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FERTILOVIT F 35 plus Kapseln

2014-12-24 21:08:56  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:126  文字大小:【】【】【
简介:FERTILOVIT F 35 plus Kapseln 女性受孕的膳食补充剂Pka-Vertriebs GmbH PZN: 07677384Packung: 90 ST DetailsFertility vitamins for women.Preconceptional supplement with 800 µg folic acid, B-v ...

FERTILOVIT F 35 plus Kapseln  女性受孕的膳食补充剂
Pka-Vertriebs GmbH
PZN: 07677384
Packung: 90 ST

Fertility vitamins for women.
Preconceptional supplement with 800 µg folic acid, B-vitamins, iron, iodine. Sustained vitamin C - release.
What is Fertilovit® F?
Fertilovit® F is a dietary supplement specifically designed by fertility experts to meet the requirements of women who wish to conceive. It prepares your body for healthy conception and early pregnancy and can help you increase your chances of getting pregnant.
How does Fertilovit® F work ?
Fertilovit® F promotes reproductive wellness by providing complete preconceptional vitamin and antioxidant support.
The importance of a sufficient supply with certain vitamins and minerals has long been acknowledged. Every gynecologist recommends taking folic acid, particularly because of its protective role in the early embryo’s neurological development. More and more it becomes evident that other vitamins and minerals, too, can have a major impact on fertility. Scientific studies have shown that iron as well as B-vitamins are particularly important for healthy conception.
Antioxidants on the other hand are vital to protect from the detrimental effects of oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress
The term oxidative stress refers to the impairment of body cells by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Normally the ROS produced in the body are defanged by the body’s protective antioxidant system. However, if there are too many ROS or too few antioxidants, this delicate balance can collapse and body cells are damaged. Oocytes are particularly susceptible to attacks by reactive oxygen species. Oxidative stress can impair the cell membrane and interfere with protein synthesis as well as energy production.
This compromises oocyte quality and is detrimental to embryonic development. Experts have associated problems throughout later pregnancy with oxidative stress, too. Additionally oxidative stress is thought to be involved in age-related fertility decline.
Taking into account these latest findings, fertility experts have designed the preconceptional supplement Fertilovit® F. In addition to a wide variety of important vitamins and minerals it also contains ample antioxidants. For maximal protection around the clock, vitamin C, one of the body’s major antioxidants, is released in sustained fashion.
Fertilovit® F fertility vitamins support conception as well as your baby’s healthy development. This can increase your chance of getting pregnant considerably !
Administration form:
Packaging size:
90 capsules, adequate for a 3-months regimen.
Supplement facts:
The composition of Fertilovit® F corresponds to the special requirements of women planning for pregnancy.

One capsule of Fertilovit® F (daily dose) contains:

per Capsule
% RDA *
Vitamin C
100 mg
Vitamin E
20 mg
Vitamin B1
3 mg
Vitamin B2
3 mg
Pantothenic acid
12 mg
Vitamin B6
4 mg
Vitamin B12
7 µg
Folic acid
800 µg
Vitamin D
5 µg
35 mg
200 µg
5 mg
100 mg
150 µg
7,5 mg
*% of recommended daily allowance (according to EU-guidelines)
Fertilovit® F does not contain lactose and gelatine.
For best results, experts recommend to start taking a supplement about three months prior to conception. 
Take one capsule Fertilovit® F daily.
Please read the instructions prior to use. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. Store Fertilovit® F out of the reach of little children. A dietary supplement can not and must not replace a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.
Please do not consume Fertilovit®F if you suffer from autoimmunethyroiditis, have issues with your iron metabolism or have a known intolerance to any of the ingredients.
Scientifically proven effects of each ingredient:
Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a water soluble antioxidant and protects the body’s cells from oxidative damage. Vitamin C is also important because it helps absorb iron. Women should avoid high doses of vitamin C because it can dry up cervical fluid, preventing sperm from reaching the egg. This is why Fertilovit® F features a relatively low dose of vitamin C. However, to make the most of its vitamin C content, it is released in a sustained manner, providing its positive effects for many hours. A scientific study published in 2003 showed that women taking vitamin C supplements had higher fertility rates.
Zink: Zinc is one of the essential trace minerals, which means that the body can not produce it itself, but it has to be supplied via the diet. However, the body can’t store zinc. It has been found that zinc deficiencies are quite frequent even in western countries.
Yet zinc plays a crucial role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins alike. In addition to that the immune and hormone systems as well as important anti-oxidative enzymes need zinc for their work. The most important function of zinc is to play a role in the synthesis of the nucleic acids DNA and RNA, which are essential during cell division, tissue repair and embryo development.
Vitamin E: An early study from 1960 demonstrated that the supplementation of vitamin E could enhance fertility. This finding has been confirmed by recent research.Vitamins E’s anti-oxidative properties promote oocyte health by effectively protecting these sensitive cells from the harmful impact of oxidative stress.
Niacin: Niacin belongs to the vitamins of the B-complex. It is present in every living cell and can be stored in the liver. It forms a vital building block of various coenzymes and is involved in key processes of metabolism. Additionally it features anti-oxidative properties
Vitamin B1: Thiamin or vitamin B1 is a water-soluble vitamin essential for the nervous system.
Vitamin B2: Vitamin B2 or riboflavin has been called „growth vitamin“ in colloquial language. It is an important precursor for coenzymes, thus playing a central role in metabolism.
Vitamin B5: itamin B5 or pantothenic acid is neccesary for the formation of coenzyme A. Coenzyme A plays a major role in the metabolism. It is involved in synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and is crucial for the production of cholesterol. Cholesterol is needed for the synthesis of steroid hormones, many of which are essential for reproduction.
Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 has traditionally been used for easing the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause. Recent research has revealed its importance for reproductive wellness. This effect is mediated by vitamin B6’s involvment in the homocysteine pathway. Homocysteine is a potentially harmful amino acid and vitamin B6 is needed for its breakdown into other, harmless molecules. Vitamin B6 deficiency has been associated with hyperhomocysteinemia, which impairs fertility and placenta performance.
Vitamin B12 Recent research has shown that vitamin B12 supplementation may promote fertility and decrease the risk for miscarriage. Like vitamin B6 it is needed for the degradation of homocysteine.
Vitamin D3 Vitamin D3 regulates amongst others the calcium and phosphate metabolism, thus being a key regulator of bone growth. Furthermore it is important for the development and performance of the nervous and muscle systems.
Folic acid Folic acid is very delicate and easily destroyed during storage and cooking, which is why deficiencies are quite common even though fruit and vegetables are rich in folic acid.´Folic acid deficiency has been associated with neurological disorders such as spina bifida (split spine).
In addition to that it has anti-oxidative properties.
Finally folic acid is vital for the homocysteine pathway. Homocysteine is a potentially toxic amino acid, yet can be broken down into harmless molecules with the aid of folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. A rise in homocysteine levels is known to be associated with infertility, impairment of placenta function and even increased risk of miscarriage. A Polish study published in 2003 showed that women who took folic acid during fertility treatment had oocytes with improved quality.
Biotin: Biotin belongs to the vitamin B-complex. It is a constituent of enzymes and as such is involved in key pathways of the metabolism. It is known that it is also involved in the epigenetic regulation of gene function. Animal studies have found evidence that biotin deficiency is associated with a decline of fertility and an increase of malformation risk.
Iodine: Iodine is a very important mineral that supports thyroid function. The thyreoid gland produces hormones that are key regulators of growth processes and metabolism. Therefore it is essential that mothers-to-be have a sufficient supply of iodine to support not only themselves but also the baby. Even though in areas of iodine deficiency like Austria, Switzerland and Germany certain foods are enriched in iodine, iodine supply is still not sufficient for the needs of a mother-to-be.
This involves a health hazard: A lack of this mineral in your diet can lead to low thyroid function and decreased fertility. In addition to that, iodine deficiency can impair the baby’s physical and mental development .
Magnesium Magnesium deficiency is not uncommon during pregnancy. This is due to an increase in magnesium excretion on the one hand and the increased magnesium needs of the baby on the other hand. A first symptom of magnesium deficiency may be cramps in the calf, but may also involve muscular hyperexcitability of uterus muscle. Worst consequence of this is premature labour.
Iron: Iron, being a major constituent of hemoglobin, is considered essential as a blood building nutrient that helps increase fertility by supporting ovulation. Additionally, recent research has revealed its involvment in healthy thyroid function.
Additional Information





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· 氟班色林片ADDYI(fliba...
· Mirena Intrauterine Sy...
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· HYPOCRINE Injection(Go...
· 甲硝唑片|Flagyl(Metron...
· LUTINUSR Vaginal Table...
· Plan B One-Step(levono...

