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立妥威(齐多夫定胶囊)|Retrovir (Zidovudine Capsules)

2011-03-21 10:43:42  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:658  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 英文药名: Retrovir (Zidovudine Capsules) 中文药名: 立妥威 (齐多夫定胶囊) 生产厂家: Glaxo Smith Kline 药品介绍 【中文名】:齐多夫定【英文名】:Zidovudine【化学名】:3'-叠氮-3'-脱氧 ...

英文药名: Retrovir (Zidovudine Capsules)

中文药名: 立妥威 (齐多夫定胶囊)

生产厂家: Glaxo Smith Kline


CAS 30516-87-1
【国外商品名】:Retrovir 立妥威

【生产厂家英文名】:Glaxo Wellcome Operations



Retrovir Information

Patients who are suffering from HIV are probably familiar with Retrovir, a drug that has proved itself efficient enough to prevent the HIV virus cells from multiplying in the patient’s organism.

Retrovir Indications

Physicians recommend with confidence Retrovir to sufferers of AIDS. You can find out more details concerning the general benefits that you will gain from using this medical product by talking to a medical provider.

Retrovir Warnings

It is a known fact that a prolonged treatment with Retrovir sometimes triggers unwanted effects such as lactic acidosis. This particular medical condition’s general symptoms might start unnoticed (slowly) and then worsen day by day. The symptoms that are generally experience by sufferers of lactic acidosis include unusual muscle weakness and / or pain, trouble breathing, uneven and / or fast heart rate, nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, and cold feeling and / or numbness in your legs and / or arms. You ought to keep in mind that this disorder could have fatal effects.

Other unpleasant effects that have been encountered among patients who have used Retrovir include severe liver damage (with symptoms such as vomiting and / or nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, low fever, clay-colored stools, dark urine, or jaundice (yellow eyes and / or skin)).

All patients must be aware of the fact that HIV/AIDS is a medical condition that is generally treated with a complex combination of various medical products. Your personal physician is a reliable source of information regarding this and other medical matters. A patient should know that a treatment with Retrovir cannot prevent him or her from passing this medical condition to other patients through needles or unprotected sexual activities.
Retrovir is contraindicated in the case of sufferers of any of the following medical conditions:

  • liver disease;
  • kidney disorder;
  • bone marrow suppression.

It is known that an organism that is affected by any of these disorders does not respond well to this medication. Furthermore, a therapy with Retrovir could cause severe damage and a worsening of the patient’s initial health. Most patients who have these disorders do not undergo a therapy with this medicine. However, if a treatment with Retrovir is vital, a patient could be given lower doses of this medicine, under the strict supervision of a medical provider who is specialized in HIV / AIDS.

Retrovir Intake Guidelines

In order for a patient to effectively avoid experiencing this medicine’s most severe side effects, he or she should gather the necessary information regarding the treatment with this drug from his doctor. If a patient disobeys his physician (he or she does not follow the instructions that his physician has prescribed him regarding therapy with Retrovir), his treatment might not be effective enough. The medicine’s label is also a reliable (although incomplete) source of valuable information about this medication.

Retrovir Dosage

Your treatment with this drug will pay off proper results only if you use the proper dose of Retrovir (which you should be prescribed by your doctor) and if you follow the instructions from the drug’s label. If you need further help in building up a proper therapy schedule, you should feel free to ask your physician for advice and / or recommendations. If you feel that the initial dose of Retrovir has become insufficient, you should inform your doctor at once.

Retrovir Overdose

Immediate medical attention should be given to patients who are suffering from Retrovir overdose. If a patient experiences this medical condition, his or her family / friends ought to alert his or her personal doctor. The average Retrovir overdose symptoms include the following vomiting, nausea, headache, drowsiness, or weakness.For further information regarding overdose symptoms and first aid tips and tricks, contact your local poison control centre. 

Retrovir Missed Dose

Do not form a habit of missing your doses of Retrovir. If you do not have access to your medicine and you are not able to use a dose of this medication at its due hour, we advise you to convert taking a dose of this drug your main priority. There is no need for you to take extra amounts of this medication (furthermore, this is not recommended, as it could lead to over dosage). If you are unhappy with your dosing schedule, you should ask your physician to make slight adjustments to it.

Retrovir Side Effects

Retrovir’s severe side effects are:

  • liver disorders - stomach pain, nausea, low fever, dark urine, loss of appetite, jaundice (yellow eyes or skin), clay-colored stools;
  • lactic acidosis - muscle weakness and / or pain, numbness or cold feeling in your legs and / or arms, vomiting and / or nausea, trouble breathing, and uneven and / or fast heart rate;
  • pancreatitis - pain in the patient’s upper stomach that is known to generally spread to the patient’s back, vomiting and / or nausea, nausea fast heartbeat;
  • peripheral neuropathy - tingling, numbness, or pain in your feet and / or hands;
  • easy bleeding and / or bruising, pale skin, unusual weakness;
  • sores and / or white patches on your lips or inside your mouth;
  • fever, body aches, chills, flu symptoms; or
  • any other infections symptoms.

Retrovir’s common side effects are:

  • sleep problems, unusual dreams;
  • mild vomiting, nausea, constipation, stomach pain;
  • joint and / or muscle pain;
  • skin rash;
  • headache, tiredness.

Retrovir Drug Reactions

Retrovir harmfully interacts with:

  • atovaquone (Mepron);
  • fluconazole (Diflucan);
  • doxorubicin (Adriamycin);
  • ganciclovir (Cytovene);
  • methadone (Dolophine, Methadose);
  • interferon-alfa (Intron, Roferon, Rebetron);
  • nelfinavir (Viracept);
  • probenecid (Benemid);
  • phenytoin (Dilantin);
  • ritonavir (Norvir);





· EVOTAZ(atazanavir/cobi...
· Tivicay (Doutegravir 5...
· 利托那韦溶液剂(RITONAV...
· TRUVADA(emtricitabine恩...
· EFAVIR(依非韦伦硬胶囊)
· DUOVIR-N(拉米夫定/齐多...
· Complera(恩曲他滨+利匹...
· 利健(注射用更昔洛韦)
· EDURANT (rilpivirine h...
· 依非韦伦片(施多宁,STOCRI)



· EVOTAZ(atazanavir/cobi...
· Tivicay (Doutegravir 5...
· 利托那韦溶液剂(RITONAV...
· TRUVADA(emtricitabine恩...
· EFAVIR(依非韦伦硬胶囊)
· DUOVIR-N(拉米夫定/齐多...
· Complera(恩曲他滨+利匹...
· 利健(注射用更昔洛韦)
· EDURANT (rilpivirine h...
· 依非韦伦片(施多宁,STOCRI)

