当前位置:药品说明书与价格首页 >> 皮肤性病 >> 新药动态 >> 得肤宝(Daivobet)-银屑病患者的新希望


2009-11-18 01:47:11  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网  浏览次数:653  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 随着去年12月来自丹麦的利奥制药公司正式进入中国,其主打品牌得肤宝也即将投放中国市场。据悉,得肤宝(Daivobet)是利奥制药公司于2005年全面推出市场的一种治疗银屑病的新产品,用于治疗稳定性斑块 ...




成份:每1g含钙泊三醇Calcipotriol 50ug,倍他米松 Betamethasone 0.5mg;







Body Psoriasis

Short about treatment of body psoriasis
Topical treatments (e.g. ointments and creams) are first-line treatments for body psoriasis. A topical medication is used externally, applied directly onto the psoriatic area (e.g. elbow or knee).

The treatment should work fast and be effective

A product with a once-daily dosage will be time-saving 

Some frequently used topical products for body psoriasis are mentioned below.

Combination therapy products

Calcipotriol and betamethasone dipropionate ointment
This is a combination ointment containing a vitamin D analogue, calcipotriol, and a potent topical steroid, betamethasone dipropionate. This ointment treats the symptoms of body psoriasis (i.e. reduce itching, scaling and redness) and helps to normalize your skin cells. This combination ointment should be applied once daily.

Betamethasone diproprionate and salicylic acid ointment
This combination ointment contains a potent topical steroid, betamethasone diproprionate and salicylic acid. The topical steroid treats the symptoms of body psoriasis (reduce itching and inflammation) and the salicylic acid works as a descaling agent. This ointment should normally be applied twice daily.

Monotherapy products

Calcipotriol cream
Calcipotriol is a vitamin D analogue often used for the treatment of body psoriasis. Calcipotriol works by regulating and normalizing the growth of skin cells. Calcipotriol cream should normally be applied twice daily in order to obtain an optimal effect.

Corticosteroids (also known as 'plain steroids')
Corticosteroids have been used for many years in the treatment of psoriasis. They come in a variety of different vehicles, such as lotions, creams, gels and ointments. Please notice that some 'over-the-counter' steroids ('over the counter' means no prescription required) sold in some countries may be too weak to be effective on psoriasis.

1 Finger Tip Unit


How much cream or ointment to apply?
When using a topical treatment for your body psoriasis a general dosage rule apply. This is known as the Finger Tip Unit (FTU). The FTU is a keystone in how to dose the ointment or cream correctly.

The FTU is a simple, individual measure telling you how much cream or ointment to apply to a psoriatic lesion. 1 FTU (squeezed from a tube with a standard 5 mm nozzle) is enough to treat an area of skin twice the size of the flat of an adult's hand with the fingers together. So, adult hands can be used to measure the areas of skin affected by psoriasis and then estimate the amount of cream or ointment required per application - see picture below.

Thus 1 FTU will be sufficient to cover a body area of 2 hands, and 2 FTUs will cover a body area of 4 hands.

Emollients or moisturizers are very important in the management of body psoriasis. They can not be categorised as medical products but they help to moisture the skin and to ease the dryness of the skin. Can be bought in many different formulations and brands.

Please notice that when you apply emollients, these should be applied liberally. Apply as much emollient as you feel comfortable with. So for emollients the FTU rule does not apply.

For more information about symptoms of psoriasis, please click here





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· 美国FDA批准各种HIV感染...
· FDA批准复方抗艾药Evota...
· 新型Reyataz(atazanavir...
· SCENESSE(afamelanotide...
· 银屑病新药Cosentyx(ust...
· Cosentyx(secukinumab)白...
· Otezla(apremilast)将获...
· 新重组单抗Cosentyx(sec...
· Soolantra(Ivermectin 1...
· 美国FDA批准Gardasil 9价...

