透明质酸阴道栓剂主要成分为透明质酸,透明质酸是一种黏多糖,能锁住大于自身500-1000倍的水分,它强大的锁水能力使得它具有很好保湿作用,为细胞转移生物修复提供最佳的水化环境。并且黏多糖对许多身体组织有结构支持作用,如支持肌肉的强壮,营养和弹性。芦荟油提物,积雪草油提物和金盏草油提物也有良好的润滑和保湿作用。 适应症: 对阴道粘膜萎缩和营养不良及雌激素缺乏造成的阴道干燥有保湿润滑作用。 组成: 透明质酸钠盐5mg 积雪草油提物(Centella asiatica oil extract) 金盏草油提物(calendula oil extract) 芦荟油提物(aloe vera oil extract) 茶树油(tea tree essential oil) 半合成甘油酯(semi-synthetic glycerides): β-羟基茶碱(BHT) 注意事项: 对其中任何成分过敏者禁用 没有数据证明怀孕和哺乳期间使用CICATRIDINA®阴道栓的安全性,使用前请咨询医生。 使用方法: 规格与包装:2g/粒,10粒/盒 Cicatridina® vaginal ovules [INTRODUCTION] CICATRIDINA® vaginal ovules carries out its activity thanks to the presence of hyaluronic acid, a mucopolysaccharide which is abundantly distributed in many bodily tissues. Hyaluronic acid functions as structural support thus giving tonicity, trophism and elasticity to tissue. Numerous clinical studies have shown the capacity of hyaluronic acid to accelerate and improve the process of re-epithelialisation and tissue repair. [INDICATIONS] Adjuvant treatment of reparative processes in atrophic and dystrophic conditions of the vaginal mucosa. It promotes healing after childbirth, in gynaecological surgery, in cases of dystrophy resulting from chemotherapy, ionising radiation, vaginal dryness also due to oestrogen deficiency. [COMPOSITION] Hyaluronic acid sodium salt 5 mg, Centella asiatica oil extract, calendula oil extract, aloe vera oil extract, tea tree essential oil, semi-synthetic glycerides, BHT. [PRECAUTIONS] In case of individual hypersensitivity to one of the components of the product. [Pregnancy and breast feeding] The safety of use of CICATRIDINA® vaginal ovules during pregnancy and breast feeding has not been demonstrated. In such circumstances, it is advisable to consult your doctor. [HOW TO USE IT] Remove the ovule by pulling on the two pre-cut flyers of the blister and insert it deep into the vagina. It is a good hygienic practice to wash hands before and after the use of the medical device.
[HOW IT IS PRESENTED] CICATRIDINA® is presented in the form of ovules for vaginal use. The pack contains 10 vaginal ovules of 2 g e. [STORAGE] Store the medical device tightly closed, away from light and heat, preferably at a temperature between 4 °C and 25 °C. Keep the product out of the reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes. Do not swallow. [Manufacturer] FARMA-DERMA s.r.l. |