英文药名: Ovidrel(HCG Alpha/Recombinant)
中文药名: 重组人绒促性素注射液(艾泽)
品牌药生产厂家: Serono
产品名称: 注射用重组人绒促性素 英文名称: Recombinant Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Alfa for Injection 商品名: 艾泽 英文商品名: Ovidrel 产品分类: 代谢及内分泌系统用药\垂体前叶激素类\促性腺素释放激素生 产品剂型: 粉针剂 产品规格: 250μg 生产企业: Serono
【别名】 类垂体促性腺激素; 普罗兰; 绒毛膜促性腺素; 绒膜激素, 绒促性素, 绒毛膜促性腺激素, 泼热尼乐 【外文名】Chorionic Gonadotrophin, HCG, Pregnyl
适应症 用于不孕症、黄体功能不足、功能性子宫出血、隐睾症、男性性腺功能减退症、先兆流产或习惯性流产等 如在绝经促性素之后配合使用本品,则效果较好。 主要用于促排卵,促黄体发育。在男性可促使睾丸间质细胞分泌睾酮,可用以检验睾丸间质细胞功能,与尿促性素联合长期应用,有生精作用。
用法用量 1.用于无排卵性不育症,于经期第10日起,每日肌注1次500~1000单位,连续5日。 2.用于黄体功能不足,于经期第15~17日(基础体温上升3日后),每日肌注500~1000单位,连用5日。 3.功能性子宫出血,每日肌注300~1500单位,连用3~5日。 4.10岁以下隐睾症,每次肌注500~1000单位;10~14岁,每次肌注1500单位,每周2~3次,连用4~8周。 5.用于男性性功能减退症,1次肌注4000单位,每周3次。 6.先兆流产或习惯性流产,每日或隔日1次肌注3000~5000单位,共5~10次。 任何疑问,请遵医嘱!
注意事项 1.本品溶液极不稳定,而且不耐热,配成后4日之内用完宜。 2.注射需作过敏试验。 3.生殖系统有炎症疾病、激素性活动型性腺癌、无性腺(先天性或手术后)病人忌用。 4.本品不宜长期应用,以免产生抗体和抑制垂体促性腺功能。 5.如连用8周尚不见效,应即停药;若性欲早熟或亢进,也应停用。
 Ovidrel® PreFilled Syringe (choriogonadotropin alfa injection) Ovidrel® PreFilled Syringe (choriogonadotropin alfa injection) is the first and only recombinant human chorionic gonadotropin (r-hCG) approved in the world. Ovidrel® PreFilled Syringe is available in a ready-to-inject, prefilled syringe, eliminating the need for reconstituting.
The Ovidrel® PreFilled Syringe is manufactured to the highest standards of purity using recombinant human DNA technology. Ovidrel® PreFilled Syringe is the only hCG available for subcutaneous (just under the skin) injection in the United States. Other hCG products available in the U.S. are extracted from human urine and may require deeper, intramuscular injections.
Why Ovidrel® PreFilled Syringe is used Ovidrel® PreFilled Syringe is used in fertility treatment cycles to help follicles mature and trigger the release of mature eggs from a woman's ovaries following treatment with products containing the human follicle stimulating hormone, like Gonal-f® (follitropin alfa for injection). Ask your healthcare provider if Ovidrel® PreFilled Syringe is right for you.
Important Risk Information: Ovidrel® PreFilled Syringe (choriogonadotropin alfa injection) is indicated for the induction of final follicular maturation and early luteinization in infertile women who have undergone pituitary desensitization and who have been appropriately pretreated with follicle stimulating hormones as part of an Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) program such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer. Ovidrel® PreFilled Syringe is also indicated for the induction of ovulation (OI) and pregnancy in anovulatory infertile patients in whom the cause of infertility is functional and not due to primary ovarian failure. Ovidrel should only be used by physicians who are thoroughly familiar with infertility problems and their management. Ovidrel® is a potent gonadotropic substance capable of causing Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) in women with or without pulmonary or vascular complications. Ovidrel® is contraindicated in women who exhibit prior sensitivity to hCG preparations or their ingredients, primary ovarian failure, uncontrolled thyroid or adrenal dysfunction and pregnancy. Women who are nursing should also not use Ovidrel®. The most common side effects in women using Ovidrel® include abdominal pain, injection site reactions, nausea and vomiting. Reports of multiple births have been associated with Ovidrel treatment. For complete product details, see the Full Prescribing Information. |