药品别名 克毒愈、Valcyte 药物剂型 片剂:450mg。 药理作用 本品为合成的2-脱氧鸟苷类似物,是抗病毒药更昔洛韦(ganciclovir)的前体药物,可大大减少更昔洛韦的毒性。它的药效学特点与更昔洛韦相同。口服缬更昔洛韦后在肠黏膜细胞酯酶和肝酯酶的作用下迅速水解成更昔洛韦,更昔洛韦在病毒内和细胞内酶磷酸化作用下生成三磷酸更昔洛韦,后者与三磷酸脱氧鸟苷(dGTP)竞争作为病毒DNA多聚酶的底物,因此抑制病毒DNA的合成,从而产生抗巨细胞病毒(CMV)活性。在体外,更昔洛韦对CMV的作用比阿昔洛韦强26倍。体内外研究都显示更昔洛韦能够抑制由CMV和移植排斥所引起的免疫反应,并在CMV严重感染的动物模型中也有效。从少数CMV感染的患者中分离出抗更昔洛韦的种系,它们在编码磷酸化更昔洛韦的蛋白激酶和病毒DNA聚合酶的基因中发生点突变。 药动学 研究表明,本品口服吸收的生物利用度为60%,是更昔洛韦的l0倍,并且很快吸收和水解成更昔洛韦。对CMV和HIV晚期感染以及接受肝脏移植患者来说,全身缬更昔洛韦的浓度很小,因为缬更昔洛韦24h的药时曲线下面积(AUC)值仅为更昔洛韦的1%~2%。在CMV和HIV晚期及肝脏移植的患者中,每日1次口服缬更昔洛韦900mg的效果相当于静注5mg/kg更昔洛韦。与空腹相比,与食物同服缬更昔洛韦可以提高更昔洛韦的浓度。缬更昔洛韦通过肾小球滤过和肾小管分泌而消除。口服单剂量缬更昔洛韦360mg和单剂量静注更昔洛韦5mg/kg,其终点时的消除半衰期(t1/2β)相似。在肝脏移植接受者中,更昔洛韦的肾清除率在口服单剂量缬更昔洛韦450mg或900mg以及在18h内口服单剂量的更昔洛韦1000mg和lh中静注更昔洛韦5mg/kg时所得到的结果相似。 适应证 用于获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)患者巨细胞病毒(CMV)性视网膜炎。 禁忌证 1.本品禁用于对更昔洛韦或缬更昔洛韦过敏者。 2.中性粒细胞<0.5×109/L、血小板<25×109/L、血红蛋白浓度<80g/L者禁用。 3.血液透析患者禁用本品。 4.本品用于儿童的安全性和疗效尚未确定,故儿童不推荐使用。 注意事项 1.肾功能不全患者应慎用本品,并适当调整剂量。孕妇慎用。原先存在骨髓抑制者、接受骨髓抑制药物或放疗,及有血细胞减少症史或血细胞减少反应者慎用。 2.由于本品和更昔洛韦的生物利用度不同,因此不能一对一地替换用药。 3.由于更昔洛韦的诱变作用可严重影响精子生成和生育能力,因此用药者在治疗期间及治疗后至少90天应采取避孕措施。 4.过量服用可能导致肾毒性增加,血液透析和增加电解质可能有助于降低血浆药物浓度。 5.15~30℃保存。
不良反应 1.胃肠道反应:腹泻、恶心、呕吐和腹痛。 2.血液系统反应:中性粒细胞减少和贫血、血小板减少、骨髓抑制。 3.中枢神经系统反应:发热、头痛、失眠、外周神经障碍、感觉异常、癫痫、精神病、幻觉。 4.眼部反应:视网膜脱离。 5.其他不良反应:肾功能减退、其他局部或全身反应。在动物试验中更昔洛韦有致癌性、致畸性,并导致无精子生成。 用法用量 口服,每次900mg,每日2次,一般于3周后改为每日1次维持。 药物相应作用 1.齐多夫定、麦角酚酸酯或硫唑嘌呤与本品合用,使中性粒细胞减少和贫血等不良反应增加。 2.肾毒性药物损害肾功能,使更昔洛韦的体内消除减慢,药物蓄积,毒性增加。 3.丙磺舒和其他肾排泄药物能降低更昔洛韦的清除率,也导致其毒性增加。 4.与其他细胞毒药物合用会增大骨髓抑制、消化道和皮肤不良反应的危险,因此不能合用。 5.缬更昔洛韦的代谢产物更昔洛韦可显著增加去羟肌苷的生物利用度,应密切观察后者引起的毒性反应。 6.与亚胺培南/西司他丁合用会增加癫痫的可能。
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Valcyte Description Valcyte is used in the treatment of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection of the eye and may also be used to prevent CMV disease in kidney, heart, and kidney/pancreas transplant patients at risk of the disease. This is a form of medication known as an anti viral and helps by preventing or slowing the progression if the virus; it is not cure for CMV disease. There may be other conditions where Valcyte is a good choice of medication for you and so do not be surprised if your doctor prescribes you this medication for another condition. However you can expect a full explanation for why he or she has done so. Valcyte Directions As is the case with all drugs, it is vital that you carefully follow the instructions given to you by your doctor. In most cases this will be written on the label of the medicine bottle or box and you must read this information very carefully. If you do happen to have any questions about how to take this medicine then you should talk to your pharmacist, nurse or doctor and they will be happy to help you. You must not crush, break or chew this medicine and should instead swallow it whole with a glass of water. It is important you take this medicine with food. You must avoid direct contact with any broken or crushed tablets. If contact does occur then you must wash thoroughly with soap and water and make sure to rinse the eyes with lots of soap and water. If you have any broken or left over medication then you must place it in a plastic bag and dispose of it after talking to your doctor for directions. Where you keep the medicine is very important and in this case it must be stored at room temperature (77 degrees F) away from the sun and in the bottle or box provided or in an airtight container. You must take the medicine as directed by your doctor and if you can take it at the same time everyday i.e. at breakfast time, then that may help you to remember. It is very important that you take this medicine everyday as directed and do not miss a dose, even if you are feeling better. Failure to take your medicine as directed will likely result in the worsening of your symptoms. In the unfortunate scenario that you do forget to take a dose, you must take the missed dose as soon as you remember unless this is near the time of your next dose. In this case you should just forget about the missed dose and carry on with your normal schedule, as you must never take two doses of a single medication at the same time. If you have any concerns then you should contact your pharmacist, nurse or doctor for more information. Valcyte Cautions First and foremost you should not take Valcyte if you have experienced an allergic or other adverse reaction to it or any other ingredient that is used in the production of Valcyte. If you are worried that you may have had an adverse reaction to Valcyte in the past then you should discuss this with your doctor. Stopping a medicine suddenly will often result in a worsening of symptoms and side effects and in most cases your doctor will want you to come off a medicine slowly, a process known as tapering. There may be tests that are required by your doctor to check for side effects and/or monitor how effective the medicine is for you, however your doctor will talk to you about what is required. It is important to attend all laboratory and doctor appointments while you are taking Valcyte and additional appointments may be necessary when a change to the dose is made and during the initial starting period. As this medicine may take several weeks to reach its full effect you should avoid performing tasks such as driving, operating heavy machinery or any other dangerous activities during this time. You should never change or alter the dose of any medication unless you have talked it through with your doctor. It is vital that you notify your doctor or pharmacist before you begin any new medication, even if it is only one brought over the counter. You must not touch your eyes or the inside of your mouth or nose until you have washed your hands first. This medicine may decrease the number of blood cells that you have for clotting and so you should prevent situations where you may obtain bruising and injury. You must not substitute this medication for ganciclovir as this may result in an overdose. In men using this medicine a condom should be worn during sexual intercourse while undergoing treatment and for 90 days following treatment. Women must use effective contraception to avoid pregnancy while on this medicine. Valcyte can make you feel dizzy therefore you should wait until you know what effects it has on your body before you partake in the above activities. Valcyte may have adverse effects on the fetus in pregnant women and so all women who may be thinking about getting pregnant should weigh up the pros and cons of taking this medicine during pregnancy with their doctor. Also there is not enough research for us to know if Valcyte is excreted in the breast milk and so general advice at this time is to not breast-feed while on this medication. It is important that before you undergo any dental work or surgery of any kind that you let the dentist or doctor know that you are taking this medication. You must stay away from everyone who has had exposure to or is currently suffering from measles or chicken pox. Avoid all people with an infectious disease, especially those with chicken pox, measles and shingles. You should also try to avoid drinking any alcohol while taking this medication. Valcyte Side Effects As is the case with most drugs Valcyte is not without its side effects. Some of the things that you may notice when taking this medication include: nausea, headache, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, dizziness, or drowsiness. These may be minor and go away during the course of treatment, however if they do bother you then you must talk to your doctor. Valcyte was prescribed to you, as your doctor believes that the benefits will outweigh the side effects and so it is usual to expect some symptoms. However these symptoms should not cause you major discomfort and if this is the case then please talk to your doctor. You must talk to your doctor as soon as possible if you experience any sudden change in vision, seizure activity, confusion, rash, bruising, unusual bleeding, sore throat, cough, chills, fever, or vomiting. Fortunately it is uncommon for someone to have an allergic reaction to this medicine, however they do occur and if you notice severe dizziness, a rash, itching, trouble breathing or swelling then you must seek immediate medical attention. If you experience any symptoms that worry you, even if they are not listed above, then it is vital that you talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse about it. You can buy cheap Valcyte or good quality generic Valcyte now. Valcyte Active Ingredients
--------------------------------------------------------------- 原产地英文商品名: VALCYTE TABLET 450mg/tab 60tabs/bottle 原产地英文药品名: VALGANCICLOVIR HYDROCHLORIDE 中文参考商品译名: 克毒愈片剂 450毫克/片 60片/瓶 中文参考药品译名: 盐酸更昔洛韦 生产厂家中文参考译名: 罗氏 生产厂家英文名: ROCHE PALO