英文药名: Premarin(Conjugated Estrogens Injection)
中文药名: 倍美力注射液(共轭雌激素)
生产厂家: Pfizer Inc. 药品说明 中文名称:结合雌激素 产品英文名称:Premarin Injection 化学成分 每瓶本药内含25 mg混合雌激素(又名共轭雌激素),存在于无菌冷冻干燥法制成的粉饼中,其中还含有乳糖200 mg、枸橼酸钠12.5 mg、二甲基硅油0.2 mg。用氢氧化钠和盐酸将其pH值调至7.3。它的重配溶液适于静脉或肌肉注射。本药是一种完全由天然资源. 生产企业 惠氏制药有限公司 药理作用 调节体内的雌激素水平。它的重配溶液适于静脉或肌肉注射。本药是一种完全由天然资源获得的多种雌激素的混合物。作为多种水溶性雌激素的硫酸钠盐混合物,各自的量相当于从妊娠雌马驹尿液中提取物的平均水平。它包括雌酮、马烯雌酮、17α-二氢马烯雌酮。并有以硫酸酯盐形式存在的少量17α-雌二醇、马萘雌酮、17α-二氢马萘雌酮。 适应症 无器质性病理改变的、由于激素水平失衡而导致的异常子宫出血。 不良反应 突破性出血,月经量改变,闭经。子宫良性肿瘤增大。乳房疼痛。恶心、呕吐、腹痛、胀气、胆汁淤积。罕见恶心、呕吐及皮肤发红,已报道主要是由于注射太快引起。 禁忌症 已知或怀疑妊娠; 未确诊的异常生殖器出血; 已知或怀疑患有乳腺癌,除了治疗某些转移性癌的病人; 已知或怀疑患有雌激素依赖性肿瘤; 活动性血栓性静脉炎或血栓栓塞性疾病;以前患有与使用雌激素相关的血栓性疾病; 对本品过敏者禁用。 用法用量 由于体内激素水平失衡引起的异常子宫出血:一次注射25 mg,静脉注射或肌肉注射。最好进行静脉注射,因为用这种药方式可指望产生较快的治疗效果。如有必要,6-12小时重复一次。立即开始雌激素-孕激素循环法,如用混合雌激素,每天用3.75-7.5 mg,分次服用(用片剂时),连用20天。在疗程的最后5-10天,应给予口服孕激素。在此后的2-5天内可出现药物撤退性出血。重要的一点是治疗必须继续进行且不能减量,否则将发生突发性出血。 上述口服雌-孕激素的疗法应重复应用,从月经周期的第五天开始用,再用3个周期,此后撤药并评估病人对药物的需求。假如突发性出血在这20天疗程结束之前发生,应停止治疗,在月经的第5天再恢复用药。 静脉用药时应严格遵守常规使用规范,应缓慢静注以防止皮肤发红的发生。 药物相互作用 1 加速了凝血酶原时间,部分促凝血酶原激酶时间和血小板凝集时间;升高了血小板计数;增加了Ⅱ因子、Ⅶ因子抗原,Ⅷ因子抗原,Ⅷ因子凝集活性,Ⅸ、Ⅹ、Ⅻ、Ⅶ-Ⅹ因子复合物,Ⅱ-Ⅶ-Ⅹ因子复合物,β血小板球蛋白;降低了抗Xa和抗凝血酶Ⅲ水平,降低了抗凝血酶Ⅲ活性;增加了纤维蛋白原和纤维蛋白原活性;增加了纤溶酶原抗原和活性。 2 增加的甲状腺结合球蛋白(TBG)可使循环中总甲状腺激素增加,后者用蛋白结合碘(PBI)测定,增加了T4水平(用柱或放射免疫法)或T3水平(用放射免疫法测定)。而T3树脂摄取下降,反映TBG升高。游离T3和游离T4浓度则未变。 3 血清中其他结合蛋白,即皮质类固醇结合球蛋白(CBG)和性腺激素结合球蛋白(SHBG)可能升高,分别使循环中皮质类固醇和性类固醇升高。游离和具生物学活性的激素浓度不变。其他血浆蛋白亦可能升高(血管紧张素原/肾素底物,α1抗胰蛋白酶,血浆铜蓝蛋白)。 4 HDL和HDL-2浓度升高,LDL-胆固醇浓度降低,TG水平升高。 5 葡萄糖耐量降低。 6 对美替拉酮试验反应下降。 7 血清中叶酸盐浓度下降。 注意事项 1 在用药之前,应对病人进行全面地体格检查,尤其是盆腔器官及乳房。 2 在开始治疗后6个月内,应再进行一次体格检查。此后,每年应进行一次体检,同时,应包含上述的检查要点。 3 如病人需要接受外科手术治疗时,应通知病理科医生,在病人手术时要送标本进行病理学检查。 贮藏方法 一般情况下,配好溶液在数小时内用完。但是,如有必要,溶液能放置于15-30℃(59-86°F)室温下,避光保存。在这种条件下,该溶液常可保持稳定和清澈90天,仍可应用,除非变色或沉淀发生。 规格:25mg
 PREMARIN® (conjugated estrogens) Important Safety Information and Indications There is an increased risk of endometrial cancer in a woman with a uterus who uses unopposed estrogens. Adding a progestin to estrogen therapy has been shown to reduce the risk of endometrial hyperplasia, which may be a precursor to endometrial cancer. Adequate diagnostic measures, including directed or random endometrial sampling when indicated, should be undertaken to rule out malignancy in postmenopausal women with undiagnosed persistent or recurring abnormal genital bleeding. Estrogens with or without progestins should not be used for the prevention of cardiovascular disease or dementia. The Women's Health Initiative (WHI) estrogen alone substudy reported increased risks of stroke and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in postmenopausal women with daily oral conjugated estrogens (CE) alone. The WHI estrogen plus progestin substudy reported increased risks of DVT, pulmonary embolism, stroke, and myocardial infarction in postmenopausal women with daily oral CE combined with medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA). In the absence of comparable data, these risks should be assumed to be similar for other dosage forms of estrogens. The WHI Memory Study (WHIMS) reported an increased risk of developing probable dementia in postmenopausal women 65 years of age or older, in both the estrogen alone and estrogen plus progestin arms. It is unknown whether these findings apply to younger postmenopausal women. The WHI estrogen plus progestin substudy demonstrated an increased risk of invasive breast cancer. Estrogens with or without progestins should be prescribed at the lowest effective dose and for the shortest duration consistent with treatment goals and risks for the individual woman. PREMARIN VAGINAL CREAM should not be used in women with any of the following conditions: undiagnosed abnormal genital bleeding; known, suspected, or a history of breast cancer; known or suspected estrogen-dependent neoplasia; active deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or a history of these conditions; active arterial thromboembolic disease (eg, stroke, myocardial infarction), or a history of these conditions; anaphylactic reaction or angioedema to Premarin Vaginal Cream; liver dysfunction or disease; thrombophilic disorders; pregnancy. Estrogens increase the risk of gallbladder disease. Discontinue estrogen if loss of vision, severe hypertriglyceridemia or cholestatic jaundice occurs. Monitor thyroid function in women on thyroid replacement therapy, because estrogens may be associated with increased thyroid binding globulin (TBG) levels. In a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study, the most common adverse reactions (≥2%) were headache, pelvic pain, vasodilation, breast pain, leucorrhea, metrorrhagia, vaginitis, and vulvovaginal disorder. INDICATIONS Premarin Vaginal Cream is indicated for the treatment of atrophic vaginitis and kraurosis vulvae; and for the treatment of moderate to severe dyspareunia, a symptom of vulvar and vaginal atrophy, due to menopause. https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=96609623-528e-4aba-cabe-7254aed816d5