Lvbrel是第一种冲破月经老例的药。尽办理论上,女性可以于一年中不中断地服用Lybrel而不会有月事,但临床试验显示,只有59%的服用者收效,许多人会出现不规矩的少量出血,但避孕效果与通例口服避孕药无异。 低危害孕妇不宜剖腹产 澳大利亚儿童康健研究院专家指出,不该做剖腹产而选择剖腹产或自然生产危害低的人选择剖腹产同样也面临不可轻忽的危害。 专家指出,剖腹产对产妇有一些虽然不大但也不容轻忽的危害,另有伤口熏染以及哺乳方面的问题,低危害人群不应当采取这种临盆方法。 越来越高的剖腹产比例已在澳大利亚引起了相关部分的戒备。上个月,新南威尔士州卫生部分规定,不克不及因为“产妇自己提出要求”而实行剖腹产,还需思量临床上做这种手术的公道性。 妇女停经后增补荷尔蒙增加患癌危害 妇女停经后通常会担当荷尔蒙增补疗法(HRT),然而,英国牛津大学科学家昨日首次指出,正担当HRT的妇女,患乳癌、子宫癌或卵巢癌的危害比从未担当HRT的妇女超过跨过许多。 对付详细原因科学家称尚在研究之中,但妇女停止月经后增补荷尔蒙会增加患以上几种疾病的危害已经得到证明。体外受精妊娠危害高子自然妊娠 日本圣路加国际医院的研究人员通过比拟视察,效果显示:体外受精的孕妇出现脐带卵膜附着的概率是自然妊娠孕妇的9倍,常位胎盘早期剥离的产生率是自然妊娠孕妇的5。5倍,出现前置胎盘的概率是自然妊娠孕妇的5。4倍。 这是日本海内首次明确证明体外受精与妊娠异常之间的联系。研究人员认为,体外受精时依赖人工手段处理惩罚受精卵,受精卵在子宫着床的时期也要早于自然妊娠,这些差别使体外受精妊娠较之自然妊娠更容易出现异常情况。
在日常生活中,适量服用复合维生素片有益于人体康健。但是,美国科学家研究发明,长期服用维生素片会导致女性难有身。 哈佛医学院的科学家发明,如果女性一个星期至少服用6次复合维生素片(约400毫克),那么,约莫有40%的入会出现排卵问题。对此,科学家认为是维生素片所致。 科学家研究了18500名女性,最终证明,复合维生素中的叶酸会影响女性排卵,从而导致生育问题。科学家指出:“通过研究我们确信,叶酸完全有益于人体康健,但女性不要随燕服用。” 孕妇晨吐可低落乳癌危害 如果一个孕妇正在遭受晨吐的困扰,这也许是件功德。据英国《每日邮报》报道,孕妇晨吐能够低落患乳腺癌的危害。 美国新泽西州布法罗大学的研究人员,比拟了1001名乳腺癌患者和1917名康健的女性有身期间的种种资料。效果发明,在有身期间以为难受的女性比那些顺畅度过九个月妊娠期的“准妈妈们”,患上乳腺癌的危险低落30%。 科学家们认为,有身期间孕妇体内的激素有所转变,由于激素排泄量的差别,孕妇晨吐的体现也不一。试验证明,一种在胎盘中孕育产生的激素,会引发妊娠反响,但这种激素具有一定的抗癌作用。 美国食品药物管理局(FDA)已经批准该公司生产的口服避孕药Lybrel(90 mcg左炔诺孕酮/20 mcg炔雌醇)片剂,用于选择口服避孕药且对此种避孕方法没有禁忌的女性避孕。Lybrel 是第一个也是目前唯一一个可以一年365天服用的低剂量复合避孕药,无需安慰剂阶段或者停药期。该药物为处方药,预计于2007年7月在美国上市。 Lybrel主要面向那些希望避孕并且能够自主控制月经周期的女性。Lybrel提供稳定的低剂量激素,从而使女性可长期避免月经周期。考虑服用Lybrel的女性应该了解,大多数临床试验对象出现过一些不规则出血和点状出血的现象,特别是在服药的前三到六个月。经研究分析,Lybrel不会推迟生育能力的恢复,也不会影响月经的恢复。 作为其上市后承诺的一部分,惠氏还将在服用Lybrel与服用含有20 mcg 炔雌醇周期性口服避孕药的女性之间进行血栓栓塞的对比试验研究. 惠氏制药女性健康护理部副总裁、医学博士Ginger Constantine 称“对于那些选择避孕并且希望自主控制月经周期的女性来说,Lybrel可以是一个合适的选择。” Oral contraceptive that inhibits menses Company: Wyeth Pharmacologic class:
Oral contraceptive (progestin + estrogen) Active ingredients:
Levonorgestrel 0.09mg, ethinyl estradiol 20micrograms (28 tabs). Indication:
Oral contraception. Pharmacology:
Lybrel is a non-cyclic oral contraceptive product that is given every day, without a hormone-free interval. Rather than experiencing withdrawal bleeding on a monthly basis, patients using Lybrel do not have regular menstrual cycles. However, unscheduled bleeding and spotting may occur. Clinical trials:
The safety and efficacy of Lybrel were evaluated in 2 one-year trials. The first study, which was a one-year open-label study conducted in North America, treated 2,134 patients (mean weight 70.38kg), of whom 1,213 discontinued prematurely; 18% discontinued due to bleeding that was reported as either an adverse event or where bleeding was given as one of the reasons for discontinuation. Among subjects ≤35 years old, there were 23 pregnancies during 12,572 pill-packs of use (4 of which occurred in the 14-day period after the last day of pill use), resulting in a total Pearl Index of 2.38 and a 1-year life table pregnancy rate of 2.39. Among those ≤35 years old who took the pills completely as directed, there were 15 pregnancies, resulting in a Pearl Index of 1.55 and a one-year life table pregnancy rate of 1.59. In a study conducted in Europe, 641 patients (mean weight 63.86kg) were randomized to either Lybrel or a comparator (cyclic levonorgestrel 0.1mg + ethinyl estradiol 20mcg). One pregnancy occurred within the 14 days following the last dose of Lybrel, compared to 3 pregnancies in the comparator group. Adults:
Take at the same time each day. Children:
Premenarchal: not recommended. Contraindications:
Thrombophlebitis or thromboembolic disorders. Cerebrovascular or coronary artery disease. Valvular heart disease. Breast or other estrogen-dependent neoplasias. Undiagnosed abnormal genital bleeding. Cholestatic jaundice of pregnancy or jaundice with prior oral contraceptive use. Uncontrolled hypertension. Prolonged immobilization. Diabetes with vascular involvement. Headaches with focal neurological symptoms. Liver tumors or disease. Pregnancy (Cat.X). Precautions:
Smokers >35 years old: not recommended. Hypertriglyceridemia. Discontinue if jaundice, visual disturbances, migraine, or other severe headaches occur. Do regular complete physical exams. Nursing mothers: not recommended. Interactions:
Antagonized by hepatic enzyme inducing drugs (eg, rifampin, griseofulvin, St. John�s Wort, carbamazepine, phenytoin, protease inhibitors), others. Ethinyl estradiol levels may be increased by atorvastatin, CYP3A4 inhibitors, others. May affect measurement of sex hormone binding globulin levels. Adverse reactions:
Hypertension, nausea, vomiting, breakthrough bleeding, amenorrhea, transient delay in ovulation after discontinuation, edema, chloasma, mastodynia, headache, intolerance to contact lenses, increased risk of gallbladder disease, thromboembolic events. How supplied:
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