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2011-01-23 17:04:05  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:1151  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 利尿药乙酰唑胺ACETAZOLAMIDE本品为N-(5-氨磺酰基-1,3,4-噻二唑-2-基) 乙酰胺Acetazolamide推荐用于治疗成人任何程度的急性高山心脏病(AMS)症状。虽然和严重的急性高山心脏病未必有有很大差别,不过仍 ...

本品为N-(5-氨磺酰基-1,3,4-噻二唑-2-基) 乙酰胺





GENERIC NAME: Acetazolamide

Brand Name: APO-Acetazolamide

What is Acetazolamide and for what Acetazolamide is used?
Acetazolamide medication belong to Anticonvulsant/Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor class.

Acetazolamide is used to prevention or lessening of symptoms associated with acute mountain sickness (tablet only); adjunctive treatment of chronic simple (open-angle) glaucoma and secondary glaucoma; preoperative treatment of acute congestive (closed-angle) glaucoma; adjunctive treatment of 1) edema caused by CHF or drug-induced edema and 2) centrencephalic epilepsies (eg, petit mal, generalized seizures).

How to Take Acetazolamide
Take Acetazolamide exactly as prescribed by health care provider. Acetazolamide is avaliable in form of Tablets and oral form.

Dosage Instructions for Acetazolamide Drug
Adults:  PO 325 to 650 mg prn q 4 to 6 hr or 1 g 3 to 4 times/day. Do not exceed 4 g/day.
Children:  PO 10 to 15 mg/kg dose prn q 4 to 6 hr; do not exceed 5 doses/24 hr.

Contraindications of Acetazolamide
Hypersensitivity to other sulfonamides; depressed sodium and/or potassium serum levels; marked kidney and liver disease or dysfunction; suprarenal gland failure; hyperchloremic acidosis; adrenocortical insufficiency; severe pulmonary obstruction with increased risk of acidosis; cirrhosis; long-term use in chronic noncongestive angle-closure glaucoma. Sustained release dosage form is not recommended for use as anticonvulsant or for treatment of edema caused by CHF or drug-induced edema.

Interactions of Acetazolamide with other drugs
Diflunisal: May cause significant decrease in IOP.
Primidone: Primidone concentrations may be altered.
Quinidine: Quinidine serum levels may be increased.
Salicylates: May cause acetazolamide accumulation and toxicity, including CNS depression and metabolic acidosis.

What are the Side Effects of Acetazolamide -
Like other medicines, Acetazolamide can cause side effects. Some of the more common side effects of Acetazolamide include

Drowsiness; confusion; sensory disturbances, including paresthesia and loss of appetite; convulsions.
Skin rash; urticaria.
Transient myopia; hearing disturbances; sore throat; tinnitus.
Nausea; vomiting; diarrhea; melena; taste alterations.
Polyuria; hematuria; glycosuria.
Blood dyscrasias, including agranulocytosis and aplastic anemia; unusual bleeding or bruising
Hepatic insufficiency; fulminant hepatic necrosis.
Metabolic acidosis; electrolyte imbalance.
Flaccid paralysis; fever; flank or loin pain; severe adverse reactions associated with sulfonamides, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis; photosensitivity.

Warnings and precautions before taking Acetazolamide :
Advise patient to discontinue Acetazolamide and contact health care provider immediately if any of the following occur: rash, hives, itching, sore throat, unexplained fever, pallor, purple spots under the skin, unusual bleeding or bruising, blood in urine, tingling or tremors in hands or feet, ringing in ears or hearing changes, flank or loin pain.
Advise patient that Acetazolamide drug may cause drowsiness and to use caution while driving or performing other tasks requiring mental alertness until tolerance is determined.
The safety and efficay of Acetazolamide medicine have not been studied in children and adolescents.
Advise patient that follow-up examinations and lab tests will be required to monitor Acetazolamide and to keep appointments.
Advise women to inform health care provider if pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding while taking Acetazolamide. Insulin is recommended to maintain blood glucose levels during

What if Overdose of Acetazolamide ?
If you think you or anyone else taken overdose of Acetazolamide , immediately telephone your doctor or contact your local or regional Poisons Information Centre Seek medical attention immediately. You may need urgent medical attention. Electrolyte imbalance, acidosis, CNS effects may be a sign of overdose of Acetazolamide.

What if Missed Dose of Acetazolamide ?
If you miss a dose of Acetazolamide medicine and you remember within an hour or so, take the dose immediately. If you do not remember until later, skip the dose you missed and go back to your regular schedule. Do not double doses.

Storage Conditions for Acetazolamide :
Dose is individualized depending on condition being treated.
Acetazolamide be used alone or in combination with other antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Acetazolamide used as an adjunct to usual therapy when treating glaucoma. Store sustained-release capsules of Acetazolamide at controlled room temperature (68° to 77°F). Store tablets and powder for injection at ambient room temperature (59° to 86°F). Store Acetazolamide reconstituted injectable solution in refrigerator (36° to 46°F) for up to 3 days or use within 12 hr of reconstitution if stored at room temperature (59° to 86°F).

【原产地英文商品名】APO-ACETAZOLAMIDE TAB 250mg/tab 500tabs/bottle
【中文参考商品译名】APO-乙酰唑胺片剂 250毫克/片 500片/瓶
【中文参考化合物名称】N-(5-氨磺酰基-1,3,4-噻二唑-2-基) 乙酰胺
【生产厂家中文参考译名】APOTEX INC.
【生产厂家英文名】APOTEX INC.





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· 他氟前列素眼药水|Saflu...
· APO-乙酰唑胺片剂
· 醋氮酰胺(乙酰唑胺片)...



· 倍他洛尔眼液|Betoptic ...
· 左布诺洛尔眼液|Betagan...
· 布林佐胺眼药水|Azopt(B...
· 阿法P(溴莫尼定滴眼液)A...
· 盐酸卡替洛尔滴眼剂|Ocu...
· 可素普特滴眼液COSOPT(T...
· 多佐胺/马来酸噻吗洛尔眼...
· 他氟前列素眼药水|Saflu...
· APO-乙酰唑胺片剂
· 醋氮酰胺(乙酰唑胺片)...

