罗匹尼罗副作用;别名:罗平尼咯、累匹利洛、SKF-101468;罗匹尼罗适应症: 1.适用于治疗帕金森病。 2.单独用于治疗帕金森病。 3.与左旋多巴合用可控制“开-关”现象,并可减少左旋多巴总用量。;罗匹尼罗药理学作用:本品是一种非麦角的多巴胺D2-激动剂。作用类似溴隐亭。单用或与左旋多巴合用治疗帕金森病。能显著缩短“关”的时间,改善UP-DRS运动评分,减少左旋多巴的需求量(约20%)。
分类名称 一级分类:神经系统药物 二级分类:抗帕金森病药 三级分类:作用于多巴胺能受体的药物 药品英文名 Ropinirole 药品别名 罗平尼咯、累匹利洛、罗平尼咯、SKF-101468 药物剂型 片剂:0.25mg,1mg,2mg,0.5mg,2.5mg。 药理作用 本品是一种非麦角的多巴胺D2-激动剂。作用类似溴隐亭。单用或与左旋多巴合用治疗帕金森病。能显著缩短“关”的时间,改善UP-DRS运动评分,减少左旋多巴的需求量(约20%)。 药动学 本品口服后迅速被吸收,1.5h可达血药峰值。食物可能减慢其速度。生物利用度约为50%,蛋白结合率为10%~40%。本品主要通过P450CYP1A2代谢,代谢物随尿排出。平均消除t1/2约为6h。 适应证 1.适用于治疗帕金森病。 2.单独用于治疗帕金森病。 3.与左旋多巴合用可控制“开-关”现象,并可减少左旋多巴总用量。 禁忌证 1.对本品过敏者和哺乳者禁用。 2.肝功能不全或严重肾功能不全者禁用。 注意事项 1.参见溴隐亭。 2.合用左旋多巴时,必须仔细确定左旋多巴最合适的剂量,并注意个体化。 不良反应 1.最常见的不良反应是恶心、嗜睡、下肢水肿、腹痛、呕吐和惊厥。偶见症状性低血压和心动过缓。 2.轻至中度肾功能损害患者(肌酐清除率每分钟30~50ml)或肝功能损害,无需调整剂量。 用法用量 成人通常开始口服750μg,3次分服,进餐时服药更好。继后隔周增加每天750μg,直至达到最佳疗效,通常每天在3~9mg范围内。如合用左旋多巴,本品可能需要使用较高的剂量。每天用量不可超过24mg。 药物相应作用 1.神经安定药和其他具有中枢活性的多巴胺拮抗剂如舒必利或甲氧氯普胺,可降低罗匹尼罗的作用,应避免与此类药物合用。 2.罗匹尼罗与细胞色素P450酶CYP1A2的底物(如茶碱)或抑制剂(如环丙沙星、氟伏沙明和西咪替丁)合用时,应减少用量;停用上述药物时,应适当增加剂量。 3.高剂量雌激素可提高罗匹尼罗的血浆浓度,而对接受激素替代治疗(HRT)的患者,罗匹尼罗有相同的变化。因此,如罗匹尼罗治疗期间,开始或停止HRT,均需作剂量调整。 专家点评 该药适用于治疗特发性帕金森病,也可单独用于治疗帕金森病,但临床效果不肯定。
What is Requip (Ropinirole Hcl )?
Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) has some of the same effects as a chemical called dopamine, which occurs naturally in your body. Low levels of dopamine in the brain are associated with Parkinson's disease.Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) is used to treat symptoms of Parkinson's disease, such as stiffness, tremors, muscle spasms, and poor muscle control. Requip (Ropinirole Hcl ) is also used to treat restless legs syndrome (RLS).Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Important information about Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) may cause you to fall asleep during normal daytime activities such as working, talking, eating, or driving. You may fall asleep suddenly, even after feeling alert. Tell your doctor if you have any problems with daytime sleepiness or drowsiness. If you are unsure of how this medicine will affect you, be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be awake and alert.You may have increased sexual urges, unusual urges to gamble, or other intense urges while taking this medication. Talk with your doctor if you believe you have any intense or unusual urges while taking Requip (Ropinirole Hcl).Do not share this medication with another person, even if they have the same symptoms you do. Avoid drinking alcohol, which can increase some of the side effects of Requip (Ropinirole Hcl). Cold or allergy medicine, narcotic pain medicine, sleeping pills, muscle relaxers, and medicine for seizures, depression or anxiety can add to sleepiness caused by Requip (Ropinirole Hcl ). Tell your doctor if you regularly use any of these other medicines.Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) may cause hallucinations (the sensation of hearing or seeing something that is not there), most commonly among elderly people. Call your doctor if you experience hallucinations.Do not stop using Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) or change your dose without first talking to your doctor. You may have side effects such as fever, muscle stiffness, and confusion if you stop the medication suddenly or if you change doses.Some people taking medicines for Parkinson's disease have developed skin cancer (melanoma). However, people with Parkinson's disease may have a higher risk than most people for developing melanoma. Talk to your doctor about your specific risk and what skin symptoms to watch for. You may need to have regular skin exams. Before taking Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) may cause you to fall asleep during normal daytime activities such as working, talking, eating, or driving. You may fall asleep suddenly, even after feeling alert. Tell your doctor if you have any problems with daytime sleepiness or drowsiness. If you are unsure of how this medicine will affect you, be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be awake and alert. You should not use Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) if you are allergic to ropinirole.If you have certain conditions, you may need a dose adjustment or special tests to safely take this medication. Before you take this medication, tell your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs, or if you have:heart disease;high or low blood pressure;mental illness or compulsive behaviors;kidney disease;liver disease; orif you smoke.You may have increased sexual urges, unusual urges to gamble, or other intense urges while taking Requip (Ropinirole Hcl). It is not known whether the medicine actually causes this effect. Talk with your doctor if you believe you have any intense or unusual urges while taking Requip (Ropinirole Hcl).Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) may reduce breast milk production. Do not take Requip (Ropinirole Hcl ) without telling your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby. Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) may cause hallucinations (the sensation of hearing or seeing something that is not there), most commonly among elderly people. Call your doctor if you experience hallucinations.Some people taking medicines for Parkinson's disease have developed skin cancer (melanoma). However, people with Parkinson's disease may have a higher risk than most people for developing melanoma. Talk to your doctor about your specific risk and what skin symptoms to watch for. You may need to have regular skin exams. How should I take Requip (Ropinirole Hcl)? Take Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) exactly as it was prescribed for you. Do not take the medication in larger amounts, or take it for longer than recommended by your doctor. Follow the directions on your prescription label.The dose and timing of Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) in treating Parkinson's disease is different from the dose and timing in treating RLS.You may receive Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) in a starting kit that has each pill marked with the day you should take it. Do not mix these pills up because they each contain different amounts of Requip (Ropinirole Hcl). The pills must be taken in order so that you gradually receive higher doses of the medication.You may have a brief increase in side effects whenever your dose is changed.Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) can be taken with or without food. Taking the medicine with food may help prevent nausea, which is a common side effect of Requip (Ropinirole Hcl). It may take several weeks or months of using this medicine before your symptoms improve. For best results, keep using the medication as directed. Do not stop taking Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) suddenly or change your doses, or you could have unpleasant withdrawal symptoms such as fever, muscle stiffness, and confusion. Talk to your doctor about how to avoid withdrawal symptoms when stopping the medication. Do not share this medication with another person, even if they have the same symptoms you do. Store Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) at room temperature away from moisture and heat. What happens if I miss a dose? Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take the medicine at the next regularly scheduled time. Do not take extra medicine to make up the missed dose. What happens if I overdose? Seek emergency medical attention if you think you have used too much of this medicine.Overdose symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, weakness, fainting, agitation, confusion, hallucinations, muscle twitching, tingly feeling, and chest pain. What should I avoid while taking Requip (Ropinirole Hcl)? Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) can cause side effects that may impair your thinking or reactions. Be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be awake and alert. Avoid smoking, which can make Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) less effective. Avoid drinking alcohol. It can increase some of the side effects of Requip (Ropinirole Hcl).Avoid getting up too fast from a sitting or lying position, or you may feel dizzy. Get up slowly and steady yourself to prevent a fall.
Side effects of Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects:feeling like you might pass out;fever, stiff muscles, confusion, sweating, fast or uneven heartbeats (especially if you stop taking Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) or use a lower dose);hallucinations;tremors (uncontrolled shaking); ortight feeling in your chest, trouble breathing.Call your doctor promptly if you fall asleep during a daily activity, if you faint, or if you have hallucinations (hearing or seeing something that is not there). Your doctor may want you to stop taking Requip (Ropinirole Hcl), or take a lower dose. Less serious Requip (Ropinirole Hcl) side effects may occur, such as:mild nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, or loss of appetite;worsened RLS symptoms early in the morning;diarrhea or constipation;dry mouth, sweating;headache;dizziness, drowsiness;sleep problems (insomnia); oragitation or anxiety.
What other drugs will affect Requip (Ropinirole Hcl)? Cold or allergy medicine, narcotic pain medicine, sleeping pills, muscle relaxers, and medicine for seizures, depression or anxiety can add to sleepiness caused by Requip (Ropinirole Hcl). Tell your doctor if you regularly use any of these other medicines, or any other Parkinson's medications. Before taking Requip (Ropinirole Hcl), tell your doctor if you are using any of the following drugs:levodopa;ciprofloxacin (Cipro);fluvoxamine (Luvox);metoclopramide (Reglan);omeprazole (Prilosec);a medication used to treat nausea and vomiting or mental illness, such as chlorpromazine (Thorazine), fluphenazine (Prolixin), mesoridazine (Serentil), perphenazine (Trilafon), thioridazine (Mellaril), promazine (Sparine), trifluoperazine (Stelazine), thiothixene (Navane), or haloperidol (Haldol); or an estrogen such as Premarin, Prempro, Estratest, Ogen, Estraderm, Climara, Vivelle, estradiol, and others.
FDA已批准Requip(商品名:雷奎普;通用名:ropinirole[罗平尼咯]),用于治疗中度到重度的多动腿综合症[Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)]。该药曾于1997年首次被批准用于帕金森病。 多动腿综合症,是一种影响10%人口的病况。这种失调的特征表现为一种要活动腿的强烈欲望,通常伴有腿感觉不适或者由腿感觉不适所引起。对于患有该病况的人群,这些症状在休息或不活动期间开始或者恶化,并在某程度上或者完全通过活动来减轻。这些症状,仅在黄昏或者夜里典型恶化或发生,并能干扰睡眠。
在诊断为患有中度到重度RLS的成人中进行的三个随机双盲安慰剂对照研究中,Requip被发现对RLS有效。这些研究使用国际RLS等级(International Restless Leg Syndrome Scale)来测量该药的有效性。国际RLS等级是一种患者分级方法,用于测量RLS的各个方面,包括肌肉运动与不适的严重性、睡眠干扰、情绪、以及对生活质量的全部影响。临床整体评估-整体改善(Clinical Global Impression-Global Improvement)等级也被用于这些研究中。这是调查者在治疗后对改善状况的等级评分。所有三个试验中,证实了接受Requip的治疗组和安慰剂组之间存在统计学上的显著差异。
