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Cimzia(certolizumab pegol)用于治疗类风湿性关节炎

2010-08-28 01:35:28  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:771  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 2009年5月14日,UCB制药公司宣布,美国食品药品管理局(FDA)已批准Cimzia(certolizumab pegol)用于治疗中度至重度活动期类风湿性关节炎(RA)患者。Cimzia是一种聚乙二醇化抗肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)制剂。 FD ...

 2009年5月14日,UCB制药公司宣布,美国食品药品管理局(FDA)已批准Cimzia(certolizumab pegol)用于治疗中度至重度活动期类风湿性关节炎(RA)患者。Cimzia是一种聚乙二醇化抗肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)制剂。


比较Cimzia+MTX联合治疗与MTX单药治疗的临床试验显示,第24周时联合治疗组患者的类风湿性关节炎症状和体征显著减少。与MTX单药治疗组患者相比,一些联合治疗组患者在1~2周内即出现临床疗效。此外,该研究的X线检查结果显示,与MTX单药治疗组患者相比,Cimzia+MTX联合治疗组患者的关节损伤进展受到抑制,并且治疗24周和52周时修订的总Sharp评分与基线值相比变化较小,但差异具有显著性(P < 0.001)。


Cimzia的初始剂量为400mg,间隔2周或4周后,剂量改为200 mg,每隔1周给药1次 。维持剂量可考虑每4周400mg。已有供皮下给药的预充注射器装Cimzia上市。
 Cimzia®(certolizumab pegol)
Cimzia Patients Can Now Use 'RA-Friendly' Injectors

Pharmaceutical firm teams with consumer product company to offer new option.

Cimzia RA-friendly injector from UCB and OXO on CreakyJoints.org | Your Arthritis HomepageUCB and OXO are offering arthritis patients a new syringe built specifically for the challenges rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients face when self-administrating their medicine.

UCB's Cimzia -- recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat adults with moderately to severely active RA -- comes in the new prefilled syringe, which comes with the Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation.

In public statements, company spokespeople have emphasized the importance of designing a syringe and packaging components that take into account the dexterity challenges RA patients face -- even accounting for different grip styles and strengths.

cimzia_injector02.jpg"This syringe, a result of our partnership with OXO, demonstrates UCB's commitment to patients with severe diseases," said Roch Doliveux, UCB's CEO in a press release.  "I am proud of the fact that people living with rheumatoid arthritis worked directly with the design and engineering teams to develop this syringe.

"We have designed a syringe that that takes into account some of the challenges that come with self-injection ... [and] our long-term partnership with OXO will allow us to help make everyday living easier for rheumatoid arthritis patients."

UCB and OXO brought in patients to assess the syringes available in the market place and the UCB prototype.  This led to the redesign of many aspects of the syringe and its packaging.

According to the press release, Cimzia's prefilled syringe is designed with the following in mind:

  • Easy to grip wide flange (finger grips) -- soft, non-slip grip allows patients to hold the syringe steady using various grip positions.
  • Easy to remove needle cover -- rounded finger loop for easy removal of needle cover; flared needle cap designed to reduce needle pricks due to recoil.
  • Easy to push syringe plunger -- large and soft thumb pad for patients to push the plunger.
  • Easy to read syringe barrel -- magnified barrel helps ensure patients receive entire dose as they can see the medicine inside and know when they have injected all of it.
  • Easy to grip elliptical barrel -- elliptical barrel for patients to grip and helps prevent slippage during patient handling.
  • Easy to open packaging -- the cover with a rounded corner uses Velcro for easy opening and resealing; large, easy-to-read directions and clear visuals instruct patients how to use the pack and administer/inject Cimzia; and lastly, the plastic housing inside with a large finger recess allows patients to easily remove the syringe.


certolizumab pegol(Cimzia)治疗中轴性脊柱关节炎和强直性脊柱炎
FDA批准certolizumab Pegol用于中到重度的类风湿关节炎
赛妥珠单抗填充注射剂|Cimzia(Certolizumab pegol)



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