部分中文丙泊酚处方资料(仅供参考) 得普利麻 Diprivan 剂型/成分/包装 静脉注射乳剂 异丙酚;propofol 10mg/1ml 适应证 全麻诱导与维持加强监护病人接受机械通气时的镇静 用法与用量 成人: 全麻诱导:根据临床反应调整,年龄小于55岁者 2.0-2.5mg/kg。年龄更大者, 剂量需求可能减少。 全麻维持:根据麻醉需要调整 持续输注:通常4-12mg/kg/h; 重复单次注射:每次追加25-50mg。 加强监护期间镇静:剂量根据所需镇静深度调节,通常输注速度为0.3-4mg/kg/h。 儿童: 不建议作为ICU镇静使用于各年龄层的儿童。 麻醉:不建议用于3岁以下的儿童。根据临床反应调整剂量。通常诱导剂量约为2.5mg/kg,8岁以下者可能剂量更大。 ASA3级和4级的患儿应用较低的剂量。 维持:根据临床反应调整,通常输注速度为9-15mg/kg/h。 给药方式 可用5%葡萄糖溶液稀释,稀释浓度不应超过1:5。稀释液须无菌制备,在给药前配制,稀释液须在6小时内使用。 合并用药 使用得普利麻时,通常要辅助镇痛药。得普利麻也可用于辅助脊麻和硬外麻。得普利麻配合局部麻醉使用时,应使用较低的剂量 禁忌证 禁用于对得普利麻过敏者。 注意事项 得普利麻只能由接受过训练的麻醉医师或加强监护室医师给药,应备有维持呼吸道通畅的人工通气和供氧设备。在病人脱离监护前必须有足够的时间确认病人已完全恢复;对于心脏、呼吸道、肝脏或肾脏损害者,循环血容量不足及衰弱的病人,使用得普利麻应十分谨慎;脂肪代谢或状态异常者应十分小心地使用脂肪乳制剂,并应监测血脂水平。每1ml得普利麻含0.1g的脂肪。得普利麻不能用于孕妇。但在妊娠的前三个月中止妊娠时,有使用得普利麻的经验。 不良反应 低血压和短暂呼吸停止;注射部位可能出现局部疼痛。 ---------------------------------------------------- 【原产地英文商品名】PROPOFOL DS 10mg/ml 50mls/vial 30vials/box 【原产地英文药品名】PROPOFOL 【中文参考商品译名】 注:以下产品不同的规格和不同的价格,采购以咨询为准! ·异丙酚DS 10毫克/毫升 50毫升/瓶 30瓶/盒 ·异丙酚 10毫克/毫升 50毫升/瓶 20瓶/盒 ·异丙酚 10毫克/毫升 20毫升/瓶 5瓶/盒 ·异丙酚 10毫克/毫升 100毫升/瓶 10瓶/盒 【中文参考药品译名】异丙酚 【生产厂家中文参考译名】APP 【生产厂家英文名】APP
DIPRIVAN (PROPOFOL) Diprivan Information Diprivan is a popular medicine that is also widely known under the name of Propofol, as this medicine’s primary and active ingredient is the Propofol Injection. This medicine has proven itself to be highly effective in aiding in the decrease of nervousness and stress. Intake of this medicine is known to bring about a peaceful and relaxed state and in some cases it might even lead to a temporary lack of consciousness. Such a temporary lack of consciousness is sometimes necessary in order for the patient to undergo certain operations or some diagnosis examinations that his personal physician has to carry out. Diprivan Indications Diprivan is a powerful sedative-hypnotic medicine that can be used for both maintaining and/or inducting anesthesia. However, this medicine (Propofol) can also be used for some other purposes that have not been listed here. Diprivan Warnings Before you are administrated a dose of Diprivan, you should inform your personal healthcare provider if you have ever suffered or if you are currently suffering from at least one of the following medical conditions: Cardiac complications Wounds of the head Anomalous heartbeat Blood disorders Pregnancy or breast-feeding An abnormally high level of blood cholesterol Inflammation of the pancreas Fits or convulsions Allergic reactions to Diprivan, to any of its main ingredients, other medicines, foods, dyes or any other type of substances If you do have any of the medical conditions that have been listed here, you might not be allowed to start a treatment with Diprivan, or you might have to use (be administered) a lower dose of this medicine. Also, your personal healthcare provider should closely observe your medical condition while you are using this product. Although this medicine’s effects are known to usually appear a couple of hours after the drug has been administered, a prolonged use of this medicine might possibly affect your thought processes or your reflex mechanism. While you are following a treatment with Diprivan, you should try to avoid performing any activities that are known to require physical or mental alertness such as driving or operating complicated machinery (Accidents might be triggered by a potential lack of reflex). Diprivan Intake Guidelines Diprivan is an injection that is usually administered by an authorized healthcare provider intravenously. This injection should be administrated in a hospital, clinic or consultation room (in a place that is fully equipped). Before giving a dose of this medicine to a child, you should consult a pediatrician to see if any special medical conditions or treatment are necessary. If you are a regular smoker or if you regularly use alcohol based products (alcoholic beverages, cough syrups, etc) you should inform your personal physician of this even before you start using this medicine, because this conditions are known to sometimes harmfully interfere with the use of Diprivan. Diprivan Dosage Ask your personal physician to tell you the correct dose of Diprivan (Propofol) that you should take in, in order to get the maximum benefits from your treatment with this medicine. Do not alter this dose in any way without your personal physician’s consent. The correct dose of this medicine usually differs from one patient to another, as it is known to depend on several factors such as sex, age, body weight, general health condition, etc. Diprivan Overdose If you suspect that you are suffering from an overdose with this medicine you might be in need of immediate medical care. Alert your local poison control centre as soon as you can. Inform your personal physician at once. If necessary, go to the nearest emergency room, where you should receive the proper treatment for your condition. We have no information regarding the possible side effects that might be triggered by an overdose with Diprivan. Diprivan Missed Dose This medicine is regularly administered only when its effects are needed. Therefore, a missed dose of Diprivan is unlikely to occur. Diprivan Side Effects A prolonged treatment with Diprivan could trigger some unpleasant side effects. You should immediately alert your personal physician if you find yourself experiencing any of the following side effects: Skin inflammations and itchiness Uncontrolled muscle tremors Anomalous heartbeat Fits or convulsions Breathing complications Throat inflammation Temporary unconsciousness Acute inflammation or severe feelings of pain during injection of Diprivan Giddiness or slight pain are regularly experienced during an injection of Diprivan and they are not regularly treated (this is not necessary as they usually disappear in time). However, if these symptoms persist, or if they become unbearable you must stop using this medicine and alert your personal physician at once. Some other side effects (apart from the ones that have been listed here) might also result from a treatment with Diprivan. If you feel anything unusual or disturbing during or shortly after your treatment with this product you should immediately alert your personal physician. Diprivan Drug Reactions During your treatment with Diprivan you should avoid using the following medicines and substances as they are known to sometimes affect this drug’s regular effectiveness: Herbal products Pain Killers Sleeping pills or Barbiturates Psychotic and psychiatric medication Weight loss pills Stress releasing drugs or medication that treats insomnia Alcohol Ask for your doctor’s consent before taking any other drugs during a treatment with Diprivan.