部分中文雷诺考特处方资料(仅供参考) 【通用名】布地奈德鼻喷雾剂 【商品名】雷诺考特/Rhinocort 【英文名】Budesonide Nasal Spray 【主要成份】布地奈德 【分子式】C25H34O6 【分子量】430.5 【性状】本品为白色至类白色粘稠混悬液。 【药理毒理】 药理: 布地奈德是一种具有高效局部抗炎作用的糖皮质激素。 糖皮质激素在鼻炎治疗中的确切机制尚不完全清楚。糖皮质激素的抗炎作用,如抑制炎性介质的释放和抑制细胞因子介导的免疫反应可能在其中起重要作用。以对糖皮质激素受体的亲和力大小来比较,布地奈德的活性比泼尼松龙高约15倍。 预防性使用布地奈德对鼻刺激引起的嗜酸性细胞迁移和过敏反应有保护作用。 使用推荐剂量的本品,患者的基础血浆皮质醇水平及对ACTH刺激的反应不发 【药代动力学】 吸收 相对于标示的每喷剂量,本品中布地奈德的全身利用度为33%。 在临床剂量,药代动力学是与剂量成比例的。在成人,用本品喷入布地奈德256μg后,血药峰浓度为0.64nmol/L,在0.7小时内达峰,其成人AUC(曲线下面积)为2.7nmol·h/L,在儿童为5.5nmol·h 【适应症】季节性和常年性的过敏性鼻炎、血管运动性鼻炎;预防鼻息肉切除后鼻息肉的再生,对症治疗鼻息肉。 【用法用量】 剂量应个体化。 鼻炎 成人及6岁以上儿童: 推荐起始剂量为一日256μg,此剂量可于早晨一次喷入或早晚分二次喷入。 即:早晨每个鼻孔内喷入128μg(2X64μg);或早晚两次,每次每个鼻孔内喷入64μg。 一日用量超过256μg,未见作用增 【不良反应】 约5%的患者会发生局部刺激的不良反应。 常见(>1/100):气道:局部刺激、轻微的血性分泌物、鼻出血。 少见(<1/1000):全身:血管性水肿 皮肤:荨麻疹、皮疹、皮炎、瘙痒。 气道:鼻中隔穿孔和粘膜溃疡 速发或迟发的过敏反应,包括荨麻疹 【禁忌】对布地奈德或处方中任一成份有过敏史者。 【注意事项】 长期使用高剂量,可能发生糖皮质激素的全身作用如:皮质醇增多症、肾上腺抑制和/或儿童生长迟缓。鼻腔用类固醇对儿童的长期作用尚未建立。使用含皮质激素的药品可导致生长迟缓。对长期接受皮质类固醇治疗的儿童和青少年,无论所用药品为何种剂型,都建议定期监测他们 【孕妇及哺乳期用药】 孕妇 来自孕妇的临床经验有限。与其它糖皮质激素一样,在动物试验中,布地奈德引起各种类型的畸形(腭裂、骨骼畸形)。但是,动物实验的资料与人的关联性尚未显现。在获得更多的经验前,孕妇不应使用本品,除非有特别的考虑。 哺乳期 尚不知布地 【儿童用药】6岁以下儿童使用本品的经验有限。 【老年患者用药】老年患者用量与成人相同。 【药物相互作用】 口服酮康唑200mg一日一次平均增加同时口服的布地奈德(3mg单剂)的血药浓度6倍。 在给布地奈德12小时后给予酮康唑,布地奈德的血药浓度平均增加3倍。尚无鼻用布地奈德发生这种相互作用的报道,但可以预期其血药浓度明显增加。因缺乏鼻用布地奈德与酮康唑合用时 【药物过量】 本品急性过量,即使用大的剂量,也不会产生临床上的问题。若长期大剂量使用,可出现糖皮质激素的全身性作用如皮质醇增多症和肾上腺抑制。 【贮藏】不超过30℃,不可冷冻。 【有效期】24个月 【生产企业】AstraZeneca AB
Rhinocort Nasal Spray The Side Effects of Rhinocort Nasal Spray Rhinocort nasal spray is a steroid-based nasal spray that has been widely used for many years. Rhinocort is prescribed for nasal congestion due to seasonal and year-round allergies. Like all medications, Rhinocort has possible side effects and warnings associated with its use. Users must decide for themselves if the benefits of Rhinocort nasal spray outweigh the risks. The Facts Rhinocort nasal spray is known by the generic name budesonide and contains a steroid designed to prevent inflammation of the respiratory system due to allergies. It comes in a manual pump with metered sprays in two dosage levels--32 mcg or 64 mcg per spray. Rhinocort nasal spray was approved by the Food and Drug Administration and placed on the market in 1999. It is used by millions of Americans who have nasal allergies. Benefits Rhinocort nasal spray treats congestion, runny nose and sneezing. It can also prevent new nasal polyps after polyp removal surgery. Rhinocort is prescribed in different amounts based on the severity of allergies. While it begins relieving symptoms within 24 to 48 hours, Rhinocort nasal spray reaches maximum effectiveness after approximately two weeks of use. Experts at International Drug Mart add, "Lifestyle changes, such as stress reduction programs, exercise and dietary changes, may increase the effectiveness of this medication." Like all steroidal medications, Rhinocort lowers blood cell levels that fight infection. Exposure to illnesses, such as chicken pox or measles, can be serious or even fatal to patients taking Rhinocort. As a steroid, Rhinocort can also inhibit growth, so juvenile patients should be closely monitored. Despite its inhibition of growth, Rhinocort is safe for use during pregnancy, but its effects on breast milk have not been thoroughly studied. Long-term use of steroidal medications, including Rhinocort nasal spray, can also cause thinning of the skin, bruising, changes in body fat distribution, facial hair, acne, menstrual issues, impotence and/or lack of interest in sex. Effects Experts at International Drug Mart say the side effects of Rhinocort "are most likely to be minor and temporary." The most serious side effects include allergic reactions, ongoing or severe nosebleeds, sores in or around the nose that don't heal, breathing difficulties, vision problems, fever and chills, body aches, flu-like symptoms and nasal pain. Less serious side effects include dry or sore throat, cough, nasal irritation, burning or irritation of the throat, throat swelling or itching, and sores or white patches around the nose. Experts at the Drugs website advise, "To be sure Rhinocort is not causing harmful effects on your nose or sinuses, your doctor may want to check your progress on a regular basis." Warning In addition to side effects, Rhinocort nasal spray interacts with a wide variety of drugs, nutritional supplements and even foods. Among the drugs that interact with Rhinocort are medications for seizures, depression, HIV, heart problems, stomach problems, fungal infections and common antibiotics. Grapefruit juice and St. John's wort also interact with Rhinocort nasal spray, increasing its potency and causing heavy sedation. 附件:
 --------------------------------------------------------------- 产地国家: 美国 原产地英文商品名: RHINOCORT AQUA NASAL SPRAY 32MCG/DOSE 120DOSES/BOTTLE 原产地英文药品名: BUDESONIDE 中文参考商品译名: 雷诺考特 AQUA 喷鼻剂 32微克/剂 120剂/瓶 中文参考药品译名: 布地奈德 生产厂家中文参考译名: 阿斯利康 生产厂家英文名: ASTRAZENECA
