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2011-03-30 17:53:01  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:330  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 盐酸阿糖胞苷注射粉剂(阿糖胞嘧啶)为抗代谢类抗肿瘤药。主要干扰DNA的合成,为细胞周期特异性药物,且具有抗病毒作用。适用于急性白血病,对急性粒细胞性白血病效果较好,对急性单核细胞性白血病、慢 ...


相互作用:四氢尿苷可抑制脱氨酶,延长阿糖胞苷血浆半衰期,提高血中浓度,起增效作用。使用胞苷也有类似增效作用。   本品可使细胞部分同步化,继续应用柔红霉素、阿霉素、环磷酰胺及亚硝脲类药物可以增效。在用药后6~8小时,再用6-MP可加强对粒细胞白血病的疗效。本品不应与5-FU井用。   临床适应证:Ara-C主要治疗急性白血病及消化道癌,对多数实体肿瘤无效。眼部带状疱疹、单纯疱疹性结膜炎也有一定疗效。   

·阿糖胞苷 500毫克粉末/10毫升/注射液/瓶
·阿糖胞苷 20毫克水溶液/50毫升/注射液/瓶
·阿糖胞苷 20毫克水溶液/25毫升/注射液/瓶
·阿糖胞苷 1克粉末/10毫升/注射液/瓶
·阿糖胞苷 100毫克粉末/毫升,10毫升/注射液/瓶

Cytarabine review

Cytarabine is an antineoplastic drug. It slows down the growth and spread of the cancer cells in the body to effectively cure certain types of cancer.

Cytarabine is available under the brand name DepoCyt, Tarabine PFS, and Cytosar U. It is given to individuals who have acute myeloid leukemia and lymphomas. It can also be used to cure herpes virus infection with its antiviral properties.

Cytarabine comes in various forms. It can be injected into the veins through cannula, a fine tube that is placed in the rear of the hand. It can also be administered through a thin plastic tube that is inserted beneath the skin into a vein. It can also be given through a tube placed inside the PICC line, or through infusion via the cannula.

The dosage is usually dependent on the condition that is being treated, as well as the patient’s response to therapy, the stage of cancer, the size of the body, and the other drugs being used.

Treatment is usually given daily for a certain period followed by a break. The treatment schedule is then repeated after the rest period.

Cytarabine may result to various side effects. For instance, patients may have a decreased resistance to infection. This can be experienced a week after taking Cytarabine. This is due to the reduction of white blood cells, making a person more likely to develop infections.

Patients may also experience bleeding since Cytarabine decreases the production of platelets instrumental in making the blood clot. Patients should inform their doctors if they experienced abnormal bleeding like nosebleeds, bleeding gums, and blood spots.

Users of Cytarabine may also experience decrease in red blood cells, or anemia. This could result to patients becoming exhausted or breathless.

Those who use Cytarabine may also experience vomiting or nausea. This is usually experienced once the patient takes Cytarabine and may last for a couple of hours. Doctors usually prescribe anti-emetic medication to reduce these side effects.

Cytarabine may also result to users having diarrhea. This can be remedied by taking more fluids like water.

Other side effects may include loss of appetite, increased uric acid level in the blood, sore ulcers and mouth, taste changes, and gritty eyes.

Cancer usually increases the chances of a patient developing thrombosis, and this risk can be further increased when undergoing chemotherapy. Blood clots usually cause symptoms like pain and swelling of the leg, chest pains and breathlessness. Patients should inform their doctors if they have experienced any of these symptoms while taking Cytarabine.

Certain medications may interact negatively when taken with Cytarabine. Patients should reveal to their doctors any drug, whether prescription or non-prescription that they are taking.

Patients may also experience pain at the injected place while the drug is being administered. Patients should inform their doctors or nurse who can help in reducing the painful feeling.

Cytarabine may also affect the fertility of those who are using it. It is also not recommended for pregnant women to take Cytarabine since it can harm the developing fetus.

• Molecular formula of cytarabine is C9H13N3O5
• Chemical IUPAC Name is 4-amino-1-[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-3,4-dihydroxy-5-(hydroxymethyl)oxolan-2-yl]pyrimidin-2-one
• Molecular weight is 243.217 g/mol
Cytarabine available : 100mg tablets, 500mg tablets, 1g tablets and 2g tablets

Brand name(s): Alexan, Arabinocytidine, Arabinosylcytosine, Arabitin, AraC, Aracytidine, Aracytin, Aracytine, Arafcyt, Citarabina, Cytarabin, Cytarabina, Cytarabinoside, Cytarabinum, Cytarbel, Cytosar, Cytosine, Depocyt, Erpalfa, Iretin, Spongocytidine, Tarabine, Udicil


MVI-12 VIAL WO K(多种维生素注射剂)
Perfalgan Vial(对乙酰氨基酚注射剂)
阿糖胞苷注射粉末CYTARABINE(cytarabine injection)
cytarabine ocfosfate(阿糖胞苷十八烷基磷酸盐硬胶囊)
Starasid(Cytarabine Ocfosphate Hydrate cap)
PITOCIN 10units/ml 25ml/vial 催产素
Plevita S Injection 5ml/vial 50vials/box Plevita S注射液
阿糖胞苷胶囊(Cytarabine Ocfosphate Hydrate)
丹曲林钠注射剂Dantrium Intravenous(Dantrolene Sodium Vial)



· 表阿霉素注射粉剂(Epiru...
· 盐酸阿柔比星注射液( A...
· 注射用左旋门冬酰胺酶|L...
· 注射用丝裂霉素(Mitomyc...
· 盐酸多柔比星脂质体注射...
· 克瘤灵(六甲蜜胺片剂|胶...
· 亨杰(注射用左亚叶酸钙)
· 昂卡司帕注射液|ONCASPA...
· 盐酸伊达比星注射液(ID...
· 司比定(柔红霉素注射液...



· 表阿霉素注射粉剂(Epiru...
· 盐酸阿柔比星注射液( A...
· 注射用左旋门冬酰胺酶|L...
· 注射用丝裂霉素(Mitomyc...
· 盐酸多柔比星脂质体注射...
· 克瘤灵(六甲蜜胺片剂|胶...
· 亨杰(注射用左亚叶酸钙)
· 昂卡司帕注射液|ONCASPA...
· 盐酸伊达比星注射液(ID...
· 司比定(柔红霉素注射液...

