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Neprinol AFD胶囊

2011-06-14 16:13:27  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:331  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: Eat Away Pulmonary Fibrosis Scar Tissue Pulmonary Fibrosis literally means lung (pulmonary) scarring (fibrosis). The lung scarring occurs in the tissue of the lung called the interstitium ...
关键字:Neprinol AFD胶囊
Eat Away Pulmonary Fibrosis Scar Tissue

Pulmonary Fibrosis literally means lung (pulmonary) scarring (fibrosis). The lung scarring occurs in the tissue of the lung called the interstitium, which supports the structures of the lung (air sacs/alveoli). There are an estimated 130-200 related diseases called Interstitial Lung Disease that are similar in characteristics and can result in scarring. Pulmonary Fibrosis causes the lung tissue to thicken and become stiff. Scarring inhibits oxygen from entering the blood stream.

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
When the cause of  Pulmonary Fibrosis is unknown it is called "idiopathic, " or Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. IPF is the most common form of Interstitial Lung Disease. Below is a summary of the prevalence of the disease:

  • The actual incidence is unknown. 
  • It is estimated that 50,000 new cases are diagnosed annually.
  • More than 200,000 people in the United States suffer from this disease.
  • There are at least 5,000,000 cases world wide.
  • It affects both men and women, with a slightly higher incidence in men.
  • The average onset age is 40-70 but the disease can occur at any age.
  • Although uncommon, IPF does occur in children and as young as 3 years of age. Interstitial Lung Disease has been diagnosed in children less than one year of age. 
  • At least forty thousand individuals die from this disease each year.
  • The number of new cases of Pulmonary Fibrosis has dramatically increased in recent years. This is primarily due to improved diagnostic procedures.
  • IPF has no specific geographical distribution; it is found in equal proportions in urban and rural environments. A history of smoking has been associated with an increased risk of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.

The disease varies from person to person. For some, the disease progresses slowly and gradually over months or years while for others there is a rapid progression. For others, it may stabilize for a period of time. The course is generally unpredictable.
William Wong N.D., Ph.D.
Member World Sports Medicine Hall of Fame.

Anti Fibrosis

Enzymes eat scar tissue and fibrosis. Fibrosis is scar tissue and most doctors learn in anatomy that it is fibrosis that eventually kills us all. Let me explain. As we age, which starts at 27, we have a diminishing of the body's output of enzymes. This is because we make a finite amount of enzymes in a lifetime and we use up a good deal of them by the time we reach our 40's (Cystic Fibrosis patients who have virtually no enzyme production to speak of, even as children usually don't make it past their 20's before they die of the restriction and shrinkage in the lungs from the formation of fibrosis or scar tissue).

So our body begins to dole out our enzymes with an eyedropper instead of with a tablespoon. Result: the repair mechanism of the body goes off balance and has nothing to reduce the over abundance of fibrin it deposits in nearly everything from simple cuts, to the inside of our internal organs and blood vessels. It is then when most women begin to develop things like fibrocystic breast disease, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis. We all grow arterial sclerotic (meaning scar tissue) plaque, and have fibrin begin to spider web its way inside of our internal organs, reducing their size and function over time. This is why as we age our wounds heal with thicker, less pliable, weaker and very visible scars.

If we replace the lost enzymes, we can control and reduce the amount of scar tissue and fibrosis our bodies have. As physicians in the US are now discovering, even old scar tissue can be "eaten away" from surgical wounds, pulmonary fibrosis, and kidney fibrosis even colloid years after their formation. Medical doctors in Europe and Asia have known this and used orally administered enzymes for such for over 40 years! 
Pulmonary Fibrosis Question
"Seeking advice for a dear friend that has pulmonary fibrosis and is currently using Vitalzym. He shared with me last week that his latest test showed his heart function was up from 35% to 40%. Would Neprinol be more productive for him? And if so can you share with me the benefits that it would bring him. Many thanks N."

The heart normally beats between 60 and 100 times per minute, with many normal variations. For example, athletes at rest have slower heart rates than most people. The normal delay between the contraction of the atria and of the ventricles is 0.12 to 0.20 seconds. Pulmonary fibrosis causes an inflammation and scarring of the air sacs called alveoli, in the lungs. This reduces the ability of the lungs to transfer oxygen. The resulting lack of oxygen in the blood (hypoxemia) may cause increases in the pressure inside the blood vessels of the lungs, a situation known as pulmonary hypertension. The high blood pressure in the lungs then puts a strain on the right ventricle, the lower right side of the heart, which pumps the oxygen-poor blood into the lungs.

In my opinion the situation may be getting worse. Vitalzym may have slowed the condition, but increased heart function may be an indication that the heart is having to work harder to transfer blood and oxygen throughout the body. Neprinol unlike Vitalzym lessens the viscosity of blood by carrying the active enzyme Nattokinase. Nattokinase reduces the blood viscosity and cleans the blood reducing stress on the heart. In addition Nattokinase is one of the best enzymes to remove scar tissue. Serrapeptase is also a very good scar tissue removing enzyme. Nattokinase and Serrapeptase work independently in two distinct ways to remove scar tissue from the body. This synergistic effect coupled with the fact the Vitalzym is not nearly as concentrated as Neprinol conveys a clear choice for fibrosis patients. Vitalzym will work in less extreme cases but requires many times the dosage and the supplementation of VitalzymSEB to get the potency of just one bottle of Neprinol.

"What oxygen is to the lungs, such is hope to the meaning of life."- Emil Brunner

NEPRINOL is composed of Pharmaceutical-grade ingredients, provided exclusively through licensed healthcare practitioners and supplementation outlet stores. NEPRINOL?is 100% natural and contains no animal derivatives it is available now without a prescription.

Neprinol is safe to use with all supplements and all prescription medication except for prescription blood-thinners and anticoagulants such as Coumadin and Heparin.

Reduce scar tissue buildup and fibrosis with Neprinol.

We also highly recommend SerraEzyme and Clear Lungs Extra Strength for the treatment of fibrosis and scar tissue to be used in combination with Neprinol.

Neprinol contains 15,000 (FUs) 

Reduce scar tissue buildup, fibrosis, arthritic conditions, pain swelling inflammation and hundreds of other ailments. NEPRINOL's product formulation is more complete and essential than a daily vitamins.


Supplement Facts

Serving Size One Capsule 15,000 FU (500mg) 


Amount Per Serving

% Daily Value

Neprinol Blend: 500mg

SEBkinase Systemic and Lipolytic Enzyme Blend:

(NattoSEB (USP Grade Nattokinase),

Peptizyme SP (USP Grade Serratiopeptidase), Lipase) 

Neprinol Protease Blend:

(Microbial proteases derived

From (A. oryzae, B. subtilis and Serratia)) 

Neprinol Enzyme and Cofactor Blend:

(Amla, Papain, Bromelain, Rutin, Ubiquinone

(USP Grade Coenzyme Q10)) 











*Daily Value not  established



Now Available 
NEPRINOL AFD the world's first systemic blend with over 11 pharmaceutical grade components and the purest form of Serrapeptase, Nattokinase and Co-Q10 available.  NEPRINOL AFD is the highest potency systemic enzyme blend in the world.  Several years of scientific research and clinical studies have been conducted on each and every component that makes up NEPRINOL. For the first time ever you can get all of these enzymes in one powerful product.
Anti-Aging Advancement
NEPRINOL the most scientifically advanced broad-spectrum enzyme blend available.  NEPRINOL uses SEBkinase AFD a proprietary blend of enzymes with Serrapeptase, Nattokinase and Co-Q10 that enhance cardiovascular health as well as aid in defending the body against hundreds of other conditions.

Advanced Fibrin Defense
(All Products are hypoallergenic & 100% Soy free)

Dr. Recommended NEPRINOL AFD

NEPRINOL AFD is the most scientifically advanced broad spectrum enzyme blend available. NEPRINOL AFD uses individually enterically coated enzymes to increase pH range and resistance to stomach acid. NEPRINOL AFD is the first systemic blend with 100% pharmaceutical grade components and the purest form of Serrapeptase, Nattokinase and Co-Q10 available. Several years of scientific research and clinical studies have been conducted on each and every component that makes up NEPRINOL AFD. For the first time ever, you can get all of these enzymes in one powerful product.

Even healthy adults can reduce the risk of heart attack by taking fibrinolytic enzymes such as Nattokinase and Serrapeptase. These enzymes can substantially lower C- Reactive Protein levels, an inflammation marker linked to heart attack.  A clinical trial involving 18,000  healthy patients with normal cholesterol, found that elevated levels of CRP were associated with a threefold increase in the risk of heart attack.  Unlike taking daily aspirin, NEPRINOL AFD thins the blood by removing unwanted debris. NEPRINOL AFD  has no gastrointestinal side effects, and does not put stress on the liver. As little as 3 pills per day may greatly reduce the risk of heart attack. For those already affected by heart disease, fibrinolytic enzymes have the amazing ability to emulsify arterial plaque, remove scar tissue, and lower LDL cholesterol throughout the body. Nattokinase has been clinically tested to remove arterial blockages 60% faster than the body's natural fibrinolytic enzyme plasmin.  The addition of Serrapeptase allows NEPRINOL AFD to fight inflammation and cardiovascular blockages in 2 distinct ways.

How to choose an enzyme blend
Not all enzyme blends are created equal. There are a handful of enzyme formulations that actually work. The formulators of NEPRINOL?/SUP> AFD have created some of the best enzyme products available.  Enzyme potency is measured by activity levels.  When enzymes are added to liquid they become active. Simply adding more mg of enzymes does not necessarily make the product stronger.  Activity levels are measured by "FU's" or fibrinolytic units. With most enzyme blends, typical serving size is 1-2 capsules, providing an average of 1,000 - 2,000 FU's. NEPRINOL AFD provides 15,000 FU's per serving, yielding 133% higher activity levels. When choosing an enzyme look carefully for FU's rather than mg per serving.

NEPRINOL AFD taking enzymes to a new level

NEPRINOL AFD contains the three main ingredients that you will need to reinforce your body's own enzymes, and effectively rebalance inflammatory response. Serrapeptase to break down fibrin within the body and modulate the immune system, Nattokinase to improve cardio-vascular health and help eat away arterial plaque, and finally CO-Q10 regarded as one of the most potent and effective antioxidants available.  CO-Q10 will fight free radicals and aid in reducing stress on the heart. 

***Do not take NEPRINOL without the consent of your physician if you are currently taking anti-coagulants or you are pregnant or lactating (as these subjects have not yet been tested).


It's amazing that one product can provide benefits for so many different things. By replenishing the body's source of enzymes we are providing one of the most essential and basic biochemical needs. NEPRINOL AFD has been used by people suffering from: arthritis, joint problems, poor circulation, weak immune systems, sports and work injuries, and Much More.

Why do I need enzymes?
As we age enzyme production is radically diminished. These enzymes are needed to maintain a strong immune system, healthy joints, good circulation and overall balanced reaction to injury. The older we get the need for enzyme production increases while the amount of usable enzymes in our bodies is gradually depleted. Enzyme deficiency can lead to wide variety of health problems. NEPRINOL AFD contains 100% vegetable derived enzymes. These enzymes are biochemically more effective than our bodies own natural enzymes. Supplementation with NEPRINOL AFD along with proper diet and exercise can greatly reduce vulnerability to a wide range of health concerns.

What are "systemic" enzymes?
Systemic enzymes are greatly different from digestive enzymes that do most of their work in the stomach and intestine. NEPRINOL AFD uses individually enterically coated enzymes. Enterically coated enzymes pass safely through the stomach and digestive tract and are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream in their natural state. Enzymes are completely universal in that they react differently depending on how they are introduced to the body. Enteric coating allows these enzymes to work systemically or throughout the entire body. NEPRINOL AFD uses a highly advanced delivery system that ensures enzymes are delivered to all of your tissue and organs in their pristine state.

How does NEPRINOL AFD work?
NEPRINOL AFD contains a blend of proteolytic or protein digesting enzymes. Some proteins can be harmful to joints, organs, tissue and can increase our vulnerability to certain viruses. NEPRINOL瓵FD's blend of proteolytic enzymes, emulsify and breakdown these harmful proteins before they can do harm.

Clinical studies have found that systemic enzymes such as NEPRINOL AFD have no serious adverse side effects even in extremely large doses. If you are taking blood-thinning medication, you should consult with your physician before taking NEPRINOL AFD.
注:该产品为美国BIOMEDIC LABS公司生产的保健品

【原产地英文商品名】Neprinol AFD 500MG x 300Capsules
【原产地英文药品名】Neprinol AFD
·Neprinol AFD 500毫克x300胶囊
·Neprinol AFD 500毫克x150胶囊
【中文参考药品译名】Neprinol AFD
【生产厂家中文参考译名】美国BIOMEDIC LABS公司





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· Neprinol AFD胶囊
· 富硒肽白蛋白粉
· 藏芝宝灵芝虫草胶囊
· 康爱芝宝(灵芝康葆胶囊)
· 泰山灵芝破壁孢子粉
· 麦特消
· 纯灵芝胶囊
· 纯灵芝胶囊
· 灵芝虫草胶囊
· 灵芝虫草胶囊

