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2011-01-06 22:30:35  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:924  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 奈西立肽是一种使用重组脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)技术生产的新药。奈西立肽用于治疗患有心力衰竭且使用其它药物治疗无效的住院患者。治疗时需要由执业医师直接监督。奈西立肽在正常治疗剂量下可能导致不良或严 ...



NATRECOR® helps patients with heart failure when their condition worsens to the point that they have difficulty breathing when they are not active (like when they are resting in bed) or when they engage in slight physical activity (like brushing their teeth). Administered directly into the bloodstream (intravenously) of patients who experience such an episode, NATRECOR® relaxes the muscles that surround blood vessels, resulting in improved blood flow throughout the body without causing one's heartbeat to increase or become irregular. 


Natrecor®(nesiritide) is a sterile, purified preparation of a new drug class, human B-type natriuretic peptide (hBNP), and is manufactured from E.coli using recombinant DNA technology. Nesiritide has a molecular weight of 3464 g/mol and an empirical formula of C143H244N50O42S4.Nesiritide has the same 32 amino acid sequence as the endogenous peptide, which is produced by the ventricular myocardium. 

Natrecor is formulated as the citrate salt of rhBNP, and is provided in a sterile, single-use vial. Each 1.5 mg vial contains awhite- to off-white lyophilized powder for intravenous (IV) administration after reconstitution. The quantitative composition of the lyophilized drug per vial is: nesiritide 1.58 mg, mannitol 20.0 mg, citric acid monohydrate 2.1 mg, and sodium 

Important Safety Information


NATRECOR® (nesiritide) may cause hypotension and should be administered only in settings where blood pressure can be monitored closely. If hypotension occurs during administration of NATRECOR®,the dose should be reduced or discontinued. At the recommended dose of NATRECOR®, the incidence of symptomatic hypotension (4%) was similar to that of IV nitroglycerin (5%). Asymptomatic hypotension occurred in 8% of patients treated with either drug. In some cases, hypotension that occurs with NATRECOR® may be prolonged. The mean duration of symptomatic hypotension was longer with NATRECOR® than IV nitroglycerin (2.2 versus 0.7 hours, respectively). NATRECOR® should not be used in patients with systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg or as primary therapy in patients with cardiogenic shock. The rate of symptomatic hypotension may be increased in patients with a baseline blood pressure <100 mm Hg, and NATRECOR® should be used cautiously in these patients. In earlier trials, when NATRECOR® was initiated at doses higher than the 2 mcg/kg bolus followed by a 0.01 mcg/kg/min infusion, the frequency, intensity, and duration of hypotension were increased. The hypotensive episodes were also more often symptomatic and/or more likely to require medical intervention.

NATRECOR® is not recommended forpatientsforwhomvasodilatingagentsarenotappropriate and should be avoided in patients with low cardiac filling pressures.


NATRECOR® may affect renal function in susceptible individuals. In patients with severe heart failure whose renal function may depend on the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, treatment with NATRECOR® may be associated with azotemia. In the VMAC trial, through day 30, the incidence of elevations in creatinine to >0.5 mg/dL above baseline was 28% and 21% in the NATRECOR® and nitroglycerin groups, respectively. When NATRECOR® was initiated at doses higher than 0.01 mcg/kg/min, there was an increased rate of elevated serum creatinine over baseline compared with standard therapies, although the rate of acute renal failure and need for dialysis were not increased.


In seven NATRECOR® clinical trials, through 30 days, 5.5% in the NATRECOR® treatment group died as compared with 4.3% in the group treated with other standard medications. In five clinical trials, through 180 days, 21.5% in the NATRECOR® treatment group died as compared with 20.7% in the group treated with other medications. There is not enough information to know if there is an increased risk of death after treatment with NATRECOR®.

Generic Name for NATRECOR
Nesiritide 1.5 mg/vial; pwd for IV inj after reconstitution and dilution; contains mannitol.

Legal Classification:

Pharmacological Class for NATRECOR
Vasodilator (human B-type natriuretic peptide).

Manufacturer of NATRECOR
Scios, Inc.

Indications for NATRECOR
Acutely decompensated CHF with dyspnea at rest or with minimal activity.

Adult dose for NATRECOR
2 micrograms/kg IV bolus once, then 0.01 microgram/kg per minute by continuous IV infusion; limited experience with therapy >48 hours. Doses up to 0.03 micrograms/kg per minute have been used; see literature. Reduce dose or discontinue if symptomatic hypotension occurs.

Children's dosing for NATRECOR
Not recommended.

Contraindications for NATRECOR
Systolic BP <90mmHg. Not for primary treatment of cardiogenic shock. Not recommended for intermittent outpatient infusion, or scheduled repetitive use, or to improve renal function or enhance diuresis.

Warnings/Precautions for NATRECOR
Not recommended in significant valvular stenosis, restrictive or obstructive cardiomyopathy, constrictive pericarditis, pericardial tamponade, other conditions where vasodilators are inappropriate, or when cardiac output is dependent on venous return, or in patients with low cardiac filling pressures. Impaired renal function (esp if severe heart failure). Monitor BP closely. Pregnancy (Cat.C). Nursing mothers.

Interactions for NATRECOR
Hypotension potentiated by oral ACE inhibitors.

Adverse Reactions for NATRECOR
Hypotension, headache, GI upset, dizziness, angina, insomnia, AV node conduction abnormalities, azotemia.

How is NATRECOR supplied?
Single-use vials—1


美国食品药物管理局(FDA) 2001年8月批准上市   

Scios公司生产, 用于急性充血性心力衰竭。

Nesiritide是基因工程重组人B型促尿钠排泄肽(hBNP)。BNP和血管平滑肌细胞及上皮细胞上的鸟甘酸环化酶受体结合, 使细胞内的第二信使环磷酸鸟甘(cGMP)的浓度增加, 而环磷酸鸟甘具有舒張平滑肌細胞,扩张动静脉血管的作用。


10项的临床试验共有941名充血性心力衰竭患者参与, 靜息时均有時气短症状。在基础治疗上,试验比较了Natrecor、安慰剂和静脉用硝酸甘油的效果。观察的指标为用药后3小时, 肺毛细血管压的改变和患者呼吸困难的改善情况, 结果显示, 和安慰剂组相比, Natrecor組患者呼吸困难好转的程度更大;与硝酸甘油組相比,Natrecor組患者的肺毛細血管压明显降低。在另一項双盲试验中, 分別接受兩种种不同剂量的Natrecor的患者用药后6小时呼吸困难症状的改善程度都好于安慰剂組。

副作用有:高血压, 室性心动过速, 心絞痛、心搏过缓、头痛、腹痛、背痛、失眠、头昏、焦虑、恶心、呕吐等。





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