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2011-03-04 11:32:01  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:589  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 【通用名称】盐酸安非他酮片【成份】盐酸安非他酮【药理毒理】安非他酮是去甲肾上腺素、5-羟色胺、多巴胺再摄取的弱抑制剂,对单胺氧化酶没有抑制作用。本品抗抑郁作用机制尚不清楚,可能与其抑制去甲 ...


【药物相互作用】 1.细胞色素P450IID6代谢的药物:体外试验表明安非他酮和羟安非他酮是CYPIID6酶的抑制剂,因此正在使用CYPIID6酶代谢药物治疗的患者服用安非他酮时,应当考虑减少原来药物的剂量,特别是那些治疗指数窄的药物。这些药物包括某些抗抑郁药物(如:去甲替林,米帕明,地昔帕明,帕罗西汀,氟西汀,舍曲林),抗精神病药(如:氟哌啶醇,利培酮,甲硫达嗪),b-阻断剂(如:美托洛尔),抗心律失常药物(如:普罗帕酮,哌氟酰胺),同时在合并治疗开始时应当使用最小剂量。2.MAO抑制剂:动物研究显单胺氧化酶抑制剂(MAOI)苯乙胼可以增加安非他酮的急性毒性。3.左旋多巴:临床资料表明同时使用安非他酮和左旋多巴后,副作用发生率可能升高。服用左旋多巴的患者同时服用本品时应谨慎,从最小剂量开始使用,然后逐渐加量。4.降低癫痫发作阈值的药物:本品与降低癫痫发作阈值的药物(如:抗精神病药物,抗抑郁药物,茶碱,类固醇化合物等)合用或突然中断苯二氮卓类药物治疗后使用本品时应减少剂量,剂量的增加应缓慢。

【中文参考商品译名】WELLBUTRIN 75毫克/片

Information on  WELLBUTRIN


WELLBUTRIN is a prescription medicine used to treat adults with a certain type of depression called major depressive disorder.

Who should not take WELLBUTRIN?
Do not take WELLBUTRIN if you
• have or had a seizure disorder or epilepsy.
• are taking ZYBAN (used to help people stop smoking) or any other medicines that containbupropion hydrochloride, such as WELLBUTRIN SR Sustained-Release Tablets or WELLBUTRIN XL Extended-Release Tablets. Bupropion is the same ingredient that is in WELLBUTRIN.
• drink a lot of alcohol and abruptly stop drinking, or use medicines called sedatives (these make you sleepy) or benzodiazepines and you stop using them all of a sudden.
• have taken within the last 14 days medicine for depression called a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), such as NARDIL®* (phenelzine sulfate), PARNATE® (tranylcypromine sulfate), or MARPLAN®* (isocarboxazid).
• have or had an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia.
• are allergic to the active ingredient in WELLBUTRIN, bupropion, or to any of the inactive ingredients. See the end of this leaflet for a complete list of ingredients in WELLBUTRIN.

What should I tell my doctor before using WELLBUTRIN?
Tell your doctor if you have ever had depression, suicidal thoughts or actions, or other mental health problems. See “Antidepressant Medicines, Depression and Other Serious Mental Illnesses, and Suicidal Thoughts or Actions.”
• Tell your doctor about your other medical conditions including if you:
• are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if WELLBUTRIN can harm your unborn baby.
• are breastfeeding. WELLBUTRIN passes through your milk. It is not known if WELLBUTRIN can harm your baby.
• have liver problems, especially cirrhosis of the liver.
• have kidney problems.
• have an eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia.
• have had a head injury.
• have had a seizure (convulsion, fit).
• have a tumor in your nervous system (brain or spine).
• have had a heart attack, heart problems, or high blood pressure.
• are a diabetic taking insulin or other medicines to control your blood sugar.
• drink a lot of alcohol.
• abuse prescription medicines or street drugs.
• Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Many medicines increase your chances of having seizures or other serious side effects if you take them while you are using WELLBUTRIN.

How should I take WELLBUTRIN?
• Take WELLBUTRIN exactly as prescribed by your doctor.
• Take WELLBUTRIN at the same time each day.
• Take your doses of WELLBUTRIN at least 6 hours apart.
• You may take WELLBUTRIN with or without food.
• If you miss a dose, do not take an extra tablet to make up for the dose you forgot. Wait and take your next tablet at the regular time. This is very important. Too much WELLBUTRIN can increase your chance of having a seizure.
• If you take too much WELLBUTRIN, or overdose, call your local emergency room or poison control center right away.
• Do not take any other medicines while using WELLBUTRIN unless your doctor has told you it is okay.
• It may take several weeks for you to feel that WELLBUTRIN is working. Once you feel better, it is important to keep taking WELLBUTRIN exactly as directed by your doctor. Call your doctor if you do not feel WELLBUTRIN is working for you.
• Do not change your dose or stop taking WELLBUTRIN without talking with your doctor first.

What should I avoid while taking WELLBUTRIN?
• Do not drink a lot of alcohol while taking WELLBUTRIN. If you usually drink a lot of alcohol, talk with your doctor before suddenly stopping. If you suddenly stop drinking alcohol, you may increase your risk of having seizures.
• Do not drive a car or use heavy machinery until you know how WELLBUTRIN affects you. WELLBUTRIN can impair your ability to perform these tasks.

What are possible side effects of WELLBUTRIN?
WELLBUTRIN can cause serious side effects. Read this entire Medication Guide for more information about these serious side effects.
The most common side effects of WELLBUTRIN are nervousness, constipation, trouble sleeping, dry mouth, headache, nausea, vomiting, and shakiness (tremor).
If you have nausea, take your medicine with food. If you have trouble sleeping, do not take your medicine too close to bedtime.
These are not all the side effects of WELLBUTRIN. For a complete list, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

How should I store WELLBUTRIN?
• Store WELLBUTRIN at room temperature. Store out of direct sunlight. Keep WELLBUTRIN in its tightly closed bottle.

Budeprion -的SR(安非他酮)

开始:150毫克宝的QAM,增量。 3天后,最大:400毫克/天;信息:避免/减少酗酒;不削减/粉碎/咀嚼


开始:100毫克宝的QAM,增量。 100毫克/天qwk,分剂量投标;最高:400毫克/天;信息:避免/减少饮酒,不要剪切/粉碎/咀嚼








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· 盐酸安非他酮片WELLBUTR...
· 安非他酮缓释片|Wellbut...
· 怡诺思(盐酸文法拉辛缓...

