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毛果芸香碱眼用凝胶|Pilopine HS(pilocarpine Gel)

2012-05-29 00:06:22  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:129  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 英文药名: Pilopine HS(pilocarpine Gel) 中文药名: 毛果芸香碱眼用凝胶 品牌药生产厂家: Alcon Labratories Inc. 药品简介 毛果芸香碱眼凝胶属化药新药5类。 作为眼科局部应用的缩瞳药,毛果芸香 ...

英文药名: Pilopine HS(pilocarpine Gel)

中文药名: 毛果芸香碱眼用凝胶

品牌药生产厂家: Alcon Labratories Inc.


毛果芸香碱眼凝胶属化药新药5类。 作为眼科局部应用的缩瞳药,毛果芸香碱属拟胆碱药,它直接作用于M-胆碱受体产生毒蕈碱样作用。
国外对于毛果芸香碱眼用凝胶的研究开展得较早,1996年Alcon公司就分别在美国和英国上市了该制剂,美国上市的商品名为Pilopine HS,英国上市的商品名为Pilogel。本品原料药已被中国药典2000版收载;国内仅有滴眼液用于治疗青光眼,为治疗青光眼的首选一线用药,临床用量居各类抗青光眼药物的前列;近年又有片剂批准上市,但其适应症为治疗癌症患者放化疗引起的口干,未见有其他的剂型被批准进行临床研究或生产。 目前我们已获得SDA签发的临床批件。


4% 1支 x 5gm (克) 
4% 3支 x 5gm (克)


Pilopine Hs 4% Gel 1X4 Gm Mfg. By Alcon Ophthalmic Prod

USES: This medication reduces pressure in the eye. It is used to treat glaucoma. HOW TO USE: Wash hands first. Avoid touching the tip of the tube to any surface. Tilt head back and pull down lower eyelid to make a pouch. Place the tube as near as possible to the eyelid without touching it. Squeeze a 1/2 inch ribbon of gel into the pouch of the eyelid. Blink your eyes a few times to allow dispersion of the gel over the eye surface. Wipe off any excess gel from the eyelids and eyelashes with tissue. Close lid tightly. Wash hands again to remove any gel that may have come into contact with your hands. SIDE EFFECTS: Headache, brow ache, or temporary burning or stinging may occur initially. These effects should disappear as your body adjusts to the medication. Vision may be temporarily blurred or unstable after applying gel. Use caution if driving or performing duties requiring clear vision. This medication may cause vision problems in poor light. Use caution especially when driving at night. Crusting of gel on eyelids or eyelashes may occur causing them to stick together. If this occurs, wash them with water. Also, contact your doctor if blurred vision persists more than several hours in the morning after bedtime use. Inform your doctor if you develop: vision changes, eye pain, nausea, vomiting, sweating, increased salivation, diarrhea. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist. PRECAUTIONS: Before using this medication, tell your doctor if you have: other eye problems, asthma, intestinal disease, ulcers, low or high blood pressure, heart disease, an overactive thyroid gland, seizures, Parkinson's disease. Before having surgery with a general anesthetic, tell the doctor or dentist that you use this medication. Do not allow anyone else to use this medication. This drug should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed. It is not known if this medication appears in breast milk. Consult with your doctor before breast-feeding. DRUG INTERACTIONS: This drug can affect the way your body responds to other drugs. Tell your doctor what prescription and nonprescription drugs you are taking. Do not use any drugs, including nonprescription medications, without consulting your doctor. Do not start or stop any medicine without doctor or pharmacist approval. OVERDOSE: If overdose is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately.


匹罗卡品滴眼液|Isopto carpine(pilocarpine drops)



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· Latanoprost 0.005%(拉...
· TAPCOM combination oph...
· TIMOPTOL Ophthalmic So...
· GLANATEC ophthalmic so...
· Simbrinza(布林佐胺/酒...
· Tapros(Tafluprost,他...
· 比马前列素滴眼液|LUMIG...
· DIAMOX for Inj(注射用...
· 盐酸卡替洛尔滴眼剂|Ocu...
· Ganfort(贝美前列素&马来...

