制造商: 峡谷制药
药理分类: 直接凝血酶抑制剂(重组水蛭素)
活性成分(补): Desirudin 15mg/vial;密码为SC后重建损伤;不含防腐剂;稀释剂含有甘露醇。 指示(补): 预防深静脉血栓的患者进行髋关节置换手术。
药理作用: 水蛭素是一种自然发生在药用水蛭,水蛭抗凝血剂医科大学的peripharyngeal腺体存在。 Desirudin重组水蛭素是一种衍生工具由一个酿酒酵母菌株表达。其生物效价是衡量比较其能力,抑制凝血酶的水解活性的desirudin标准。
临床试验: 该desirudin在对在全髋置换术治疗的患者静脉血栓事件的风险降低疗效相比,依诺肝素或肝素的。谁收到desirudin患者有静脉栓塞(VTE)血栓发生率更低。
在第一项研究,445例患者随机接受15mg的资深大律师desirudin或肝素每12小时每8小时5000 IUnits资深大律师。在评估的患者,desirudin治疗大大降低了乡镇企业的总数量,并减少患者有近端DVTs。
在另一项研究,每12小时desirudin 15mg的资深大律师为资深大律师相比,依诺肝素40毫克每24小时。在这两个评估的和意向性治疗的患者群,这些谁收到desirudin了谁比那些收到的比较药物主要栓塞,总静脉血栓栓塞和近端DVT发生率较低。
法律分类: 接收
成人: 与其他hirudins不能互换。由资深大律师给予损伤,最好是在腹部或大腿。 15毫克每12小时开始至5术前15分钟(经区域阻滞麻醉诱导,如果使用);可能持续9-12天的后运。肾功能损害(肌酐清除率<60mL/min):降低剂量(见文献)。
儿童: 不推荐。
禁忌(补): 活动性出血。不可逆凝血功能障碍。
警告/注意事项: 肾损伤:监测APTT和血清肌酐密切合作。出血性中风。糖尿病性视网膜病变。高血压的严重失控。最近胃肠道或肺出血。近期手术或活检。椎管内穿刺。后运留置硬膜外导管(治疗开始前,把导管取出时desirudin效果低)。细菌性心内膜炎。肝功能不全。监测神经功能缺损(可能显示脊髓/硬膜外血肿)。妊娠(Cat.C)。哺乳的母亲。
互动(补): 伴随肝素(分馏或普通肝素):不推荐。伴随NSAID类药物,血小板抑制剂,其他抗凝血剂:,椎管内血肿硬膜外导管增加出血的危险;停止这些和其他方面增加出血的危险开始前desirudin(如糖皮质激素,右旋糖酐40)。注意影响血小板药物(如水杨酸盐,噻氯匹定,氯吡格雷,阿昔,糖蛋白IIb / IIIa受体拮抗剂)。切换到或从香豆:密切监测。
不良反应(补): 出血,已经来到现场反应/质量,恶心,过敏性反应,抗体的形成。
如何提供: 单用小瓶- 10(瓦特稀释剂,物资)
最后更新: 2010年4月9日
DVT prophylaxis in patients undergoing hip replacement surgery.
Hirudin is a naturally-occurring anticoagulant present in the peripharyngeal glands of the medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis. Desirudin is a recombinant derivative of hirudin expressed by a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Its biological potency is measured by comparing its ability to inhibit the hydrolytic activity of thrombin to that of a desirudin standard.
Desirudin is a selective inhibitor of free circulating and clot-bound thrombin, and it prolongs the clotting time of human plasma. Coagulation assays that are dependent upon thrombin are affected, such as aPTT (activated partial thromboplastin time). A mean peak aPTT prolongation of approximately 1.38 times baseline was seen after twice-daily SC injection of desirudin 15mg. Even at low plasma levels, thrombin time (TT) often exceeds 200 seconds, so this test is not suitable for monitoring the activity of desirudin.
Clinical Trials:
The efficacy of desirudin in the reduction of risk of venous thromboembolic events in patients undergoing total hip replacement therapy was compared to that of enoxaparin or unfractionated heparin. Patients who received desirudin had a lower incidence of venous thromboembolic events (VTE).
In the first study, 445 patients were randomized to receive desirudin 15mg SC every 12hours or heparin 5000 IUnits SC every 8hours. Of the evaluable patients, treatment with desirudin significantly reduced the number of total VTEs, and fewer patients had proximal DVTs.
In another study, desirudin 15mg SC every 12hours was compared to enoxaparin 40mg SC every 24hours. In both the evaluable and intent-to-treat patient groups, those who received desirudin had a lower incidence of major VTE, total VTE, and proximal DVT than those who received the comparator drug.
Legal Classification:
Not interchangeable with other hirudins. Give by SC inj, preferably in abdomen or thigh. 15mg every 12hours starting up to 5–15min before surgery (after induction of regional block anesthesia, if used); may continue for 9–12 days post-op. Renal impairment (CrCl<60mL/min): reduce dose (see literature).
Not recommended.
Active bleeding. Irreversible coagulation disorders.
Renal impairment: monitor aPTT and serum creatinine closely. Hemorrhagic stroke. Diabetic retinopathy. Severe uncontrolled hypertension. Recent GI or pulmonary bleeding. Recent surgery or biopsy. Neuraxial puncture. Post-op indwelling epidural catheter (place catheter before starting therapy and remove when desirudin effect is low). Bacterial endocarditis. Hepatic impairment. Monitor for neurological impairment (may indicate spinal/epidural hematoma). Pregnancy (Cat.C). Nursing mothers.
Concomitant heparins (fractionated or unfractionated): not recommended. Concomitant NSAIDs, platelet inhibitors, other anticoagulants: increased risk of bleeding, neuraxial hematoma with epidural catheters; discontinue these and others that increase bleeding risk (eg, glucocorticoids, Dextran 40) before starting desirudin. Caution with drugs that affect platelets (eg, salicylates, ticlopidine, clopidogrel, abciximab, gp IIb/IIIa antagonists). Switching to or from coumadin: monitor closely.
Adverse Reaction(s):
Bleeding, inj site reaction/mass, nausea, anaphylaxis, antibody formation.
How Supplied:
Single-use vials—10 (w. diluent, supplies)
Last Updated:
IPRIVASK (Desirudin,地西卢定注射液)