SKLICE(伊维菌素),赛诺菲公司生产的新剂型为外用洗剂,以前FDA批准剂型为口服片剂。本品用于年龄≥6个月的头虱患者的局部外用治疗药。 【商品名】Sklice 【通用名】 伊维菌素, ivermectin(IVM) 【生产厂家】赛诺菲(法国),Sanofi Pasteur 【规格】0.5%外用洗剂 【化学结构】 【适应症】Sklice 洗剂是一种杀虱剂,适用于6个月及以上年龄患者头虱感染的局部外用治疗。 FDA has approved Sklice (ivermectin lotion) 0.5% for the topical treatment of head lice in patients ≥6 months of age. This approval was based on data from two Phase 3, randomized, double-blind clinical trials that compared Sklice Lotion with a vehicle control (placebo) in 781 patients who were ≥6 months of age. Sklice Lotion or placebo was dispensed to all subjects for application to dry hair and scalp followed by a rinsing after 10 minutes, with instructions not to use a nit comb. For the evaluation of efficacy, the youngest subject from each household was considered to be the index subject of the household (n=289). Other enrolled infested household members received the same treatment as the youngest subject. Significantly more subjects in the Sklice Lotion group were louse-free, Sklice was well-tolerated, and the majority of Sklice-treated patients were lice-free without any nit combing after two weeks. FDA批准Sklice洗液治疗头虱 2012年2月7日,赛诺菲宣布美国食品药品管理局(FDA)已经批准0.5%的Sklice(伊维菌素)洗液用作年龄≥6个月的头虱患者的局部外用治疗药。对于大多数患者而言,单次涂抹该洗液持续10 min(无需使用虱梳梳理)即可达到根除头虱的效果。 FDA批准Sklice洗液是基于2项3期随机、双盲、临床试验的结果,这2项研究以781例年龄≥6个月的美国患者为受试者,将Sklice洗液与安慰剂进行了比较。应用方法为将Sklice洗液或安慰剂涂抹于干发或头皮上,10 min后冲洗。Sklice耐受性良好,大多数接受Sklice治疗的患者未使用虱梳梳理,在2周后便无头虱。发生不良事件的患者不足1%,其中包括结膜炎、眼部充血、眼部刺激、头皮屑、皮肤干燥及皮肤烧灼感。 不推荐将Sklice洗液用于年龄不足6个月的患者,因为这样有增加全身性吸收及随后产生伊维菌素毒性的可能。 |
【通用名】 伊维菌素, ivermectin(IVM) ... 责任编辑:admin
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