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2010-12-27 00:18:22  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:235  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 【成份】拉米夫定 Lamivudine【适应症】与其它抗逆转录病毒药物联合使用,用于治疗人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染的成人和儿童。【用量】12岁以上患者 150 mg bid或300 mg qd。3月龄至12岁儿童 4 mg/kg b ...

拉米夫定 Lamivudine
12岁以上患者 150 mg bid或300 mg qd。3月龄至12岁儿童 4 mg/kg bid,最大剂量为300 mg/天。肾损害者减量使用。参阅产品说明书。
C级: 动物研究证明药物对胎儿有危害性(致畸或胚胎死亡等),或尚无设对照的妊娠妇女研究,或尚未对妊娠妇女及动物进行研究。本类药物只有在权衡对孕妇的益处大于对胎儿的危害之后,方可使用。
血象异常,头痛、失眠,极罕见外周神经病或感觉异常,咳嗽、鼻部症状,胃肠道反应、罕见血清淀粉酶升高、胰腺炎,少见肝酶一过性升高、罕见肝炎,皮疹、脱发,关节痛、肌肉功能失调 、罕见横纹肌溶解,疲劳、不适、发热。

EPIVIR® (lamivudine)
See the full Prescribing Information for EPIVIR
Indication and Usage
EPIVIR in combination with other antiretroviral agents is indicated for the treatment of HIV infection. The use of EPIVIR is based on the results of clinical studies in HIV-infected patients in combination regimens with other antiretroviral agents. EPIVIR does not cure HIV infection/AIDS or prevent passing HIV to others.
Important Safety Information
EPIVIR, like other HIV medicines, can cause a condition called lactic acidosis and severe liver problems. Lactic acidosis occurs when acid builds up in the blood, which can affect how the body functions. In some cases, lactic acidosis can cause death. Nausea and tiredness that don't get better may be symptoms of lactic acidosis
If your child is taking EPIVIR, your doctor will tell you to watch carefully for signs and symptoms of an inflamed pancreas, such as, severe stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, mild fever, and clammy skin
Patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection who take lamivudine, the active ingredient in EPIVIR, and then stop taking it, may get "flare-ups" of their hepatitis. A "flare-up" is when the disease suddenly returns in a worse way than before. If you have HBV infection, your doctor should closely monitor your liver function for several months after stopping lamivudine. You may need to take anti-HBV medicines
Worsening of liver disease (sometimes resulting in death) has occurred in patients infected with both HIV and hepatitis C virus who are taking anti-HIV medicines and are also being treated for hepatitis C with interferon with or without ribavirin. If you are taking EPIVIR as well as interferon with or without ribavirin, and you experience side effects, be sure to tell your doctor
When you start taking HIV medicines, your immune system may get stronger and may begin to fight infections that have been hidden in your body, such as pneumonia, herpes virus, or tuberculosis. If you have new symptoms after starting your HIV medicines, be sure to tell your doctor
Changes in body fat may occur in some patients taking antiretroviral therapy. These changes may include an increased amount of fat in the upper back and neck ("buffalo hump"), breast, and around the trunk. Loss of fat from the legs, arms, and face may also occur. The cause and long-term health effects of these conditions are not known at this time
The most common side effects with EPIVIR were headache, nausea, weakness or tiredness, and nasal signs and symptoms. In children, the most common side effects are fever, cough, skin rash, and an enlarged liver
These are not all the side effects you could have when taking this medicine. Your healthcare professional can talk to you about these and other side effects with EPIVIR
Tell your doctor promptly about any side effects or other unusual symptoms you may experience

【-原产地英文商品名-】EPIVIR HBV SOLUTION 5mg/ml 240mls/bottle
【-中文参考商品译名-】益平维 HBV溶液 5毫克/毫升 240毫升/瓶


Kivexa(Epivir 拉米夫定,3TC,Ziagen)



· EVOTAZ(atazanavir/cobi...
· Tivicay (Doutegravir 5...
· 利托那韦溶液剂(RITONAV...
· TRUVADA(emtricitabine恩...
· EFAVIR(依非韦伦硬胶囊)
· DUOVIR-N(拉米夫定/齐多...
· Complera(恩曲他滨+利匹...
· 利健(注射用更昔洛韦)
· EDURANT (rilpivirine h...
· 依非韦伦片(施多宁,STOCRI)



· EVOTAZ(atazanavir/cobi...
· Tivicay (Doutegravir 5...
· 利托那韦溶液剂(RITONAV...
· TRUVADA(emtricitabine恩...
· EFAVIR(依非韦伦硬胶囊)
· DUOVIR-N(拉米夫定/齐多...
· Complera(恩曲他滨+利匹...
· 利健(注射用更昔洛韦)
· EDURANT (rilpivirine h...
· 依非韦伦片(施多宁,STOCRI)

