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2012-09-20 16:51:43  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:193  文字大小:【】【】【
简介:OcuSoft宣布Zytaze(锌柠檬酸和植酸酶)已被列为医疗食品提供营养支持,以加强在眼睑,面肌痉挛或面部整容手术治疗的A型肉毒毒素注射的有效性批准。这个批准是根据临床研究,其中Zytaze表明标志着眼睑痉挛,面肌 ...

OcuSoft宣布Zytaze(锌柠檬酸和植酸酶)已被列为医疗食品提供营养支持,以加强在眼睑,面肌痉挛或面部整容手术治疗的A型肉毒毒素注射的有效性批准。这个批准是根据临床研究,其中Zytaze表明标志着眼睑痉挛,面肌痉挛或整容手术治疗注射A型肉毒毒素增强数据。 Zytaze是一个拥有专利配方,专利申请中融合了高生物利用率,有机锌和植酸酶(一种酶能够分解肌醇六磷酸,提高锌的吸收)。 Zytaze可能延长近25%的A型肉毒毒素治疗时间。


ZYTAZE® provides nutritional support to enhance the effectiveness of botulinum toxin injections in the treatment of
blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm or cosmetic procedures. To learn more about these conditions
Formulated with a unique blend of organic zinc and phytase to increase zinc absorption, ZYTAZE® has been found to
extend the duration of botulinum toxin injections by almost 25%¹.

What is ZYTAZE®?
ZYTAZE® provides nutritional support to enhance the effectiveness of botulinum toxin injections in the treatment of blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm or cosmetic procedures.
What is botulinum toxin?
Botulinum toxin is a protein derived from Clostridium botulinum that helps stop muscle spasms. Muscle spasms are caused by chemical messages sent to the muscles from nerves. These messages tell the muscles to contract (tighten up). Botulinum toxin blocks these messages.
What is a blepharospam?
A blepharospasm, blepharo meaning eyelid and spasm meaning uncontrolled muscle contraction, is any abnormal, involuntary contraction or twitch of the eyelid.
It normally refers to benign essential blepharospasm (BEB) which is a focal dystonia — a neurological movement disorder involving involuntary and sustained contractions of the muscles around the eyes. Symptoms sometimes last for a few days then disappear without treatment, but in most cases the twitching is chronic and persistent, causing lifelong challenges.
What is a hemifacial spasm?
A hemifacial spasm, hemi meaning one side, facial meaning face and spasm meaning uncontrolled muscle contraction, is a neuromuscular disorder characterized by frequent involuntary contractions of the muscles on one side of the face.
What are the ingredients in ZYTAZE®?
Each capsule contains Zinc as Zinc Citrate 25 mg and Phytase 1500 mg. Other ingredients include: Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate, and Microcrystalline Cellulose.
What is phytase?
Phytase is an enzyme that effectively breaks down phytates, a group of phosphate-containing compounds which tightly bind zinc in the intestinal tract and prevent zinc absorption.  Phytates are found in whole grain breads, whole-wheat products, many cereals, soy, oats, legumes (including peas, peanuts and peanut butter), beans, corn, nuts, rice, and other foods as well.
Why should I take ZYTAZE® before my next injection(s)?
To be effective, each molecule of botulinum toxin must be associated with a molecule of zinc. Unfortunately, not all zinc is the same and taking a poorly absorbed form of zinc can compete with absorption with better zinc available through foods, which can be worse than taking no zinc at all. ZYTAZE® is specially formulated with a unique patent-pending combination of organic zinc and phytase to maximize zinc absorption, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of botulinum toxin injections.
If I take more zinc and phytase, will it increase the effectiveness of my botulinum toxin injections?
More of a good thing is not necessarily better. Too much zinc can cause gastrointestinal symptoms of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain as well as dizziness, kidney dysfunction, anemia, and decreased immune function. Too much zinc may actually DECREASE the effect of botulinum toxins. Too much phytase on a regular basis may cause too much zinc absorption resulting in the previously mentioned side effects. Consuming a controlled amount of zinc and phytase prior to and at the time of receiving botulinum toxin injections is recommended to enhance effects without the risk of zinc toxicity.
What is the recommended dosage of ZYTAZE®?
Two capsules daily for four days prior to and on the day of receiving botulinum toxin injections. Each prescription package contains 10 capsules. ZYTAZE® may be taken during meals or snacks, but avoid taking ZYTAZE® within two hours of medications and/or supplements. ZYTAZE® is a medical food and is intended to be used under the supervision of a physician.
How is ZYTAZE® supplied?
ZYTAZE® is supplied in a blister pack of 10 clear, hard-shell capsules containing a white/off white crystalline powder.
How much does ZYTAZE® cost?
The cost may vary between.
Will ZYTAZE® enhance the effects of dermal fillers?

No. The ingredients in ZYTAZE® are specifically formulated to support the effectiveness of botulinum toxins. For best results, use ZYTAZE® in conjunction with botulinum toxin treatments.
Are there any known side effects to taking ZYTAZE®?
There are no known side effects of zinc at normal dosages or of phytase used for short durations. Zinc at dosages above 50 mg daily is associated with reduced immune system functioning and is therefore not recommended. To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact OCuSOFT, Inc. at (800) 233-5469.
What are the contraindications for ZYTAZE®?
ZYTAZE® should not be used without physician supervision, or in those persons showing hypersensitivity to any component of this preparation. Zinc may decrease the absorption of tetracycline (Achromycin, Sumycin) and ciprofloxacin (Cipro). Take any zinc supplement at least two hours before or after taking these antibiotics. Use of the following drugs increases the loss of zinc from the body or interferes with absorption: aspirin; azidothymidine, zidovudine; captopril; enalapril; estrogen oral contraceptives; penicillamine; the thiazide class of diuretics including chlorothiazide, chlorthalidone, hydrochlorothiazide, metolazone. No known contraindications for phytase. Women who are pregnant, nursing or may become pregnant should consult their physician before using this product. Zinc supplements may cause mild nausea in susceptible persons when taken on an empty stomach. Avoid taking within two hours of medications and/or supplements.

Where Can I Find ZYTAZE®?
ZYTAZE® is available through your physician or at your local pharmacy.
What do I do if my Pharmacist is out of stock or has not ordered previously?
You can assist your Pharmacist in ordering ZYTAZE® from their Wholesale Distributor by providing him / her with the following numbers:





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· VISCODERM(透明质酸预充...
· Aliaxin SR(透明质酸凝胶)
· IAL SYSTEM(透明质酸钠盐...
· Belotero(新型透明质酸填...
· 胎盘素活细胞针剂Laenne...
· Melsmon(美思满胎盘素注...
· TRI-LUMA(复合醋酸氟轻...
· Latisse(比马前列素眼科...



· Kybella(deoxycholic ac...
· Stylage(真皮注射填充针...
· VISCODERM(透明质酸预充...
· Aliaxin SR(透明质酸凝胶)
· IAL SYSTEM(透明质酸钠盐...
· Belotero(新型透明质酸填...
· 胎盘素活细胞针剂Laenne...
· Melsmon(美思满胎盘素注...
· TRI-LUMA(复合醋酸氟轻...
· Latisse(比马前列素眼科...

