![]() 药品名称
(包括商品名、通用名) 扎那米韦 用法用量 本品经鼻吸入给药。用于成人及12岁以上的青少年病人,每次10mg,2次/d,间隔12h。或每次5mg,2次/d,连用5d。 药理作用 扎那米韦是流感病毒神经氨酸酶抑制剂。其对流感病毒的抑制是以慢结合的方式进行的,具有高度特异性。慢结合是本品分子中胍基部分的作用,且对流感A型病毒有特异性,对B型病毒作用较弱。胍基能将A型病毒唾液酸活性部位的、呈结合状态的水分子逐出而产生紧密结合,达到抑制效果。扎那米韦对A、B型多种病毒株均有极强活性。但对人单纯疱疹A、B型病毒,带状疱疹病毒、人巨细胞病毒、人鼻2型和14型病毒以及副流感2型和3型病毒均无作用。 适应症 本品可用于成年病人及12岁以上的青少年病人,治疗A型和B型流感病毒引起的流感。 不良反应 可有过敏反应发生。对轻中度支气管哮喘的病人,可诱发支气管痉挛。其他不良反应有轻微头痛、腹泻、恶心、呕吐、眩晕等,发生率低于2%。 制剂 鼻吸用泡囊剂:每个含本品5mg。 注意事项 禁用于对本品过敏的病人,对有哮喘的慢性阻塞性肺疾病病人使用本品无效,甚至可引起严重的支气管痉挛,故使用本品时身边应备有速效吸入型支气管扩张药物
Drug name: Relenza Active Ingredients:
Therapeutic actions: Relenza(Zanamivir) is a type of drugs called a neuraminidase inhibitor. Indications:
Contraindications and cautions:You should not use Relenza :
You should talk with your health care provider prior to taking Relenza if you experience any of this conditions:
The side effects listed above may not include all of the side effects reported by the drug's manufacturer. Drug name: Relenza Active Ingredients:
Therapeutic actions: Relenza(Zanamivir) is a type of drugs called a neuraminidase inhibitor. Relenza works by binding to the neuraminidase on the surface of the virus and therefore the virus stops working. This prevents the flu virus from spreading and infecting other cells. The symptoms of the infection becomes less severe and easier for the body's immune system to kill the virus . Indications: Relenza is used to treat:
Contraindications and cautions:You should not use Relenza :
You should talk with your health care provider prior to taking Relenza if you experience any of this conditions:
Warning! Relenza should be inhaled using the diskhaler provided. If you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) use bronchodilator inhaler, you should use it before inhaling your dose of Relenza. Relenza can cause the airways to narrow after it has been inhaled, so breathing becomes difficult Adverse effects: There are possible side-effects associated with this medicine that can affect individuals in different ways. If a side effect is stated here, that does not necessarily mean the fact that all people using this medicine will experience it or any other.
The side effects listed above may not include all of the side effects reported by the drug's manufacturer. For more information about any other possible risks associated with Relenza, please read the information provided with this medicine or consult your doctor or pharmacist. Interactions: It is important to tell your doctor or pharmacist what medicines you are already taking, including those bought without a prescription and herbal medicines, before you start treatment with Relenza. Similarly, check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any new medication while taking this one, to ensure that the combination is safe. Especially pay attention to other bronchodilator inhalers. Additional Information: DO NOT SHARE this medicine with others. DO NOT USE THIS MEDICINE for other health conditions. KEEP THIS PRODUCT, as well as syringes and needles, if needed during treatment, out of the reach of children. Do not reuse needles, syringes, or other materials. |
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