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灭滴灵(甲硝唑缓释片)Flagyl (Metronidazole ER Tablets)

2011-03-02 05:50:51  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:6102  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 英文药名: Flagyl (Metronidazole ER Tablets) 中文药名: 灭滴灵(甲硝唑缓释片) 生产厂家: Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc 药品名称 药物名称: 甲硝唑 药物别名: 甲硝基羟乙唑,灭滴灵,灭滴唑,F ...

 英文药名: Flagyl (Metronidazole ER Tablets)

中文药名: 灭滴灵(甲硝唑缓释片)

生产厂家: Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc


药物名称: 甲硝唑
药物别名: 甲硝基羟乙唑,灭滴灵,灭滴唑,FLAGYL
英文名称: Metronidazole

甲硝唑片及胶囊:每片/粒 200mg, 250mg, 400mg, 500mg。甲硝唑霜:10% X 60 grams。



口服或直肠给药后能迅速而完全吸收,蛋白结合率<5%,吸收后广泛分布于各组织和体液中,且能通过血脑屏障,药物有效浓度能够出现在唾液、胎盘、胆汁、乳汁、羊水、精液、尿液、脓液和脑脊液中。有报道,药物在胎盘、乳汁、胆汁的浓度与血药浓度相似。健康人脑脊液中血药浓度为同期血药浓度的43%。少数脑脓肿患者,每日服用1.2~1.8g后,脓液的药浓度(34~45mg/L)高于同期的血药浓度(11~35mg/L)。耳内感染后其脓液内的药物浓度在8.5mg/L以上。口服后1~2小时血药浓度达高峰,有效浓度能维持12小时。口服0.25g、0.4g、0.5g 、2g后的血药浓度分别为6 mg/L、9 mg/L、12 mg/L、40 mg/L。本品经肾排出60%~80%,约20%的原形药从尿中排出,其余以代谢产物(25%为葡萄糖醛酸结合物,14%为其他代谢结合物)形式由尿排出,10%随粪便排出,14%从皮肤排泄。


(1)治滴虫病: 成人1日3次,每次服200mg,另每晚以200mg栓剂放入阴道内,连用7~10日。为保证疗效,须男女同治。
(3)治贾第氏鞭毛虫病: 常用量每次400~300mg,1日3次口服,疗程5日。
(5)治酒糟鼻: 口服200mg,1日2~3次。配合2%灭滴灵霜外搽,1日3次。1疗程3周。





Generic Flagyl Description
Generic Flagyl is a synthetic medication prescribed to be taken by mouth for control of bacteria and protozoa activity. Generic Flagyl comes under various brand names like, Flagyl ER, Flagyl 375, Helidac Therapy and is available in different strengths like 375mg, 200mg, 250mg, 400mg, 500mg etc. Metronidazole acts with a unique action: once it gets dissolved in the blood, it reacts with the proteins in the blood and free particles are created. These react with the external microbe cellular parts thus resulting in their elimination. Flagyl works against certain Gram-positive and Gram-negative anaerobes as well as certain Protozoa parasites.
Flagyl Side Effect
Just like any other medication, Flagyl may also have side effects. Yet users must understand that Physicians suggest prescription drugs like Flagyl only after diagnosing patient carefully and determining that Flagyl benefits far outweigh the associated risks.

Following are some of the severe side effects observed in Flagyl users:
- Vomiting Throwing up
- Diarrhea loose motions
- Diminished urge to eat
- Peculiar taste sensation
- Dark colored urine
- Tongue – mouth problem
- Loss of feeling or jittery feeling in limbs

Other Flagyl side effect may include:
- Skin problems
- Urge to scratch
- Blocked nasal cavity
- High temperature
- Aching joints

Flagyl Interaction
Users should buy flagyl online or at local drugstore only after they discuss its actual use and necessity with the Physician. Medications that may interact with Flagyl include: Warfarin like Coumarin Anticoagulants; Phenytoin; Phenobarbital; Disulfiram’ etc. Users should seek advice from Physicians/Pharmacists for the entire list of drugs that interact with Flagyl. For patients using lithium in high quantity, Flagyl users may face lithium poisoning
Flagyl Over Dose
In case of Flagyl overdose, users should immediately call local poison control center at 1-800-222-1222. In case of serious reaction like lack of breathing or losing consciousness, immediately intimate local emergency services at 911.
Uneasiness, Throwing up and lack of coordination in body movements are the main indication of Flagyl Overdose.
Flagyl Missed Dose
Take Flagyl dose at the same time everyday. In case of realizing that any Flagyl dose has been missed, take the next one immediately. In case the user realizes missed dose just prior to the next one, skip the dose and take the usual one. Do not increase Flagyl dose to make up for the missed dose. Discuss with physician in case of any confusion.

Flagyl Notes
Users should discuss Flagyl benefits and risks with Physician. Discuss with Physician about all ongoing medications, therapies, supplement use as well as dietary /lifestyle changes to be done before actual Flagyl use.

Avoid unnecessary use of Flagyl (Metronidazole) to reduce drug-resistance of bacteria as well as to maintain Metronidazole and other such antibacterial drug effectiveness

Avoid alcohol or alcoholic beverages during or immediately after completion of Flagyl Therapy as it may increase risks of side effects.

Flagyl may have interaction with certain serums used in carrying out various medical tests such as Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST, SGOT), Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, SGPT) etc.

Metronidazole has show carcinogenic activity in rats and mice, so discuss its use with Physician.
Flagyl Other Uses
Physicians may possibly suggest other Flagyl uses apart from the ones mentioned earlier.

Flagyl Uses
Generic Flagyl (Metronidazole) is prescribed for treating bacterial infections. It is very effective against microbes that are responsible for reproductive system diseases, skin and vagina problems, gastrointestinal tract problems etc. Following are some of the key afflictions for which Flagyl can be prescribed:
1) Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Trichomoniasis
2) Treatment of Asymptomatic Consorts
3) Amebiasis
4) Bacterial Infections in absence of direct air
5) Intra‑Abdominal Infections, including peritonitis, intra‑abdominal abscess, and liver abscess
6) Skin and Skin Structure Infections
7) Gynecologic Infections, including endometritis, endomyometritis, tubo‑ovarian abscess, and postsurgical vaginal cuff infection
8) Bacterial Septicemia
9) As adjunctive therapy for Bone and Joint Infections,
10) Central Nervous System Infections including meningitis and brain abscess
11) Lower Respiratory Tract Infections including pneumonia, empyema, and lung abscess
12) Endocarditis.

Users should not buy Flagyl, before consulting their Physician and understanding all related Flagyl benefits and risks. Users can order Flagyl 200mg and Flagyl 400mg over here.





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· Levulan Kerastick(氨基...
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