临床研究发现,给予每日一次皮下注射7.5mg Arixtra并联用华法林可安全有效地治疗早期急性深层静脉血栓和急性肺栓塞。以上二者是静脉血栓塞的两种不同表现。该病是继心肌梗死和脑卒中后最为普遍的心血管疾病。在美国每年至少有60,000人死于本病。
【商品名】安卓 ARIXTRA 【通用名】磺达肝癸钠注射液 【英文名】FondaparinuxNa 【汉语拼音】anzhuo 【成份】磺达肝癸钠 【性状】磺达肝癸钠的化学名称:甲基O-(2-脱氧-6-O-磺酸基-2-磺酰胺基-α-D-吡喃葡萄糖)-(1→4)-O-(β-D-吡喃葡萄糖醛酸)-(1→4)-O-(2-脱氧-3,6-O-二磺酸基-2-磺酰胺基-α-D-吡喃葡萄糖)-(1→4)-O-(2-O-磺酸基-α-L-吡喃艾杜糖醛酸)-(1→4)-2-脱氧-6-O-磺酸基-2-磺酰胺基-α-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷十钠盐,分子式:C31H43N3Na10O49S8,分子量:1728。 辅料:氯化钠,注射用水,盐酸,氢氧化钠。 本品为无色澄明液体。本品预灌式一次性使用注射器由I型玻璃管(1mL)和附着的一个27规格x12.7mm的针头组成,并配有溴丁基或氯丁基弹性活塞。 【适应症】本品用于进行下肢重大骨科手术如髋关节骨折、重大膝关节手术或者髋关节置换术等患者,预防静脉血栓栓塞事件的发生。 【用法用量】 进行重大骨科手术的患者:本品推荐剂量为每日1次2.5mg,术后皮下注射给药。 初始剂量应在手术结束后6小时给予,并且需在确认已止血的情况下。 治疗应持续到静脉血栓栓塞风险消失以后,通常到患者可以下床活动,至少在手术后5-9天。临床经验显示:进行髋关节骨折手术的患者,发生静脉血栓栓塞的危险将持续至手术后9天以上。对于这些患者,应考虑将本品的使用时间再延长24天。 特殊群体: 在进行重大骨科手术的患者中,对于那些年龄大于75岁、和/或体重低于50kg、和/或肌酐清除率为20-50mL/min的肾脏损害患者,应严格遵循本品的首次注射时间。本品首次给予应不早于手术结束后6小时。除非术后已经止血,否则不应注射本品。 肾功能损害:肌酐清除率<20mL/min的患者不应使用本品。肌酐清除率在20-30mL/min范围内的肾脏损害患者,本品推荐剂量为1.5mg。对于肌酐清除率在30-50mL/min范围内的肾脏损害患者,根据药代动力学模拟结果可以考虑使用本品1.5mg剂量进行短期预防。对于长期预防本品1.5mg剂量应被作为替代2.5mg的用量。 肝功能损害:不需要调节剂量。在严重肝功能损害的患者中,本品应谨慎使用。 儿科:在<17岁的人群中本品的疗效和安全性未经研究。 使用方法:本品是通过皮下深层注射给予的,患者取卧位。注射部位应该在前侧和后侧腹壁之间左右交替。为了避免药物的丢失,当使用预灌式注射器时,注射前不要排除注射器中的气泡。注射针的全长应垂直插入拇指和食指之间的皮肤皱褶内;整个注射过程中应始终保持有皮肤皱褶。见【用药须知】中使用、处理和处置指导的相关内容。 【药物过量】 本品使用推荐剂量以上的剂量可能导致出血风险的增加。与出血并发症相关的药物过量应终止治疗,并寻找主要原因。应考虑进行适当的治疗如外科止血、血液置换,输注新鲜血浆以及血浆置换。 【禁忌】 下列情况禁用本品:已知对磺达肝癸钠或本品中任何赋形剂成分过敏;具有临床意义的活动性出血;急性细菌性心内膜炎;肌酐清除率<20mL/min的严重肾脏损害。 【注意事项】 本品仅用于皮下注射。不能肌肉内注射。 出血:本品应慎用于那些出血危险性增高的患者,如那些先天的或获得性的出血性疾病患者(例如血小板计数<50000/mm3)、活动性溃疡性胃肠疾病、近期颅内出血或脑、脊髓或眼科手术后不久以及下面所列的特殊人群。 那些能增加出血风险的药物不应与磺达肝癸钠同时使用。这些药物包括地西卢定(desirudin)、纤溶药物、GPIIb/IIIa受体拮抗剂、肝素、类肝素药物或者低分子肝素。需要时,可根据【药物相互作用】部分的提示与维生素K拮抗剂联合使用。其他抗血小板药物(乙酰水杨酸、潘生丁、苯磺保泰松、盐酸噻氯匹定、氯比格雷)以及非甾体类消炎药物应慎用。如果需要合用,应进行严密监测。 脊椎/硬膜外麻醉:对于那些进行重大骨科手术的患者,可导致长期或永久瘫痪的硬膜外或脊髓血肿的发生不能排除为合并使用本品和脊髓/硬膜外麻醉或脊髓穿刺的结果。对于那些术后使用了留置硬膜外导管或联合使用其他影响止血的药物的患者,这些罕见事件的危险性会更高。 老年患者:老年患者出血的危险性会增高。由于肾脏功能通常随年龄增长而降低,老年患者可以表现为磺达肝癸钠排除的减少以及暴露的增加。本品在老年患者中应慎用。 低体重患者:体重<50kg的患者,其出血危险性会增加。磺达肝癸钠的排泄随体重降低而减少,对于这些患者应谨慎使用本品。 肾功能损害患者:已知磺达肝癸钠主要通过肾脏排泄。肌酐清除率<50mL/min的患者,其出血危险性会增加,应慎用本品。 严重肝功能损害的患者:不需要进行剂量调整。然而,由于严重肝功能损害的患者中凝血因子的缺乏而增加出血的危险,因此应谨慎考虑使用本品。 患有肝素诱导性血小板减少症的患者:磺达肝癸钠不会与血小板因子4结合,并且不会与II型肝素诱导性血小板减少症患者的血清发生交叉反应。磺达肝癸钠在II型肝素诱导性血小板减少症患者中的疗效和安全性尚无正式的研究。对驾车和操作机械能力的影响:本品对驾车和操作机械能力的影响尚无研究。 【儿童用药】本品在17岁以下患者中的安全性和疗效尚没有研究。 【老年患者用药】 由于肾功能会随年龄增大而降低,老年人对磺达肝癸钠的消除能力会减低。大于75岁的老年人在进行骨科手术时,其血浆清除比<65岁的患者低1.2-1.4倍。 【孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药】 没有来自孕妇使用本品的适当的资料。动物研究由于药物暴露有限而不足于说明本品对妊娠、胚胎/胎儿发育、分娩和产后生长的影响。除非明确需要,本品不应用于孕妇。磺达肝癸钠可泌入大鼠乳汁中,但尚不知磺达肝癸钠是否能分泌入人乳中。在使用磺达肝癸钠治疗期间不推荐哺乳。然而婴儿尚不太可能通过口服吸收。 【不良反应】 对本品2.5mg剂量的安全性进行了评价,其中3595位进行重大下肢骨科手术的患者治疗使用时间达9天;327位进行髋关节骨折手术的患者,经过初始1周的预防治疗后再给予3周的治疗;1407位进行腹部手术的患者治疗达9天;以及425位具有血栓栓塞并发症风险的内科患者中治疗达到14天。 研究者报道的、至少与本品可能有关的不良反应见下列频次分组(常见:≥1%,<10%;不常见:≥0.1%,<1%;罕见:≥0.01%,<0.1%);以及根据严重程度依次降低的次序进行的全身器官分类;这些不良反应应根据外科和内科的情况进行解释。在进行下肢重大骨科手术和/或腹部手术患者中的不良反应: 感染与侵染:罕见手术后伤口感染。 血液和淋巴系统异常:常见手术后出血,贫血;不常见出血(鼻衄,胃肠道出血,咳血,血尿,血肿),血小板减少症,紫癜,血小板增生症,血小板异常,凝血异常。 免疫系统异常:罕见过敏反应。 代谢和营养异常:罕见低钾血症。 神经系统异常:罕见焦虑,嗜睡,眩晕,头昏,头痛和谵妄。 脉管系统异常:罕见低血压。 呼吸、胸腔以及纵隔异常:罕见呼吸困难,咳嗽。 胃肠道异常:不常见恶心,呕吐;罕见腹痛,消化不良,胃炎,便秘,腹泻。 肝胆系统异常:不常见肝酶升高,肝功能异常;罕见胆红素血症。 皮肤和皮下组织异常:不常见皮疹,瘙痒症。 全身异常以及给药部位情况:不常见水肿,外周水肿,发热,伤口溢液;罕见胸痛,疲倦,潮红,腿痛,生殖器水肿,潮热,晕厥。 在内科患者中的不良反应 血液和淋巴系统异常:常见出血(血肿,血尿,咳血,齿龈出血);不常见贫血。 呼吸、胸腔以及纵隔异常:不常见呼吸困难。 皮肤和皮下组织异常:不常见皮疹,瘙痒症。 全身异常以及给药部位情况:不常见胸痛。 在其他研究或上市后临床经验中,罕有颅内出血和腹膜后出血的病例报道。 【药物相互作用】 本品与那些可增加出血危险性的药物联合使用时,出血的风险会增加。口服抗凝药(华法林)、血小板抑制剂(乙酰水杨酸)、非甾体类抗炎药物(吡罗昔康)以及地高辛不影响本品的药代动力学。在药物相互作用研究中所使用的本品剂量(10mg)高于目前本品适应症所用的推荐剂量。本品既不影响华法林INR的活性,也不影响在使用乙酰水杨酸或吡罗昔康治疗时的出血时间,也不影响稳态下的地高辛的药代动力学。 使用另一种抗凝药物治疗的后续治疗:如果后续治疗将使用肝素或低分子肝素,首次注射通常应在末次注射本品1天后给予。如果需要使用维生素K拮抗剂进行后续治疗,应继续使用磺达肝癸钠治疗直至达到INR目标值。 【FDA妊娠分级】 B级:在动物繁殖研究中(并未进行孕妇的对照研究),未见到药物对胎儿的不良影响。或在动物繁殖性研究中发现药物有副作用,但这些副作用并未在设对照的、妊娠首3个月的妇女中得到证实(也没有在其后6个月具有危害性的证据)。 【用药须知】配伍禁忌:由于没有配伍禁忌方面的研究,本品不能与其他药物混用。使用、处理和处置指导:皮下注射与传统注射器使用的方式相同。在给药前,均应肉眼检查注射溶液是否有颗粒样物质和变色的情况。自行注射的指导可参见说明书。预灌式注射器针头保护系统带有一个自动安全系统以防注射后针头刺伤。任何未用的产品或废料应按照当地要求进行处理。 【药理作用】 磺达肝癸钠是一种人工合成的、活化因子X选择性抑制剂。其抗血栓活性是抗凝血酶III(ATIII)介导的对因子Xa选择性抑制的结果。通过选择性结合于ATIII,磺达肝癸钠增强了(大约300倍)ATIII对因子Xa原来的中和活性。而对因子Xa的中和作用打断了凝血级联反应,并抑制了凝血酶的形成和血栓的增大。磺达肝癸钠不能灭活凝血酶(活化因子II),并对血小板没有作用。 在本品2.5mg剂量时,本品不影响常规凝血实验如活化部分凝血活酶时间,活化凝血时间或者血浆凝血酶原时间/国际标准化比值,也不影响出血时间或纤溶活性。磺达肝癸钠不会与来自肝素诱导血小板减少症患者的血浆发生交叉反应。 【毒理研究】 基于常规的安全性药理学研究、重复剂量毒性研究以及基因毒性研究的临床前资料没有显示本品对人类的特殊风险。动物研究由于其有限的暴露不足于说明其生殖毒性的作用。 【药代动力学】 吸收:皮下给药后,磺达肝癸钠能完全快速地被吸收(绝对生物利用度为100%)。年轻健康受试者皮下单次注射本品2.5mg后,血浆峰浓度(平均峰浓度,meanCmax=0.34mg/L)在给药后2小时达到。给药后25分钟达到血浆平均峰浓度值的半数值。 在老年健康受试者中,磺达肝癸钠经过皮下途径给药后,在2-8mg剂量范围内其药代动力学参数呈线性关系。每日1次给药后,稳态血浆浓度在给药后3-4天获得,Cmax和AUC增加1.3倍。 髋关节置换术后患者接受本品2.5mg每日1次后平均稳态药代动力学参数估计值:Cmax(mg/l)-0.39(31%),Tmax(h)-2.8(18%)以及Cmin(mg/L)-0.14(56%)。在髋关节骨折的患者中,磺达肝癸钠稳态血浆浓度:Cmax(mg/L)-0.50(32%),Cmin(mg/l)-0.19(58%),这与他们的年龄大有关系。 分布:磺达肝癸钠的分布容积是有限的(7-11升)。体外,磺达肝癸钠以剂量依赖血浆浓度结合的形式高度特异地结合于抗凝血酶蛋白(在0.5-2mg/L的浓度范围内为98.6-97.0%)。磺达肝癸钠与其他血浆蛋白结合不明显,包括血小板因子4。由于磺达肝癸钠与ATIII以外的血浆蛋白结合不明显,预期不会与其他药物发生蛋白结合置换方面的相互作用。 代谢:尽管没有得到全面的评价,没有有关磺达肝癸钠代谢,特别是形成活性代谢物的证据。磺达肝癸钠在体外不会抑制CYP450(CYP1A2,CYP2A6,CYP2C9,CYP2C19,CYP2D6,CYP2E1或CYP3A4)。因此,预期本品在体内不会通过抑制CYP介导的代谢与其他药物发生相互作用。 排泄/消除:本品在年轻和老年的健康受试者中的消除半衰期大约分别为17和21小时。磺达肝癸钠64-77%被肾脏以原形药物排泄。 特殊人群: 儿科患者:磺达肝癸钠未在该人群中进行研究。老年患者:由于肾功能会随年龄增大而降低,老年人对磺达肝癸钠的消除能力会减低。>75岁的老年人在进行骨科手术时,其血浆清除比<65岁的患者低1.2-1.4倍。 肾功能损害患者:与具有正常肾功能的患者相比(肌酐清除率>80mL/min),轻度肾功能损害(肌酐清除率50-80mL/min)的患者其血浆清除低1.2-1.4倍,中度肾功能损害(肌酐清除率30-50mL/min)的患者其血浆清除平均低2倍。在重度肾功能损害(肌酐清除率<30mL/min)的患者其血浆清除比正常肾功能患者低5倍。在中度肾功能损害和重度肾功能损害的患者中,相关的终末半衰期值为29和72小时。 性别:根据体重调整后没有观察到性别差异。种族:由于种族不同可能导致的药代动力学差异没有进行前瞻性的研究。然而,在亚洲(日本)健康受试者中进行的研究与白种人健康受试者相比没有显示药代动力学方面的差异。类似地,在进行骨科手术的黑人和白人之间没有观察到血浆清除的差异。 体重:磺达肝癸钠血浆清除随体重增加而增加(每增加10公斤体重,其血浆清除增加9%)。肝功能损害患者:没有在肝功能损害患者中进行磺达肝癸钠药代动力学研究。 【药物分类】抗凝血、抗血小板和纤维蛋白溶解剂(Anticoagulants,Antiplatelets&Fibrinolytics(Thrombolytics)) 【贮藏】遮光,密封,25°C条件下保存(不要冷冻)。 【有效期】24个月。 【规格】0.5ml:2.5mg*2支 【批准文号】注册证号H20080111 【生产厂家】法国GlaxoWellcomeProduction
Arixtra Information
Arixtra is a well known blood thinner (an anticoagulant) that is able to prevent blood clots from forming.
Arixtra indications
Arixtra is one of the most effective blood thinners on the market; for this reason, physicians prescribe it with confidence to whom-ever needs to benefit from the effects of a therapy with this drug. You should ask your personal health care provider to tell you in what way will you benefit from your treatment trial with Arixtra.
Arixtra Warnings
Patients who follow a long term therapy with this medical product are more prone to experience abnormal bleeding in their epidural or spinal space; this complication can trigger paralysis.
Some considerations ought to be taken into account when you and your personal physician determine whether you are going to start a prophylaxis with this medicine or not. For example patients who weigh less than 50 kg should not be prescribed this medicine. The presence of other medical disorders might make your organism respond to the therapy with this medicine in an unwanted, harmful way. Individuals who have been diagnosed with kidney disorders, low blood levels of platelets, heart infections (especially bacterial endocarditis), hypertension, a blood clotting medical condition, ulcer, stomach bleeding, eye disorders, liver disease, and so on, should avoid a prophylaxis with Arixtra (and with any other blood thinner). Even if such patients are generally not prescribed a therapy with this drug, exceptions can be made in special circumstances. For example, in some clinical cases, a professional has determined that the intake of this drug is of great importance for the patient’s health condition. Such individuals were prescribed special (lower) doses of this medicine. Their therapy was strictly supervised by a number of physicians. Some of them had to remain hospitalized during their prophylaxis with this blood thinner.
Scientists have determined that this blood thinner is actually a category B FDA pregnancy medical product. In other words, a therapy with Arixtra during pregnancy should be safe, both for the mother and for the developing fetus. If a patient becomes pregnant during her therapy with this drug, she should immediately inform her personal health care provider. Even if several studies have been made in order to assess whether this drug’s ingredients can pass into the individual’s breast milk, the results were inconclusive. This is why it is best that every female patient discontinues her nursing activities during her therapy with this blood thinner.
It is known that elderly individuals are more prone to developing the severe side effects of this anticoagulant (Arixtra). For this reason, patients over 65 years old are generally prescribed lower doses of this medical product.
Arixtra Intake Guidelines
Your therapy with Arixtra should follow the instructions that your physician has given you when he or she first prescribed you a treatment trial with this anticoagulant. No changed should be made without your physician’s personal approval. If you have any questions about your prophylaxis with this drug, we advise you to seek your physician’s counseling.
Most patients understand that it is best to receive their doses of Arixtra through a sub dermal injection (the needle is generally placed into the stomach’s fatty tissue). The IV administration of this anticoagulant is not a viable option.
Patients should analyze their dose of Arixtra prior to their administration of this medicine. They should look for a discolored medicine or for a vial that contains unusual particles. The needles and / or syringes that have been used in the administration of your dose of Arixtra should be disposed of in the nearest puncture-resistant container. During your therapy with this anticoagulant, your professional health care provider might ask you to undergo a series of clinical blood tests that will aid him or her to properly monitor the development of your condition. It is best to keep the vials of Arixtra in a dry place, at the average room temperature.
Arixtra Dosage
The proper dose of Arixtra that should be administered through a sub dermal injection to a certain patient depends on the age of that individual, on his or her general health condition, and so on. Such factors are carefully considered by your personal health care provider. They aid him or her to prescribe you an adequate dose of this blood thinner.
Arixtra Overdose
After studying several patients who were diagnosed with over-dosage with Arixtra, physicians have compiled a short list with the average symptoms and / or signs that are triggered by such a medical condition. They include: tarry, bloody or black stools, nose bleeds, abnormal bleeding and / or bruising. If you develop any of these symptoms during your prophylaxis with this medicine you should seek immediate medical care.
Arixtra Missed Dose
If a missed dose of this blood thinner accidentally occurs, we advise you to reschedule your appointment as soon as you can. Missed doses of Arixtra affect the effectiveness of your therapy with this drug.
Arixtra Side Effects
A prolonged prophylaxis with Arixtra may trigger a set of severe side effects: prolonged, unusual bleeding, breathing difficulties, excessive paleness, urinating blood, severe stomach pains and / or headaches, open wounds (ulcerations) that appear at the injection site, and so on.
A prophylaxis with Arixtra can also trigger a set of other less severe symptoms that are experienced by numerous individuals. They include: constipation, fever, vomiting, nausea, insomnia, and so on.
Arixtra Drug Reactions
During your therapy with Arixtra, we advise you not to use aspirin, salsalate, NSAIDs, and so on, as an adjacent treatment trial with any of them leads to abnormal bleeding and further unpleasant complications.
Buy Arixtra
Buy Arixtra through our Online Pharmacy Escrow Service or at any Canada Pharmacy where it is sold.
Arixtra Side Effects
Arixtra is a brand name for fondaparinux, a prescription drug that prevents deep vein thrombosis. This condition causes harmful blood clots in a patient's legs. The blood clots can travel to the lungs and cause a dangerous condition called pulmonary embolism. Arixtra is often prescribed to people who have recently undergone surgery and are unable to walk. This medication is administered by injection and may cause some side effects.
Respiratory and Related Effects
- Arixtra patients have reported some respiratory side effects that should be brought to the attention of a physician. According to the Mayo Clinic, some people have noticed breathing problems after physical exertion while they were on this drug. Some individuals report chest pain, coughing and shortness of breath. Others have noticed sore throats and nosebleeds. Chest tightness and wheezing are possible.
Nervous System and Related Effects
- Some nervous system-related side effects have occurred with Arixtra users and these effects require medical attention. According to the Mayo Clinic, people have experienced unusual weakness or tiredness. Blurred vision, convulsions and confusion have occurred with this medicine. Individuals should move slowly when rising from a seated or lying position to avoid lightheadedness, dizziness or fainting. Mood changes, decreased alertness and headaches have been reported. Some users of this drug have experienced difficulty sleeping.
Gastrointestinal and Urinary Effects
- Gastrointestinal and urinary side effects have occurred with some Arixtra patients and people need to tell their doctors about these effects. According to the Mayo Clinic, some individuals have noticed that their stools became bloody, tarry or black in appearance. Nausea and vomiting have been reported with this drug. Some people have experienced difficulty in having a bowel movement. Acid or sour stomach, diarrhea and belching may occur. Heartburn and indigestion have been reported. Urine may appear cloudy or bloody. A change in urination frequency was noticed by some patients.
Skin and Related Effects
- Users of Arixtra have experienced some skin related side effects that need medical assistance. According to the Mayo Clinic, these effects include pale skin, unusual bleeding and bruising. Blood may collect under the skin and red pinpoint spots may occur. Pain, redness or swelling may develop at the injection site. Tingling and numbness on the lips and extremities was reported by some users. Purple skin areas, itching and blisters are possible.
Other Effects
- Other reported side effects have occurred with Arixtra patients, and a doctor should be informed of these effects. According to the Mayo Clinic, people have noticed irregular heartbeats, chills and fever. Some users have complained of a loss of appetite. Lower back pain and pain on the side of the body have occurred with this drug. Some people have experienced muscle pain or joint pain.