英文药名: Lasix (Furosemide Tablets)
中文药名: 速尿(呋塞米片)
生产厂家: Aventis
【别名】呋喃苯胺酸; 呋塞米; 腹安酸; 利尿磺胺; 利尿灵; 速尿; 速尿灵 【外文名】Furosemide, Frusemide, LASIX, Diural, Furanlral, Seguril, Urex 药理作用
1、利尿:作用强大、迅速而短暂。 (1)个体差异明显,应注意剂量个体化。 (2)利尿作用不受酸碱平衡失调及电解质紊乱的影响。 (3)易引起低血钾、低盐综合征及低氯性碱中毒。低血钾最常见 (4)还促进Ca2+、Mg2+排出,而抑制尿酸排出。 2、扩张血管: (1)能扩张肾血管,增加肾血流量,改变肾皮质内血流分布; (2)还能扩张小静脉,减少回心血量,减轻心脏负荷,降低左室充盈压,减轻肺水肿。 扩血管机制可能与本药促进前列腺素酶合成,抑制其分解有关。 适应症
临床上用于治疗心脏性水肿、肾性水肿、肝硬变腹水、功能障碍或血管障碍所引起的周围性水肿,并可促使上部尿道结石的排出。其利尿作用迅速、强大,多用于其他利尿药无效的严重病人。由于水、电解质丢失明显等原因,故不宜常规使用。静脉给药(20~80mg)可治疗肺水肿和脑水肿。药物中毒时可用以加速毒物的排泄。 用法用量
1.肌注或静注:每次20mg,隔日1次,必要时亦可1日1~2次。1日量视需要可增至120mg。静注必须缓慢,不宜与其他药物混合注射。儿童用量酌减。 2.口服:开始时每日40mg,以后根据需要可增至每日80~120mg。当每日剂量超过40mg时,可以每4小时1次分服。儿童口服量开始按每千克体重1~2mg,再视情况酌增。 长期(7~10日)用药后利尿作用消失,故需长期应用者,宜采取间竭疗法:给药1~3日,停药2~4日。 任何疑问,请遵医嘱! 不良反应
1、水与电解质紊乱,常为过度利尿所引起,表现为低血容量、低血钾、低血钠、低氯性碱血症,长期应用还可引起低血镁。 2、耳毒性,表现为耳鸣、听力减退或暂时性耳聋,呈剂量依赖性。耳毒性的发生机制可能与药物引起内耳淋巴液电解质成分改变有关。肾功能不全或同时使用其他耳毒性药物,如并用氨基糖苷类抗生素时较易发生耳毒性。 3、高尿酸血症,袢利尿药可能造成高尿酸血症,并引发痛风。 4、其他,可有恶心、呕吐、大剂量时尚可出现胃肠出血。 注意事项
1.可能出现轻微恶心、腹泻、药疹、瘙痒、视力模糊等不良反应,有时可发生起立性眩晕、乏力、疲倦、肌肉痉挛、口渴,少数病人有白细胞减少,个别病人出现血小板减少,多形性红斑、直立性低血压。长期应用可致胃及十二指肠溃疡。 2.由于能减少尿酸排出,故多次应用后能产生尿酸过多症,个别病人长期应用可产生急性痛风。 3.糖尿病病人应用后可使血糖增高;尽管其升血糖远较噻嗪类利尿药弱,但与降血糖药合并应用时,仍有使血糖增高的可能。 4.由于利尿作用迅速、强大,因而要注意掌握开始剂量,防止过度利尿,引起脱水和电解质失衡。 5.肝炎病人服用后,因电解质(特别是钾离子)过度丢失,易产生肝昏迷。 6.长期大量用药时,应注意检查血中电解质浓度。顽固性水肿病人特别容易出现低钾症状,在同时使用洋地黄或排钾的甾体激素时,更应注意补充钾盐。 7.在脱水的同时,可出现可逆性血尿素氮水平升高。如果肌酐水平升高不显著和肾功能无损害时,可继续使用本品。 8.使用第1个月,要定期检查血清电解质、二氧化碳和血中尿素氮水平。与其他利尿药一样,当治疗进展中的肾脏疾患而有血清尿素氮值增加和少尿现象发生时,应立即停止用药。 9.能增强降压药的作用,故合并用药时,降压药的用量应适当减少。 10.因结构上本品是与氯噻嗪结构相似的一类磺胺型化合物,能降低动脉对升压胺(如去甲肾上腺素)的反应,并能增加筒箭毒碱的肌松驰及麻痹作用,故手术前1周应停用。 11.低钾血症、超量服用洋地黄、肝昏迷病人禁用。晚期肝硬变病人慎用。 12.大剂量静注过快时,可出现听力减退或暂时性耳聋。与氨基糖甙类抗生素配伍应用,更易引起听力减退。 规格
呋塞米口服液: 10mg/ml X 120ml。 注射液:每支20mg(2ml)。 片剂:每片20mg,40mg,80mg,500mg。



Lasix (Furosemide Tablets)
what are lasix furosemide tablets Furosemide Diuretic Indications Edema of cardiac, hepatic, or renal origin; hypertension; pulmonary and cerebral edema; usually reserved for patients who do not respond to thiazide diuretics or in whom a rapid onset of diuresis is desired
Dose Diuresis: adult: 20 to 40 mg intramuscularly or intravenously as a single dose. Intravenous doses should be injected slowly over 1 to 2 minutes. Additional doses of 20 mg greater than the previous dose may be administered every 2 hours until desired response is obtained. For intravenous bolus injections, do not exceed 1 g/day administered over 30 minutes. Acute pulmonary edema: 40 mg intravenously initially; may repeat in 1 hour with 80 mg if necessary. Children: intramuscular or intravenous: 1 mg/kg single dose initially, increasing by 1 mg/kg every 2 hours or more until desired response is obtained or to a maximum of 6 mg/kg/day. Dosage fanny, tablets: 20,40,80 mg; injection: 10 mg/mL; oral solutions: 10 mg/mL and 40 mg/5 mL.
Onset and duration Onset: intravenous: onset of diuresis usually occurs in 5 minutes. Duration: 2 hours. Elimination half-life: widely variable; normal is Vi to 1 hour, but a period of 11 to 20 hours has been reported in patients with hepatic or renal insufficiency.
Adverse effects Dehydration, hypotension, hypochloremic alkalosis, hypokalemia, hypo-magnesemia, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia Ototoxicity has been reported with too rapid intravenous injection of large doses. Rarely reported are thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, jaundice, pancreatitis, and a variety of skin reactions.
Precautions and contraindications Furosemide is contra-indicated in anuria (except for a single dose in acute anuria) and pregnancy. Use it with caution in patients with severe or progressive renal disease and hepatic disease. Discontinue it if renal function worsens. Use caution in patients who are allergic to sulfonamides and patients with severe electrolyte imbalance.
Anesthetic considerations Monitor electrolytes and fluid balance. Administer furosemide carefully in patients taking digitalis. It may be associated with enhancement of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs.
The initial form of therapy for congestive heart failure is to relieve congestion with a diuretic (water pill) called Furoscmide, more commonly known as Lasix. This medication allows the kidneys to excrete excess salt and water. Diuretics are critical in the improvement of symptoms including shortness of breath, inability to lie down, and leg swelling This medication, however, has no mortality benefit and can cause harm over long-term use sodium, magnesium, potassium, and other salts are lost in urine Patients can then become dehydrated and develop renal dysfunction because the kidneys are starved of blood flow When a patient is dehydrated from Lasix they will feel short of breath due to a ventilation perfusion miss-match. Lasix is a medicine heart failure patients always need to keep nearby because of possible dietary indiscretions that occur especially around holiday celebrations where excess sail is consumed. The heart failure patient has a difficult time excreting salt, thus resulting in an accumulation of salt within all body fluids over time. The salt will hide in all liquid components of the body including inside cells The distribution is everywhere so it is difficult to detect. In order to maintain electrolyte balance, the body swells with fluid to keep its electrolyte levels normal Lasix (Furosemide) is a diuretic typically prescribed for short-term use.