Information on KIDMIN
KIDMIN is a 7.2% amino acid injection containing large amounts of branched-chain Amino acids, such as leucine, isoleucine and valine which inhibit the breakdown of Muscle protein and promote muscle protein synthesis. KIDMIN also contains some nonessential amino acids, except for glycine, the demand for Which is increased in renal insufficiency. The ratio of essential to nonessential amino acids Of this solution is 2.6 and each 100 ml contains 1 g of nitrogen, it is thus easy to calculate the nitrogen content of a given dose. Composition : Each 1000 ml KIDMIN contains : Total free amino acids : 72.05 g Essential amino acids (E) : 52.05 g Non-essential amino acids (N) : 20 g E / N ratio : 2.6 Branched chain amino acids : 45.8 % (w/w) Total nitrogen : 10 g Na+ : 2 mEq Acetate : 46 mEq Indications : KIDMIN is indicated for the provision of amino acids in the following instances in patients with acute of chronic renal failure : hypoproteinemia, malnutrition. Dosage and administration : Chronic Renal Failure Peripheral vein infusion : The usual adult dosage is 200 ml per day, infused via a peripheral vein. The usual infusion rate in adults is 100 ml over 60 min (approximately 25 drops per min) and it should be slowly infused in children, the elderly and seriously ill patients. The dosage may be adjusted according to the patient’s condition, body weight and age. When administered during hemodialysis, it should be infused via the vein side injection port of dialysis circuit starting 90-60 min. before the end of hemodialysis therapy. Regarding calories, more than 1500 kcal per day is recommended to be provided for the efficiency of amino acid utilization. Central vein infusion : The usual adult dosage is 400 ml per day, infused via a central vein by total parenteral nutrition. The dosage may be adjusted according to the patients condition, body weight and age. More than 300 kcal of nonprotein calories should be administered per 1 g of nitrogen (100 ml of this product) for the efficiency of amino acid utilization. Acute Renal Failure The usual adult dosage is 600 ml per day, infused via a central vein by total parenteral nutrition. The dosage may be adjusted according to the patients condition, body weight and age. More than 300 kcal of nonprotein calories should be administered per 1 g of nitrogen (100 ml of this product) for the efficiency of amino acid utilization.
Storage : Store below 30oC, protect from light. Package : 200 ml in Soft Bag.
【成份】18种氨基酸 【性状】无色澄明液体。 【药理毒理】氨基酸在能量供给充足的情况下,可进入组织细胞,参与蛋白质的合成代谢,获得正氮平衡,并生成酶类、激素、抗体、结构蛋白,促进组织愈合,恢复正常生理功能。 【适应症】氨基酸类静脉营养药,适用于低蛋白血症,低营养状态,改善外科手术前后病人的营养状态。 【用法和用量】 1.周围静脉输注时,成人一般一次200~400ml,缓慢静脉滴注。注射速度每小时输注氨基酸相当10g左右(本品100ml),1分钟约25滴缓慢滴注。老人及重症病人更需缓慢滴注。为了提高氨基酸的利用率,应与葡萄糖液或脂肪乳剂并用。 2.经中心静脉输注时,成人每天400~800ml,按完全胃肠外营养支持的方法,与葡萄糖、脂肪乳剂及其他营养要素混合后经中心静脉连续输注(24小时连续使用),并应根据年龄、症状、体重等情况,按医嘱适当增减用量。 【不良反应】输注速度过快时,可产生恶心、呕吐、发热等不良反应,应加以注意。 【禁忌】有下列疾病的患者禁止使用: 1.肝性脑昏迷或有向肝性脑昏迷发展的病人。 2.严重肾功能衰竭或尿毒症的病人。 3.对氨基酸有代谢障碍的病人。 【注意事项】 1.本品含60mEq/L的醋酸,大量应用或并用电解质输液时,应注意电解质与酸碱平衡。 2.外周静脉输注时,因加有葡萄糖呈高渗状态,滴注速度必须缓慢。 3.用前必须详细检查药液,如发现瓶身有破裂、漏气、变色、发霉、沉淀、变质等异常现象时绝对不应使用。 4.本品遇冷可能出现结晶,可将药液加热到60℃,缓慢摇动使结晶完全溶解后再用。 5.开瓶药液应一次用完,剩余药液不宜贮存再用。 【贮藏】置凉暗处保存。
【原产地英文商品名】:KIDMIN 【原产地英文药品名】:Compound Amino Acid 【中文参考商品译名】:KIDMIN 注射液 【中文参考药品译名】:复合氨基酸 【生产厂家中文参考译名】:日本大冢 【生产厂家英文名】:Otsuka |