似的历史。在对使用CE / MPA与安慰剂可能患有痴呆症的绝对风险为每10,000名妇女,45年比22例,绝对过剩的风险CE / MPA的每23万名妇女,年案件。目前还不清楚这些发现是否适用于较年轻的绝经后妇女。 (见临床药理学,临床研究和注意事项,老年使用。)

一个2 - 4倍,在需要接受胆囊据报道手术绝经后妇女雌激素疾病的风险增加。




泌尿生殖系统:阴道出血模式的变化和不正常的撤退性出血或流动;突破性出血,点滴出血,痛经,子宫肌瘤的大小增加;阴道炎,阴道念珠菌等,在宫颈分泌量的变化;变化宫颈外翻,卵巢癌;子宫内膜增生;子宫内膜癌。乳房:触痛,肿大,疼痛,乳头溢液,溢乳,乳腺纤维囊性改变;乳腺癌。心血管系统:深,浅静脉血栓形成;肺动脉栓塞;血栓,心肌梗死,中风,血压升高。胃肠道:恶心,呕吐,腹部绞痛,腹胀,胆汁淤积性黄疸,胆囊疾病发病率上升,胰腺炎,肝血管瘤的扩大。皮肤:黄褐斑或黄褐斑,这可能会持续停药时,多形性红斑,结节性红斑,出血疹;头皮脱发,多毛,瘙痒,皮疹。眼睛:视网膜血管血栓形成;不能耐受隐形眼镜。中枢神经系统:头痛,偏头痛,眩晕,精神抑郁,舞蹈病,神经质,情绪障碍,烦躁不安,癫痫发作,痴呆。杂项:增加或减少重量;减少碳水化合物宽容,卟啉症恶化;水肿; arthalgias,腿抽筋,改变性欲,荨麻疹,血管性水肿,过敏性/过敏性反应;低钙血症,哮喘发作;增加甘油三酯。

What is Delestrogen?

estradiol valerate 20 mg/mL IM Oil
Other Brand Names: Delestrogen
Uses: This medication is a female estrogen hormone and is usually given to women who no longer produce the amount of estrogen they produced before menopause. It is a very effective treatment for reducing a common menopause symptom (intense feelings of warmth and sweating known as hot flashes). If you need treatment only for vaginal menopause symptoms (e.g., vaginal dryness), products applied directly inside the vagina should be considered before medications that are taken by mouth, absorbed through the skin, or injected. Certain estrogen products may also be used to prevent bone loss (osteoporosis) in people at high risk who cannot take non-estrogen drugs. There are several other medications (e.g., raloxifene, bisphosphonates such as alendronate) that are safe and effective to prevent or treat bone loss. These medicines should be considered for use before estrogen treatment. Certain estrogen products may also be used to treat certain cancers in men and women (e.g., certain types of metastatic breast cancer, prostate cancer) and other conditions as determined by your doctor.





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