中文别名: |
顺铂、氯氨铂、顺氯氨铂、顺双氨双氯铂、顺一双氯双氨络铂 |
英文别名: |
Cis-Diaminodichloroplatin、Cis-Platinum、Diaminodichloride、Platinol、Platinum Diamminodichloride、Platinum Diamminodichoride |
生产企业: |
药品类别: |
其它抗肿瘤药 |
【药理药动】 药效学 顺铂分子中的中心铂原于对其抗肿瘤作用具有重要意义,只有顺式有效,反式则无效。本品的作用与双功能烷化剂类似,可能与 DNA有交叉联结而干扰其功能,在投入后持续数日之久;对 RNA的影响较小。由于瘤细胞比正常细胞的增殖和合成 DNA更为迅速,瘤细胞对本品的细胞毒作用就更为敏感。本品是细胞周期非特异性药,可能对宿主的免疫系统有刺激作用。 【药动学】 顺铂仅能由静脉、动脉或腔内给药。给药后迅速吸收,分布于全身各组织:肾、肝、卵巢、子宫、皮肤、骨等含量较多,脾、胰、肠、心、肌肉、脑中较少,瘤组织无选择性分布。大部分和血浆蛋白结合,代谢呈双相性:T1/2α为 25~49分钟,表示游离铂的血浆清除率T1/2β为58~73小时,表示结合铂的排泄率。药物自体内消除缓慢,5日内尿中回收铂为给药量的27~54%,胆道也可排除顺铂与其降解产物,但量较少。腹腔给药时腹腔器官的药物浓度较静脉给药时高 2.5~8倍,对治疗卵巢癌有利。 【适 应 症】 本品对膀胱癌、卵巢癌、睾丸癌有较好的疗效,对乳腺癌、宫颈癌、子宫内膜癌、肾上腺皮质癌、胃癌、肺癌、前列腺癌、头颈部鳞癌以及儿童的神经母细胞瘤、骨肉瘤、卵巢生殖细胞瘤均有一定疗效。本品与放射治疗联合应用时,有增敏作用。 【用法用量】 临用前用氯化钠注射液溶解。成人静脉注射或静脉滴注,一次按体表面积20mg/平方米,连用 5日,间隔 2周可重复用药,亦可采用一次按体表面积 80一 120mg/平方米,每 3周一次。本品亦可用作动脉注射。 【制剂与规格】注射用顺铂(1) 10mg(2)20mg 静滴:每平方米体表面积20-30mg,溶于生理盐水200ml中用,连用3-5天(总量150mg),间隔3周再重复,可用3-4疗程. 高剂量:每平方米体表面积80-120mg,同时进行水化和利尿,每3周用药1次,可重复3-4次. 胸腹腔注射:每次30-60mg,7-10天一次. 【不良反应】 (1)肾脏毒性:一次注射顺铂 50mg/平方米,约有 25— 30%病人出现氮质血症,较大剂量与连续用药,则可产生严重而持久的肾脏毒性,表现为血中尿素氮、肌酐升高,肌酐清除率可由 112ml/min降至 63ml/min。原有肾功能不全或曾接受过对肾脏有毒性的抗生素(如链霉素、卡那霉素、庆大霉素等)的病人,使用本品后肾脏受损程度更为严重,主要损害在肾小管,使细胞空泡化、上皮脱落、管腔扩张、出现透明管型,肾小球的病变较轻。在一般剂量下,肾小管的损伤是可逆的,但剂量过大或用药过频,可因蓄积中毒而产生肾功能衰竭,甚至死亡。 为了防止肾脏毒性,在用药前后,目前广泛采用大量输液的水化疗法,以降低顺铂血浆浓度,增加其肾脏清除率;并加用甘露醇和呋塞米,以加速肾脏的排泄功能,减少顺铂在肾小管中的积聚。据研究,甘露醇除利尿作用外,还能显著地降低顺铂对小鼠的急性毒性,而呋塞米则无此效应。 在采用大量输液的过程中,要密切观察液体超负荷的症状,并及时处理。在治疗中经常检测血清电解质、镁、尿素氮和肌酐。在每一周期开始前,检测血清肌酐清除率,观察肾功能是否正常。 (2)消化道毒性:包括恶心、呕吐、食欲减低和腹泻等,恶心、呕吐的发生率为 17一 100%,反应常在给药后 1一 6小时内发生,最长不超过 24— 48小时。目前多采用大剂量甲氧氯普胺(胃复安)(1一 2mg/kg),并加用氯丙嗪、地塞米松或苯海拉明等,可获得较好止吐的效果。 (3)骨髓抑制:表现为白细胞和(或)血小板的减少,一般与用药剂量有关,疗程剂量在按体重 2.5mg/kg以下,发生率为 10— 20%,剂量在 3mg/kg以上,发生率为 40%左右。骨髓抑制一般在 3周左右达高峰,4— 6周恢复。对骨髓抑制病例,可按常规处理。 (4)过敏样反应:少见,在给药后数分钟内发生,表现为脸面水肿、喘鸣、心动过速等。应迅速给予抗组胺药、肾上腺皮质激素或肾上腺素等。 (5)耳毒性:可出现耳鸣和高频听力减低,多为可逆性,不须特殊处理。 (6)神经毒性:多见于总量超过 300mg/平方米 的患者,周围神经损伤多见,表现为运动失调、肌痛、上下肢感觉异常等;亦可出现癫痫、球后视神经炎等。 胃肠道反应,恶心,呕吐,腹泻.骨髓抑制,白细胞及血小板减少、溶血性贫血。 听力损害、耳鸣、共济失调、头晕,严重者可有不可逆高频听力丧失.可引起肾损害,血尿,低钠血症,血清肌酐升高及清除率降低.心电图改变,肝功损害.以下情况应停用本品:白细胞低于3500/微升,血小板低于7.5万/微升,持续恶心呕吐,高倍视野下尿中白细胞达10,红细胞5,管型5以上者,血清肌酐超过1.5mg/d者. 经常检查血,尿,肝肾功能及听力。 它的心脏毒性作用很不常见,心电图可出现ST-T改变及左束支传导阻滞。 周围神经病是最常见的不良反应,其严重程度随剂量的增加而加剧,也与年龄有关。震动感觉减退是神经毒性作用的最早表现,而癫痫发作、震颤及抑郁为此药的主要并发症。偶尔发生植物神经病及运动神经病。 在一般情况下此药的肾脏的毒性作用与剂量有关,偶尔小剂量也可致有严重的肾损害。它可致局灶性肾曲管坏死,主要侵及远侧肾曲管及收集系统而产生渐增性肾损害,致有尿素氮升高及/或肌酐清除率明显下降,低钙血症及低镁血症。有报告它可致有两侧肾萎缩而临床上无肾功能衰竭表现。 56例糖尿病患者长期应用此药,发生迟发性皮肤假性卟啉症。 【禁忌症】 对既往有肾病史或中耳炎史者慎用。 【药物相互作用】 (1)与秋水仙碱、丙磺舒或磺吡酮(sulfinpyrazone)合用时,由于顺铂可能提高血液中尿酸的水平,必须调节其剂量,以控制高尿酸血症与痛风。 (2)抗组胺药、吩噻嗪类药或噻唾吨类药(thioxanthene)与顺铂合用,可能掩盖耳毒性的症状,如耳鸣、眩晕等。 (3)顺铂诱发的肾功能损害可导致博来霉素(甚至小剂量)的毒性反应;由于此二药常合并应用,尤应注意。 (4)与各种骨髓抑制剂或放射治疗同用,可增加毒性作用,用量应减少。 此药与阿霉素合用,92%患者发生周围神经病。它与长春硷及博来霉素合用发生皮质性盲及脑病,在出现症状后一周视力恢复,脑病症状逐渐消失。
【制剂】注射用顺铂(冻干粉针剂):每瓶10mg;20mg;30mg。注射液:10mg(1ml);50mg(2ml)。 【贮法】密闭避光保存。
Citoplationo review
Citoplationo is a chemotherapy medicament used to treat various cancers including sarcomas, carcinomas, germ cell tumors and lymphomas. Citoplationo is distributed in the US under the brand names Platinol and Platinol-AQ
The dose and length of treatment are dependent on the type of cancer and the response of the patient to the chemotherapy. This medicament is given through infusion with a fine tube inserted through the vein at the back of the hand or near the collarbone. The process can last eight hours or more and is only done in a hospital.
Some patients may experience minor side effects while others experience serious side effects. The most common side effect is wamble or sickness, usually occurring a few hours after the medicament has been given. When this happens, your physician will prescribe anti-sickness medicines.
There are cases in which the medicament affects the kidney and may even cause permanent damage if not immediately attended to by a physician. Your physician may conduct blood tests prior to each treatment to determine if it is safe to continue with the medicament. You will be given fluid intravenously to ensure that your kidneys are functioning properly.
Some patients may feel numbness in the hands or feet but this will disappear a few months after treatment. The medicament may affect your hearing and taste sensation.
Citoplationo reduces the patient's immune system, making the body prone to infections because the medicament decreases the production capability of the bone marrow in producing white blood cells. The medicament can also cause Anemia making the patient tired and weak.
If you notice something unusual while undergoing treatment, it is important to inform your physician immediately.
Before undergoing treatment or chemotherapy sessions, tell your physician of all the medicaments you are taking. This includes prescribed and non-prescribed medicaments. This is to help your physician determine if you are taking medicaments that might interact with Citoplationo that may cause complications or harm your health.
Something to consider before taking Citoplationo is fertility since this medicament affects the fertility of both men and women. Discuss with your physician the benefits and risks involved when using this medicament.
While undergoing treatment, avoid becoming pregnant or fathering a child because this medicament may cause harm to the baby. Use an effective birth control while undergoing treatment. Discuss your options with your physician to determine the best methods to use.
Make sure to follow your chemotherapy schedule as well as the laboratory tests and medical exams required. This will allow your physician to evaluate the progress of your treatment as well as to immediately identify any problems that may occur. It will also help your physician determine if there are any adjustments that need to be made to your present dose. • Molecular formula of citoplationo is Cl2H4N2Pt • Molecular weight is 298.029 g/mol • Citoplationo available : 50ml injection, 100ml injection and 200ml injection
Generic name: Cisplatin
Brand name(s): Abiplatin, Biocisplatinum, Briplatin, Carboquone, Cismaplat, Cisplatine, Cisplatyl, Lederplatin, Neoplatin, Plastin, Platamine, Platiblastin, Platidiam, Platinex, Platinol, Platinoxan, Randa |