英文药名: Elmiron (Pentosan Polysulphate Sodium Capsules) 中文药名: 爱泌罗(戊糖多硫酸钠胶囊) 药品名称 中文商品名:爱泌罗 药品简介 Elmiron(pentosan polysulfate sodium、爱泌罗、戊糖多硫酸钠)是一种口服用药,能修补受损的,薄的,或是“漏洞的”膀胱表面。这些表面(氨基葡萄聚醣或是GAG层)是由一层黏膜所组成,能保护膀胱壁免被尿液的细菌和腐蚀物感染。 主要用於治疗间质性膀胱炎引起之膀胱疼痛。 请遵照医师或药师指示服药,一般建议空腹服用(饭前至少1小时或饭后2小时)。 Elmiron的副作用很小,只限于起先的小小的肠胃障碍。一些病患也有掉头发的迹象,但这可经停止用药来制止。没有研究报告指出Elmiron和其他用药有负面的作用。在有控制因素的测试中,Elmiron不比安慰剂有更多的负面的作用。 1. 若有在使用阿司匹林或其他抗凝血剂如heparin及Coumadin,用此药前请告知医师。 如果您准备怀孕或已怀孕,应告知并与您的医师讨论。本药目前尚无使用于授乳妇女的资料,使用前请先询问您的医师或药师。怀孕:由於怀孕女性在这方面没有足够及良好控制的研究,不建议孕妇使用该?品。 间质性膀胱炎的治疗新药-戊糖多硫酸钠(Elmiron爱泌罗)-间质性膀胱炎 间质性膀胱炎常产生于中年妇女,其特点紧张是膀胱壁的纤维化。 【病因学】 患者尿液均平常,传染并非膀胱壁纤维化的紧张病因,有学者觉得盆腔外科手术或传染产生的淋巴管阻塞是其病因,而很多患者异国如许的病史。 如今,年夜量的证据觉得间质性膀胱炎是一种自体免疫胶原性疾病。 【病理变化】 在病理学上的发觉膀胱壁的深层纤维化,使其容量裁减,偶然裁减相当明显。 【临床表现】 对中年妇女呈现紧张尿频,尿急及夜尿增多伴耻骨上方膀胱区胀痛而尿查抄平常者应想到间质性膀胱炎。 (1)症状: (2)体征: (3)实行室查抄: (4)发射学查抄: (5)东西查抄: 【并发症】 可并发输尿管进行性狭窄、返流及随之成长的肾积水表现。 【辨别诊断】 膀胱结核也可表现为真性溃疡,常累及结核肾侧输尿管口四周,可有脓尿呈现,尿查抄可找到结核杆菌,泌尿系造影可呈现肾结核的典范变化。 【治疗方案】 采取平常性治疗、膀胱水囊膨胀、针灸和手术治疗等.其疗效不一。 提醒二甲亚砜互助肝素膀胱贯注可作为IC治疗的一种方法。 西医首选抗生素治疗。 中药治疗应选择以清热解毒,利湿通淋为主,辅以补肾固本,活血化瘀,扶正祛邪,进步机体免疫力为组方之法,选用道地优质中草药精制而成的年夜复方当代中药如银花泌炎灵片等。 2.開始治療前及治療期間,每半年應按期檢查肝效用。 禁忌 本藥品中文仿單部份內容如下: 適應症: 利用於因間質性膀胱炎引起的膀胱难过悲伤或不適的清除。 注 意: 1.年夜略會引發出血問題,需注意PT和PTT上升(<1%)。 2.治療前後的每半年應按期抽血檢查肝效用。 劑 量: Elmiron(pentosan polysulfate sodium、爱泌罗、戊糖多硫酸钠)是一种口服用药,能修补受损的,薄的,或是“弊端的”膀胱表面。 临床探讨 治疗筹划 Elmiron须服用二到四个月后才华见效,可是病患最好是连续个起码六个月的治疗才中断。 难过悲伤最终裁减,可是凡是必要六到九个月的舒改期。 副效用: 可得性 你年夜略是你的医师可从以下获得更多Elmiron的资讯: 很多药局都有Elmiron的受卖。 Oral treatment (Elmiron) and in the treatment of bladder Oral agents are the treatment of interstitial cystitis in the necessary equipment, but due to many reasons, this may not be the ideal therapy. Most effective drugs from urine, which will reduce the effectiveness of drugs in the human body and medicine sustainability. With oral therapy, there will be unwanted side effects, so often, and antihistamines, antidepressants, pain treatment, and treatment with steroids. At the same time, individuals adapt to different pharmacological, especially in the absorption, metabolism, and urinary tract excluded, these will affect the expected efficacy. Solve a lot of bladder instillation therapy of oral medication, is the major interstitial cystitis therapy. The benefits of treatment within the bladder is a high concentration directly into the diseased organs, but also that the very poor absorption of systemic side effects bladder is very small. These features will ensure the maximum therapeutic benefit, but also directly at the vital treatment. Direct drug treatment within the bladder, there are bad places, such as the incidence of urinary catheter, the risk of urethritis, a heavier burden of medical expenses (such as doctor's visits, the expense of working hours, catheter costs, lubricants), and some even lead to temporary cystitis (bladder irritation and bleeding increase the phenomenon). Oral treatment Sodium pentosan polysulfate (Elmiron) In an attempt to repair the damage which an artificial oral mucosa drugs highly vulcanized polysaccharide (sodium pentosan polusulfate or Elmiron) is selected. In 1993, Parsons made a three-month-dimensional, two-oriented, with a placebo-controlled study of factors (148 patients), in which 38% of patients received Elmiron treatment, resulting in more than 50% of patients reduce the risk of the phenomenon of pain there, only 18% of patients not only placebo-controlled. Many patients are those of the traditional treatment methods, such as expansion of water, DMSO and Clorpactin, are ineffective group. This study leads to an extension of the various studies and tests (including several years of voluntary treatment program under the Elmiron data collected). Elmiron in 1996 was recognized by the FDA to require safety dose three times a day, once 100mg, one hour before meals or two hours after a meal. Many patients feel that high doses may accelerate the progress of the symptoms is more suitable and effective. I try to use when beginning a dose of 200mg twice a day, remove the noon of that dose, which involves the patient's capacity problem. Recently, guided by the Bureau of Alza's drug test is going on eight months of the fourth different Elmiron daily dose: 300mg, 600mg and 900mg comparison of efficacy. Hope that this study can detect the most appropriate Elmiron dose and high dose safe dose is. The results show a use Elmiron, patients may need a few months it has a response time of fishes. I have some patients will take eight to twelve months time to bear fruit. Once a response, as long as patients continue taking Elmiron, efficacy will be sustainable for a long time. Many of my patients six to twelve months after the ability to reduce the dose reduced to 100mg daily to 200mg, and there is no loss of efficacy, there is no recurrence of symptoms. Elmiron success of the experiment has been done within the bladder to reduce the number of patients treated, even if this type of therapy remains an important therapy. I personally feel that Elmiron should be first-line treatment for patients, because it represents the only effective repair damage (GAG layer) of the therapy, interstitial cystitis, which is one of the symptoms. All other treatments are non-special, and can not be effective for the middle of interstitial cystitis problem or cause. I want to emphasize that I do not believe the damage to the GAG layer is the main reason for interstitial cystitis. In contrast, I believe this is the first of the excitation mechanism has yet to clear off the second phase of the extension or "downhill" development. Most people are able to tolerate Elmiron efficacy, only one to four percent of people have reported side effects (1986 data, total more than 2,800 patients with interstitial cystitis). Mild or temporary include: nausea, diarrhea, headache, rash, stomach problems or pain, lethargy, abnormal liver function, and hair. In 97% of patients in which hair, hair falling only a small twist, but stop treatment if it can stop hair loss phenomenon. The drug quite expensive, about a month to $ 200. For those who can not tolerate and can not supply Elmiron patients can have the same repair other damaged GAG layer substitutes, such as coagulation factors within the system, liver and bladder, and hyaluronic acid (Cystistat), which later the title, including the treatment of bladder The following will be mentioned in detail. Counter sale of oral Elmiron alternatives are Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate, is a daily dose of 1000 to 1500mg. Although the latter has not been acknowledged by, but the principle, it can still help repair the mucous layer or GAG layer. Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate is often used to repair degenerative arthritis of the articular cartilage at the use. 4如何利用此药? 4利用此药时该注意什么? 2. 在手术及牙科处理前,请告知医师有在服用此药。 3. 此药有抗凝血结果,是以年夜略会延长伤口出血时候。 4. 请将本剂连同药袋安排於室温之凉爽乾燥处避光储存,请勿冷藏或冷冻。 5. 服用此药期间如需服用别的药品时,请自动报告您的医师或药师。 4此药品年夜略引起的副效用及处理方法: 若症状连续数日或紧张时,请停药并立即就医或与医师结合。 1. 年夜略產生落髮,胃部不适,消化不良、噁心,渺小腹痛或腹泻等副效用。 2. 当您产生下列症状时,请与您的医师关联: 4健忘服药时该怎么办: 若健忘服药,则於想起时儘快服用;如果一天服药超出两次以上,若间隔下次服药时候少於4小时,则不必要补服,按原时候服用即可,切勿一次服用两倍剂量。 4怀孕或哺乳时该怎么办: 如果您準备怀孕或已怀孕,应告知并与您的医师评论辩论。 ELMIRON® is the only oral medication that's FDA approved to treat the pain or discomfort of interstitial cystitis (IC) INDICATIONS AND USAGE ELMIRON(pentosan polysulfate sodium) is indicated for the relief of bladder pain or discomfort associated with interstitial cystitis. CONTRAINDICATIONS ELMIRON(pentosan polysulfate sodium) is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to the drug, structurally related compounds, or excipients. WARNINGS None. ELMIRON® has been shown to be generally well-tolerated. The most common side effects were blood in stool, diarrhea, nausea, hair loss, headache, rash, upset stomach, abdominal pain, liver function abnormalities and dizziness. When side effects did occur, they were generally mild and usually did not interfere with continuing treatment. Hair loss, when it occurred, was almost always limited to a single area of the scalp, and it grew back when ELMIRON® was discontinued. ELMIRON® is a weak anticoagulant (blood thinner), which may increase bleeding. Elmiron What is Elmiron? What is the most important information I should know about Elmiron? Elmiron may reduce the number of clot-forming cells (platelets) in your blood. Avoid activities that may cause bruising or injury. Tell your doctor if you have unusual bruising or bleeding. Tell your doctor if you have dark, tarry, or bloody stools. Who should not take Elmiron? Do not take Elmiron if you have an allergy to Elmiron or its formulation. Do not take Elmiron if you plan on undergoing surgery. What should I tell my doctor before I take the first dose of Elmiron? What is the usual dosage? Adults: The usual dose is 100 mg three times daily for a total of 300 mg per day. Patients receiving Elmiron should be reassessed after 3 months. If improvement has not occurred and if limiting adverse events are not present, Elmiron may be continued for another 3 months. How should I take Elmiron? Avoid taking Elmiron with other drugs that have blood thinning capabilities. In addition, do not take with anti-inflammatory drugs. Do not drive or perform other possibly unsafe tasks until you know how you react to Elmiron; this medication may cause dizziness. These effects may be worse if you take it with alcohol or certain medicines. Avoid activities that may cause bruising or injury. What are possible food and drug interactions associated with Elmiron? If Elmiron is taken with certain other drugs, the effects of either could be increased, decreased, or altered. It is especially important to check with your doctor before combining Elmiron with the following: blood thinners such as aspirin or heparin; antiplatelet agents (such as ticlopdipine and clopidogrel); and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (such as naproxen and ibuprofen). What are the possible side effects of Elmiron? Side effects cannot be anticipated. If any develop or change in intensity, tell your doctor as soon as possible. Only your doctor can determine if it is safe for you to continue taking this drug. Side effects may include: hair loss, diarrhea, nausea, blood in the stool, rash, upset stomach, dizziness, bruising, headache, swelling of the fingers, hands, toes, or feet Can I receive Elmiron if I am pregnant or breastfeeding? The effects of Elmiron during pregnancy and breastfeeding are unknown. Talk to your healthcare provider if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. What should I do if I miss a dose of Elmiron? If you miss a dose, take it with food as soon as you remember. If it is close to the time of your next dose, skip the dose you missed and resume your regular dosing schedule. Do not double the dose. How should I store Elmiron? Store at room temperature away from heat, moisture, and light. Do not store in the bathroom. |
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