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佳乐施经济袋(Gelofusine Eco Bag 500ml/bag)

2012-12-16 22:12:34  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:214  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 部分中文Gelofusine Eco Bag处方资料(仅供参考)佳乐施(Gelofusine)是一种琥珀酰明胶类血浆代用品,用于急性失血性休克的治疗.在不影响机体正常生理功能前提下,使用血浆代用品,能够较好维持循环血容量 ...

部分中文Gelofusine Eco Bag处方资料(仅供参考)
Indications As a colloid volume replacement in hypovolaemia, for haemodilution, in an extracorporeal circulation system (heart-lung machine, artificial kidney), as prophylaxis against a possible hypotension following spinal or epidural anaesthesia and as a vehicle for insulin infusions (to prevent losses of insulin by absorption into containers and infusion tubing).
In the context of the replacement of specific components following blood loss, it is generally possible to avoid giving red cells until the losses amount to 20% of the total blood volume.
If more than 2000-3000 mL of Gelofusine B Braun are infused pre- and intraoperatively, it is recommended that the serum protein concentration will be checked postoperatively, especially if there are signs of tissue oedema. Under certain circumstances (eg, septic shock, where there may be a need for specific globulins) a human albumen preparation may be the appropriate choice for further volume expansion.
Gelofusine B Braun has no effect on blood coagulation or on renal function, even in large doses (up to 15 L in 24 hrs as part of massive transfusions). Particularly in cases of massive transfusion is it important to avoid disturbances of coagulation, other than those caused by a simple dilution effect.

The simultaneous administration of blood through the same infusion set is possible.
The low calcium content does not cause any coagulation of the citrated blood.
The solution is administered IV. The duration and quantity of the infusion is to be determined individually on the basis of pulse, blood pressure, peripheral perfusion and diuresis. In cases of less severe blood or plasma losses, or as prophylaxis pre- and intraoperatively, it is usually sufficient to give 500-1000 mL over 1-3 hrs. For volume replacement and maintenance in shock it may be necessary to give 10-15 L within 24 hrs. (The haematocrit should not fall below 25% or in elderly patients better not below 30%, and coagulation disorders caused by dilution should be avoided.)Further Notes: Gelofusine B Braun is effective in maintaining blood volume, but does not adequately replace protein
deficiencies associated with blood or plasma losses.
Tolerance is unknown.     
Overdosage In case of overdose, problems can arise from haemodilutional effects of Gelofusine and they have to be treated accordingly to their nature.
Circulatory overload. Previous anaphylactoid reactions after administration.
Special Precautions In heart failure there is a possibility of circulatory overload, in which case the infusion should be given slowly.
Caution in cases of overhydration, renal failure, haemorrhagic diatheses, pulmonary oedema, sodium or potassium deficiency and known hypersensitivity to components of the solution.
Use in pregnancy & lactation: Pregnancy Category C: There is little information on the administration of Gelofusine B Braun to pregnant or lactating women. No embryotoxic effect has, however, hitherto been observed, but there is a little risk of severe anaphylactoid reactions. Under these circumstances this preparation should only be prescribed when the potential advantage outweighs the potential risk to the foetus.
Side Effects
Severe anaphylactoid reactions following infusions of Gelofusine B Braun have been observed. The incidence is between 1 in 6000 and 1 in 13,000. Such reactions are caused by the release of vasoactive substances, and appear to occur with greater frequency and withgreaterseverity in patients with known allergies.
Treatment: The Gelofusine infusion should be stopped immediately. Further treatment depends on the severity of the anaphylactoid reaction: Alternative volume replacements; elevation of the legs administration of oxygen; immediate administration of adrenaline parenterally (eg, 0.5-1 mL of adrenaline 1:1000 IM, repeated if necessary, every 15 min, or 5-10 mL of adrenaline 1:10,000 slowly IV); administration of high-dose corticosteroids (eg,prednisolone 250-1000 mg); antihistamines (eg, chlorpheniramine 10-20 mg slowly IV); calcium (caution in patients being treated with cardiac glycosides); observation and treatment of the metabolic acidosis.
Drug Interactions
During Gelofusine B Braun infusions the results of the following clinical chemistry tests may be unreliable:Blood sugar, ESR, specific gravity of urine, protein, Biuret, fatty acids, cholesterol, fructose, sorbitol dehydrogenase.
Incompatibilities: Although electrolyte and carbohydrate solutions may be given together through the same cannula as the Gelofusine B Braun solution, this is not permitted for fat emulsions.
The simultaneous administration of blood through the same infusion set is possible. The addition of drugs in aqueous solution (eg, vasoactive drugs, barbiturates, muscle relaxants, corticosteroids and antibiotics) is generally possible but not recommended.
Store at room temperature below 25°C.
Any container which has been pierced should be used within 4 hrs. Cloudy solutions should be discarded.Shelf-Life: 5 years.
Gelofusine B Braun is a plasma substitute of succinylated gelatin solution (modified fluid gelatin).
Mechanism of Action
Pharmacology: Gelofusine B Braun is an isotonic sterile and pyrogen-free 4% solution of succinylated gelatin. It has a volume effect comparable to the volume infused, and therefore does not have an intrinsic volume expander effect.
The infusion of Gelofusine B Braun increases the plasma volume. This produces an increase in venous return, cardiac output, arterial blood pressure and peripheral perfusion. The osmotic diuresis induced by Gelofusine B Braun has a substantial effect on the maintenance of renal function in shock.
The combination of the following effects of a Gelofusine B Braun infusion produces an improved oxygen supply to the tissues:
Haemodilution with Gelofusine B Braun which has a relative viscosity similar to plasma, reduces the relative viscosity of the blood. Inaddition,negativechangesinthemicrocirculation are reversed, at least in part.
The overall result is a considerably improved pattern of blood flow with an increased cardiac output.Gelofusine B Braun infusion reduces the haematocrit and thereby the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. However, the reduction in blood viscosity and the positive changes in the microcirculation reduce the workload of the heart, so that the cardiac output can be increased without any increase in myocardial oxygen consumption. The overall effect of the Gelofusine B Braun infusion, taking into account this increase in cardiac output, is to increase the oxygen transport (if the haematocrit does not sink below about 25% or in elderly patients better not below 30 %).
Furthermore, the colloid osmotic properties of Gelofusine B Braun prevent or reduce the possibility of interstitial oedema, which may limit the oxygen supply to the tissues.
If there is a peripheral oxygen deficit, the release of oxygen from the haemoglobin is increased, with a useful effect on the total oxygen supply to the tissues.
Pharmacokinetics: Gelofusine B Braun has been shown to have a multi-phase elimination curve from the blood circulation, with a half-life of about 9 hrs (determined by a graphical technique) and a volume effect of about 5 hrs.
It appears that some 75% of the infused succinylated gelatin molecules are excreted through the kidneys and about 15%inthefaeces.Inanimalexperiments,retentioninthereticuloendothelial system for 24-48 hrs has been demonstrated.
The fraction which is not directly excreted is broken down by proteolysis. This breakdown process is so effective that there is no accumulation even in renal failure.
The dose administered is always determined by the goal of an adequate circulation. This applies even when renal excretion is reduced.
产地国家: 英国
Gelofusine Eco Bag 500ml/bag
佳乐施经济袋 500毫升/袋





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