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Lac-Hydrin 12%(ammonium lactate)

2014-02-27 02:31:56  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:220  文字大小:【】【】【
简介:全球首款治疗鱼鳞病的新药问世—乳酸铵12%乳酸通用名和剂型: 乳酸铵(相当于12%的乳酸)。 公司名称: 施贵宝 【适应症】用于LAC-HYDRIN乳液: 寻常型鱼鳞病。皮肤干燥。 成人和儿童剂量: 涂于患处,并 ...






避开眼,唇,粘膜,暴露在阳光或紫外线。怀孕(Cat.B为霜; Cat.C的乳液)。哺乳期的母亲。


化妆水 - 225克,400克

Lac-Hydrin (Ammonium Lactate)
Lac-Hydrin is indicated for the treatment of dry, scaly skin (xerosis) and ichthyosis vulgaris and for
temporary relief of itching associated with these conditions.
1.This medication is for external use only. Avoid contact with eyes, lips, or mucous membranes.
2.Minimize or avoid use of this product on areas of the skin that may be exposed to natural or artificial sunlight, including the face. If sun exposure is unavoidable, clothing should be worn to protect the skin.
3.This medication may cause transient stinging or burning when applied to skin with fissures, erosions, or abrasions (for example, after shaving the legs).
4.If the skin condition worsens with treatment, the medication should be promptly discontinued.
During treatment with Lac-Hydrin Lotion 12%, sun exposure should be minimized or avoided.
The use of Lac-Hydrin Lotion should be discontinued if hypersensitivity is observed.
For external use only. Stinging or burning may occur when applied to skin with fissures, erosions or
that is otherwise abraded (for example, after shaving the legs).
Caution is advised when used on the face because of the potential for irritation.
The potential for post-inflammatory hypo- or hyperpigmentation has not been studied.
Lac-Hydrin (ammonium lactate) Lotion, contains lactic acid 12% and the following ingredients:
Cetyl alcohol, fragrance, glycerin, glyceryl stearate, laureth-4, light mineral oil, magnesium
aluminum silicate, methylcellulose, methyl- and propylparabens, PEG-100 stearate, polyoxyl 40
stearate, propylene glycol and water.
*Lac-Hydrin is a formulation of 12% lactic acid neutralized with ammonium hydroxide, as ammonium lactate with a pH of 4.4-5.4. Lac-Hydrin® 12% (ammonium lactate) Cream also contains cetyl alcohol, glycerin, glyceryl stearate, laureth-4, light mineral oil, magnesium aluminum silicate, methylcellulose, methyl and propyl parabens, PEG-100 stearate, polyoxyl 40 stearate, propylene glycol and water. Lactic acid is a racemic mixture of 2-hydroxypropanoic acid and has the following structural formula:
Lactic acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid. It is a normal constituent of tissues and blood. The alpha-hydroxy acids (and their salts) are felt to act as humectants when applied to the skin. This property may influence hydration of the stratum corneum. In addition, lactic acid, when applied to the skin, may act to decrease corneocyte cohesion. The mechanism(s) by which this is accomplished is not yet known.
An in vitro study of percutaneous absorption of Lac-Hydrin Cream using human cadaver skin indicates that approximately 6.1% of the material was absorbed after 68 hours.
Lac-Hydrin Cream is indicated for the treatment of ichthyosis vulgaris and xerosis.
Lac-Hydrin Cream is contraindicated in those patients with a history of hypersensitivity to any of the label ingredients.
Sun exposure to areas of the skin treated with Lac-Hydrin Cream should be minimized or avoided (see PRECAUTIONS section).The use of Lac-Hydrin Cream should be discontinued if any hypersensitivity is observed.
GeneralFor external use only. Stinging or burning may occur when applied to skin with fissures, erosions, or that is otherwise abraded (for example, after shaving the legs).Caution is advised when used on the face because of the potential for irritation. The potential for post-inflammatory hypo- or hyperpigmentation has not been studied.
Information For PatientsPatients using Lac-Hydrin Cream should receive the following information and instructions:
1.This medication is to be used as directed by the physician, and should not be used for any disorder other than for which it was prescribed. It is for external use only. Avoid contact with eyes, lips, or mucous membranes.
2.Patients should minimize or avoid use of this product on areas of the skin that may be exposed to natural or artificial sunlight, including the face. If sun exposure isunavoidable, clothing should be worn to protect the skin.
3.This medication may cause stinging or burning when applied to skin with fissures, erosions, or abrasions (for example, after shaving the legs).
4.If the skin condition worsens with treatment, the medication should be promptly discontinued.
Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of FertilityThe topical treatment of CD-1 mice with 12%, 21% or 30% ammonium lactate formulations for two years did not produce a significant increase in dermal or systemic tumors in the absence of increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The maximum systemic exposure of the mice in this study was 0.7 times the maximum possible systemic exposure in humans. However, a long-term photocarcinogenicity study in hairless albino mice suggested that topically applied 12% ammonium lactate cream enhanced the rate of ultraviolet light-induced skin tumor formation.
The mutagenic potential of ammonium lactate cream was evaluated in the Ames assay and in the mouse in vivo micronucleus assay, both of which were negative.
In dermal Segment I and III studies with ammonium lactate cream there were no effects observed in fertility or pre- or post-natal development parameters in rats at dose levels of 300 mg/kg/day (1800 mg/m2/day), approximately 0.4 times the human topical dose.
PregnancyTeratogenic effects: Pregnancy Category B.
Animal reproduction studies have been performed in rats and rabbits at doses up to 0.7 and 1.5 times the human dose, respectively (600 mg/kg/day, corresponding to 3600 mg/m2/day in the rat and 7200 mg/m2/day in the rabbit) and have revealed no evidence of impaired fertility or harm to the fetus due to ammonium lactate cream. There are, however, no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Because animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human response, Lac-Hydrin Cream should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed.
Nursing MothersAlthough lactic acid is a normal constituent of blood and tissues, it is not known to what extent this drug affects normal lactic acid levels in human milk. Because many drugs are excreted in human milk, caution should be exercised when Lac-Hydrin is administered to a nursing woman.
Pediatric UseThe safety and effectiveness of Lac-Hydrin Cream have been established in pediatric patients as young as 2 years old.
Geriatric UseClinical studies of Lac-Hydrin® (ammonium lactate) Cream, 12% did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects. Other reported clinical experience has not identified differences in responses between elderly and younger patients. In general, dose selection for an elderly patient should be cautious.
In controlled clinical trials of patients with ichthyosis vulgaris, the most frequent adverse reactions in patients treated with Lac-Hydrin Cream were rash (including erythema and irritation) and burning/stinging. Each was reported in approximately 10-15% of patients. In addition, itching was reported in approximately 5% of patients.
In controlled clinical trials of patients with xerosis, the most frequent adverse reactions in patients treated with Lac-Hydrin Cream were transient burning, in about 3% of patients, stinging, dry skin and rash, each reported in approximately 2% of patients.
Apply to the affected areas and rub in thoroughly. Use twice daily or as directed by a physician.
Lac-Hydrin® 12%* (ammonium lactate) Cream is available in cartons of 280 g (two 140 g plastic tubes) (NDC # 10631-099-28) and 385 g plastic bottle (NDC # 10631-099-38). Store at controlled room temperature, 15° C-30° C (59° F-86° F).


帕比司他胶囊|Farydak(Panobinostat Lactate Capsules)
钼酸铵注射液(Ammonium Molybdate Injection)



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· DAKTACORT(miconazole/...
· Neurotropin tab(度洛西...
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· 传明酸片TRANSAMIN(Tran...
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· LAC-HYDRIN(ammonium l...



· VIBATIV POWDER injecti...
· SAHNE Ointment 0.5%(维...
· Levulan Kerastick(氨基...
· DAKTACORT(miconazole/...
· Neurotropin tab(度洛西...
· SUMITHRIN Lotion 5%(七...
· 传明酸片TRANSAMIN(Tran...
· U-PASTA KOWA(蔗糖聚维...
· LAC-HYDRIN(ammonium l...



· VIBATIV POWDER injecti...