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2011-01-09 17:04:27  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:339  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 地诺孕素 1995年地诺孕素和炔雌醇复方制剂(2mg+0.03mg)作为避孕药在德国上市,2007年在澳大利亚上市,商品名Valette。2001年地诺孕素与雌二醇戊酸酯的复方制剂(含地诺孕素2mg和雌二醇戊酸酯1或2mg ...


地诺孕素还具有一定的抗雄激素活性。 改进的Hershberger法对睾丸素治疗的性腺切除雄鼠进行检测,结果发现地诺孕素的抗雄激素活性大于醋酸氯地孕酮而约为醋酸环丙孕酮的40%。正常行经妇女经口服地诺孕素2mg/天加炔雌醇30μg/天治疗3个月经周期(每月经周期前21天用药,随后停药7天)后,她们的血清雄烷二醇葡萄糖醛酸化物水平可较基线减少38%,血清总睾酮水平减少17~40%,游离睾酮水平减少48~54%,去氢表雄酮硫酸酯水平减少51%。


Climodien Information
In the case of women who approach menopause, their bodies gradually decrease the production of hormones, which may cause such unwanted effects as hot flushes or night sweats. Hormone replacement therapy is a procedure which attempts to prevent these effects through artificial induction of hormones into the patient’s organism to maintain the ormal hormonal levels. Climodien is a medication based on the hormonal agents Estradiol Valerate and Dienogest, and it may be employed as part of the hormone replacement therapy.

Climodien Indications
Climodien is typically prescribed for the treatment of certain menopausal symptoms such as night sweats, hot flushes, vaginal dryness, burning or itching. Other medical conditions which cause a drop in the hormone levels may also be treated with this medicine. In some situations, Climodien may be prescribed for the treatment of advanced androgen-dependant prostate cancer, in order to antagonize the male hormones. Health care professionals may also prescribe this medical product for the treatment of other medical affections that are not listed here. If you are not suffering from any of the above and have been prescribed a treatment course with Climodien, you can obtain further information regarding your prescription from the prescribing health care specialist.

Climodien Warnings
Climodien should not be administered for the treatment of patients that have a known hypersensitivity reaction to this drug, to Estradiol Valerate, Dienogest or to any of the ingredients of this medicinal product. Other situations in which Climodien should not be administered include known or suspected pregnancy, abnormal vaginal bleeding, breast cancer or any other type of estrogen dependent cancer, porphyria, liver disease, blood clot disorders or recent heart attack.
Patients who are overweight, smokers or patients that frequently consume alcohol may require special considerations before starting a therapy with Climodien. Other medical conditions may affect the patient’s treatment plan with this medicine as well. It is best that the prescribing medic is aware of your full medical history as well as your general health condition before deciding upon the Climodien dosage to be employed in your case.

Climodien Intake Guidelines
The appropriate intake guidelines for Climodien will be provided by the prescribing health care professional along with the medication dosage. It is best to closely follow the intake indications exactly as the prescriber has directed in order to obtain the best therapeutic effects. If you are in doubt or unsure of the correct administration method and / or schedule, you should ask your personal physician, a pharmacist or a nurse. They will be able to offer further details regarding the correct administration of this medicine.

Climodien Dosage
The Climodien dosage may vary from one patient to another, and the prescribing health care specialist will determine the dosage appropriate to your situation based on a number of case-specific factors. As such, it is strongly advised that you only take the dosage that has been prescribed to you by your personal physician. Never follow the Climodien medication plan prescribed for another patient as this may cause the therapy to yield different results than expected.

Climodien Overdose
An overdose with Climodien is possible if you take larger doses of the medicine than directed by your personal health care provider. This may manifest through such symptoms as abnormal, excessive vaginal bleeding, nausea and vomiting. If you have any reasons to believe that you are affected by an overdose with this medical product, it is strongly suggested to contact your personal health care provider or, where possible, the local or regional poisons center. In severe situations you should contact the nearest emergency room in order to receive immediate medical attention.

Climodien Missed Dose
A missed dose of Climodien should be taken as soon as you remember about it, unless it is almost time for another scheduled intake of the medicine. If another dose of the drug is almost due, you are advised to completely skip the missed dose and return to your normal intake schedule. It is best that you let your personal health care provider know about the missed dose, as in some cases further action may be required to correct the situation. You are strongly advised against taking a larger dose of Climodien in order to make up for a missed one.

Climodien Side Effects
In some cases, hypersensitivity reactions to Climodien are possible. If you experience any of the characteristic signs and symptoms (chest tightness; mouth, tongue or lips swelling, itching, rashes and hives) you should immediately discontinue the treatment and contact your personal physician.
Apart from allergic reactions, Climodien therapy may result in the appearance of severe side effects manifested through such signs and symptoms as breast lumps, abnormal vaginal bleeding or spotting, changes in speech or vision, mood or mental changes, numbness in the extremities, calf pain or tenderness, weakness, dizziness or fainting. Some patients have reported experiencing headaches, sudden shortness of breath, jaundice or swelling of the feet or hands. These are symptoms of severe side effects and should be immediately brought to the attention of a health care professional.
More commonly, mild side effects such as breast tenderness, sex drive changes, cramps, abnormal hair growth or loss, flushing, lightheadedness, stomach upset or weight changes have been reported. Other side effects than those listed here may appear as well. It is best that you consult with your health care provider regarding any unusual occurrences that you may experience while following a treatment course with Climodien.

Climodien Drug Reactions
Drug reactions may occur between Climodien and several types of drugs. You are advised to inform your prescribing health care specialist of any other medication you are currently taking before starting a treatment with this drug. The following drugs in particular may cause an interaction: anticoagulants, corticosteroids, barbiturates, hydantoins, macrolide antibiotics and azole antifungal drugs, Succinylcholine, Tacrine, Carbamazepine, Rifampin or the herbal remedy St. John's Wort.





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