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环孢素滴眼液|Restasis(Cyclosporine Eye Drops)

2012-05-29 07:18:12  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:2845  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 英文药名: Restasis(Cyclosporine Eye Drops) 中文药名: 环孢素滴眼液 品牌药生产厂家: Allergan 药品名称 【药品名称】 通用名称:环孢素滴眼液 英文名称:Cyclosporin Eye Drops 【性 状】本品为 ...

英文药名: Restasis(Cyclosporine Eye Drops)

中文药名: 环孢素滴眼液

生产厂家: Allergan
英文名称:Cyclosporin Eye Drops
性 状:本品为淡黄色的澄明油状液体。
适 应 症
本品临床应用根据治疗疾病的种类不同, 用量有一定差异, 必须在专业医师的指导下或遵医嘱用药。
禁 忌
1. 角膜移植术后如发生植片排斥反应,临床医生可视排斥反应的轻重不同适当增加本品滴眼次数。
2. 与糖皮质激素联合应用时请注意逐渐调整糖皮质激素的给药剂量。
本品口服可以通过胎盘,也可进入乳汁,对哺乳的婴儿可产生高血压、肾毒性、恶性肿瘤等不良作用的潜在危险性。眼局部用药仍有全身吸收,虽然浓度很低(<50ng/ml),但尚不清楚是否可通过胎盘和通过人乳分泌, 所以孕妇及哺乳妇女避免使用。如必须使用,应在使用前排除妊娠的可能性,哺乳妇女不应哺乳。
0.4mlx30个  32个

Restasis Eye Drops 0.05% contain cyclosporine, an immunomodulator that is used to increase natural tear production in dry eye disease.
Restasis - Prescription Eye Drops for Dry Eyes
Restasis is One Treatment for Dry Eyes but has Limitations Due to Side Effects and Cost
Restasis Ophthalmic Emulsion (cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion 0.05%) by Allergan Pharmaceuticals is a prescription eye drop used for the treatment of chronic dry eye (keratoconjunctivitis sicca). Restasis is the only prescription eye drop medicine that is prescribed for long-term use to increase the eye’s ability to produce tears for patients whose tear production is suppressed due to ocular inflammation.
Dry eye syndrome is an ongoing condition and depending on its cause, it may not be curable but it can definitely be managed. There are different causes of dry eye. One cause in particular is ocular inflammation that suppresses the production of tears.
How Restasis Works
Patients with chronic dry eye have more inflammatory T-cells that produce by-products, which decrease the nerve signals to the lacrimal gland resulting in dryness.  Restasis inhibits the activation of T-cells, which results in increased tear production by the lacrimal gland.  Restasis does not improve tear flow in patients on anti-inflammatory eye drops or those with punctal plugs.
Recommended Dosage of Restasis
The recommended dosage of Restasis is one drop twice a day (1 drop in the morning and another drop in the evening approximately 12 hours apart).  The medication comes in a package of 30 (thirty) single use vials.  Some patients may begin to experience the benefit of increased tear production in as early as one month, but for others, it may take a few months longer since no two people react to the medication exactly the same. It is essential that Restasis be used consistently, twice a day, every day to achieve maximum effectiveness. Since there currently is no cure for chronic dry eye, Restasis is a long-term treatment and its benefits will cease if the product is discontinued.
Side Effects of Restasis
The most common side effect following the use of Restasis is ocular burning (17% of patients).  Other possible side effects (1-5% of patients) of Restasis include conjunctival redness, stinging, pain, foreign body sensation, itching and blurred vision. The use is contradicted with patients who have an active eye infection or for those who have a known or suspected hypersensitivity to any one of its ingredients. The safety and efficacy has not been established for patients under the age of sixteen.  There are also no well controlled or adequate studies for Restasis in pregnant women and caution should be exercised in nursing mothers.  Restasis should not be used while wearing contact lenses.
Cost of Restasis
Most patients with commercial health insurance have plans that cover most of the cost of RESTASIS® prescriptions. Most patient co-pays for a RESTASIS® prescription ranges from $20 to $50 for a monthly supply (2 trays).
Alternative Dry Eye Treatments
There are many solutions to improving chronic dry eye syndrome including therapy with Lotemax, Omega 3’s, punctal occlusion, artificial tears and doxycycline to name a few.  Restasis is one medical treatment that may be prescribed by your eye care doctor at Master Eye Associates.
Restasis general information
What is Restasis used for?
Restasis Eye Drops 0.05% are used to increase natural tear production by the eye. Tear production is reduced due to inflammation associated with a chronic eye disease called keratoconjunctivitis sicca, more commonly known as dry eye disease, in which the eye does not produce sufficient tears to cover the cornea and protect the surface of the eye. This condition can be caused as a side effect of certain drugs, such as isotretinoin; as a symptom of certain diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis; abnormal composition of tears causing them to evaporate rapidly; the aging process. Often there is no known cause (idiopathic). Chronic dry eyes results in inflammation and damage to the structures of the eye surface. Restasis Eye Drops 0.05% help prevent inflammation on the surface of the eye and this in turn helps increase natural tear production. Restasis Eye Drops 0.05% can also be used in conjunction with artificial tears.
How does Restasis work?
Restasis Eye Drops 0.05% contain cyclosporine, which is an immunosuppressive drug usually taken orally for suppressing the immune system and preventing rejection of organ transplants or for treatment of certain autoimmune diseases. When used for treating dry eye disease caused by reduced normal tear production, cyclosporine in Restasis Eye Drops 0.05% is thought to act as an immunomodulator by inhibiting the production of certain inflammatory chemicals called cytokines produced by lymphocytes at sites of inflammation. By damping down the effect of inflammatory cytokines in the eye, cyclosporine in Restasis Eye Drops 0.05% reduces local inflammation and helps the eyes resume normal tear production, which is important to protect and lubricate the eyes.
What does Restasis contain?
Restasis Eye Drops 0.05% are an ophthalmic emulsion containing the active ingredient cyclosporine, an immunosuppressant and immunomodulator, used to increase tear production in dry eye disease. They also contain: glycerine, castor oil, polysorbate 80, carbomer copolymer type A, purified water; and sodium hydroxide to adjust pH.
Treating dry eyes with Restasis
Restasis Eye Drops 0.05% contain cyclosporine, an immunomodulator that is used to increase natural tear production in dry eye disease. Dry eye disease is a chronic eye disease called keratoconjunctivitis sicca, in which the eye does not produce sufficient tears to cover the cornea and protect the surface of the eye. This condition can be caused as a side effect of certain drugs, such as isotretinoin; as a symptom of certain diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis conditions; abnormal composition of teats causing them to evaporate rapidly; the aging process. Often there is no known cause (idiopathic). Chronic dry eyes results in inflammation which blocks normal tear production and causes damage to the structures of the eye surface. Cyclosporine in Restasis Eye Drops 0.05% is thought to work by inhibiting the production of certain inflammatory chemicals called cytokines produced by lymphocytes at sites of inflammation. Reducing inflammation locally helps the increase normal tear production, which is important to protect and lubricate the eyes.
What are the side effects of Restasis?
The most commonly reported side effects when taking Restasis include: burning sensation in the eye, eye redness and discharge, watery eyes, eye pain, foreign body sensation, itching, stinging, and blurred vision.
When should Restasis not be used?
You should not use Restasis Eye Drops 0.05% if you:
•are allergic to cyclosporine or any ingredients in Restasis eye drops
•have an active eye infection
•are pregnant or are breastfeeding, without discussion with your doctor
How should Restasis be used?
Before using your Restasis Eye Drops 0.05%, gently invert the vial a few times to ensure it is well mixed and the white emulsion is uniform and opaque. Add one drop into each eye twice daily, 12 hours apart. If you are also using artificial tears, you should wait for 15 minutes after applying your Restasis Eye Drops 0.05%. You should continue to use your Restasis Eye Drops 0.05% continually for as long as recommended by your doctor, usually for at least 30 days.
How long should you take Restasis?
You should continue to use your Restasis Eye Drops 0.05% continually for as long as recommended by your doctor, usually for at least 30 days.
Missed dose of Restasis
If you miss a dose of Restasis take it as soon as you remember, unless it is time to take the next dose, then skip the missed dose. Do not take a double dose.
How should Restasis be stored?
You should store your Restasis below 15-25°C in a cool dry place.


PROTOPIC Ointment 0.03% 0.1%(他克莫司軟膏)
Latanoprost 0.005%(拉坦前列腺素滴眼液)
RIZABEN Eye Drops 0.5%(曲尼司特滴眼液)
CARDEC DM DROPS(氢溴酸右美沙芬/盐酸去氧肾上腺素/氯苯那敏滴剂)
羧甲基纤维素钠滴(REFRESH PLUS-0.5%drops,50ml)
羧甲基纤维素钠滴(REFRESH PLUS-0.5%drops,30ml)
苯磺酸贝他斯汀(BEPREVE1.5%EYE DROPS 10mls/bottle)
DUREZOL 0.05% EYE DROPS 1X5ML|二氟泼尼松龙酯滴眼液
酮咯酸氨丁三醇滴剂(ACULAR PF-0.5%drops,12ml)
润滑滴眼液(Tears Naturale Lubricant Eye Drops 0.9ml/bottle)



· VISINE(盐酸四氢萘咪唑...
· 羧甲基纤维素钠滴(REFRE...
· 羧甲基纤维素钠滴(REFRE...
· 润滑滴眼液(Tears Natu...
· CATIONORM(保湿剂/润滑剂...
· Lacrisert Inserts(羟丙...
· 羟丙甲纤维素眼用凝胶|G...
· 羟丙甲纤维素滴眼液|Gen...
· 环孢素滴眼液|Restasis(...



· VISINE(盐酸四氢萘咪唑...
· 羧甲基纤维素钠滴(REFRE...
· 羧甲基纤维素钠滴(REFRE...
· 润滑滴眼液(Tears Natu...
· CATIONORM(保湿剂/润滑剂...
· Lacrisert Inserts(羟丙...
· 羟丙甲纤维素眼用凝胶|G...
· 羟丙甲纤维素滴眼液|Gen...
· 环孢素滴眼液|Restasis(...

