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2012-04-03 22:35:22  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:226  文字大小:【】【】【
简介:MiotolanFurazobol, known by its trade name, Miotolan, is a synthetic derivative of dihydrotestosterone. Until 1990 Miotolan was not detectable during any doping tests and could thus be taken by a ...

Furazobol, known by its trade name, Miotolan, is a synthetic derivative of dihydrotestosterone. Until 1990 Miotolan was not detectable during any doping tests and could thus be taken by athletes even on the day of a competition. When looking at the application of Miotolan you learn even more unusual things: This steroid is used as a lipid reducer. It is suitable for long-term treatment of arteriosclerosis and hypercholesterolemia. Miotolan reduces the cholesterol level and increases the "good" HDL value. In Japan Miotolan is a standard treatment to lower cholesterol levels.

This steroid does not cause water and salt retention and does not aromatize. Since the tablets are effective for only a brief period of time they must be taken several times a day. Miotolan has a predominantly androgenic effect and only a very low repression of the body's own testosterone production. Although it is potentially hepatoxic a possible reduced liver function seems unlikely if the daily manufacturer-recommended dose of 2-6 mg is not exceeded. Since athletes use considerably higher dosages the risk of liver poisoning cannot be excluded. The usual question-What is a performance improving dosage? It is difficult to answer. It is difficult because we do not know anybody who has ever taken this compound and because technical literature does not have anything to report in this regard either. The daily dosage should be at least 10-20 tablets, that is 10-20 mg/day. Due to its low substance amount per tablet and its high cost, this steroid will probably not be successful with body-builders. (Possible doubts by readers that this steroid perhaps does not exist are inappropriate.) However, this steroid really does exist.

Miotolan is an oral steroid that produces only moderate anabolic effects. It is not very commonly available and its cost is high, but because of its positive results on cholesterol levels, it can be useful to athletes who are concerned with cholesterol. It is toxic to the liver and can cause hair loss and acne, but it does not turn to estrogen in the body.

【别名】 呋咱甲氢龙;十八碳二烯酸 ,去脂舒,夫拉扎勃
【性状】 白色结晶性粉末、无臭、无味,不溶于水。
【药理作用】 有较强的血脂调节作用,能促进胆固醇肝中分解为胆酸排出体外,有较强的降胆固醇作用;还能抑制脂肪组织释放的脂肪酸进入肝脏,降低了肝游离脂肪酸含量,减少肝脏产生甘油三酯,从而降低血中甘油三酯水平。还有增进蛋白质的合成代谢、抑制分解代谢、增进食欲,增强体质,促进生长发育及促进组织再生的作用。
【适应症】 适用于高脂血症及动脉粥样硬化症。
【用量用法】 口服:每次0.5mg(1片),每日3次,待血脂明显下降后,可减至每日0.5~1mg,每疗程为1个月。作为蛋白同化剂应用,每日2~6mg。
【注意事项】 偶可引起男性化、月经异常、浮肿、转氨酶上升等不良反应。前列腺肥大者、孕妇忌用。 糖尿病患者慎用。
【规格】 片剂:每片0.5mg。





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