药物名称: 醋酸亮丙瑞林
英文名称: Leuprorelin acetate
说 明: 注射液
功用作用: 子宫内膜异位症;伴有月经过多、下腹痛、腰痛及贫血等的子宫肌瘤;绝经前乳腺癌,且雌激素受体阳性患者;前列腺癌;中枢性性早熟症。
用法用量: 皮下注射,成人3.75mg/次,1次/4周。 子宫内膜异位症:通常,成人每4周1次,皮下注射醋酸亮丙瑞林3.75mg。当患者体重低于50kg时,可以使用1.88mg的制剂。初次给药应从月经周期的1~5日开始。 子宫肌瘤:通常,成人每4周1次,皮下注射醋酸亮丙瑞林1.88mg。但对于体重过重或子宫明显肿大的患者,应注射3.75mg。初次给药应从月经周期的1~5日开始。 前列腺癌、闭经前乳腺癌:通常,成人每4周1次,皮下注射醋酸亮丙瑞林3.75mg。 中枢性性早熟症:通常,每4周1次,皮下注射醋酸亮丙瑞林30mg/kg,根据患者症状可增量至90mg/kg。
注意事项: 不良反应:内分泌系统:发热,颜面潮红,发汗,性欲减退,阳痿,男子女性化乳房,睾丸萎缩,会阴不适等现象。 肌肉骨骼系统:可见骨疼痛,肩腰四肢疼痛。 泌尿系统:可见排尿障碍,血尿等。 循环系统:可见心电图异常,心胸比例增大等。 消化系统:恶心,呕吐食欲不振等。过敏反应:可见皮疹搔痒等。 注射局部疼痛,硬结,发红。 其他:可见浮肿,胸部压迫感,发冷,疲倦,体重增加,知觉异常,听力衰退,耳鸣,头部多毛,尿酸,BUN,LDH,GOT,GPT上升等。由于雌激素降低作用而出现的更年期综合征样的精神抑郁状态。 对本药成份、合成的LH-RH或LH-RH衍生物有过敏史者禁用。孕妇或有可能怀孕的妇女,或哺乳期妇女;有性质不明的、异常的阴道出血者[有可能为恶性疾病]禁用 。 皮下注射部位选上臂部、腹部、臀部,注射后不得揉搓注射部位。 首次用药初期,由于高活性LH-RH衍生物对垂体-性腺系统的刺激作用,使血清睾丸素浓度上升,可见骨性疼痛暂时加重,尿储留或脊髓压迫症状,应对症处理。已存在由脊髓压迫或尿储留引起的肾功能障碍者或者是有重新发作可能性的患者及高龄者慎用。治疗时一定要确认患者未妊娠,且于月经周期的1-5天开始给药,在治疗期内应采用非激素性方法避孕。给药时应留心与类似疾患(恶性肿瘤等)鉴别,如给药过程中肿瘤增大,临床症状末见改善时应中止给药。由于雌激素降低可引起骨质的损失,故需长期给药或再次给药时,应尽可能检查骨密度,慎重用药。 对含有明胶的药物或含有明胶的食物有过敏史者,例如休克、过敏性症状(荨麻疹、呼吸困难、口唇浮肿、喉头水肿等)应慎重用药;已有因使用本品引起血栓形成及肺栓塞症的报告。
ELIGARD (leuprolide acetate) kit [sanofi-aventis U.S. LLC]
ELIGARD® is a sterile polymeric matrix formulation of leuprolide acetate for subcutaneous injection. It is designed to deliver leuprolide acetate at a controlled rate over a one-, three-, four- or six-month therapeutic period.
Leuprolide acetate is a synthetic nonapeptide analog of naturally occurring gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH or LH-RH) that, when given continuously, inhibits pituitary gonadotropin secretion and suppresses testicular and ovarian steroidogenesis. The analog possesses greater potency than the natural hormone. The chemical name is 5-oxo-L-prolyl-L-histidyl-L-tryptophyl-L-seryl-L-tyrosyl-D-leucyl-L-leucyl-L-arginyl-N-ethyl-L-prolinamide acetate (salt) with the following structural formula:
ELIGARD® is prefilled and supplied in two separate, sterile syringes whose contents are mixed immediately prior to administration. The two syringes are joined and the single dose product is mixed until it is homogenous. ELIGARD® is administered subcutaneously, where it forms a solid drug delivery depot.
One syringe contains the ATRIGEL® Delivery System and the other contains leuprolide acetate. ATRIGEL® is a polymeric (non-gelatin containing) delivery system consisting of a biodegradable poly (DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGH or PLG) polymer formulation dissolved in a biocompatible solvent, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP).
Refer to Table 1 for the delivery system composition and constituted product formulation for each ELIGARD® product.
Table 1. ELIGARD® Delivery System Composition and Constituted Product Formulation
ELIGARD® 7.5 mg |
ELIGARD® 22.5 mg |
ELIGARD® 30 mg |
ELIGARD® 45 mg |
ATRIGEL® Delivery System Syringe |
Polymer |
Polymer description |
Copolymer containing carboxyl endgroups |
Copolymer with hexanediol |
Copolymer with hexanediol |
Copolymer with hexanediol |
Polymer DL-lactide to Glycolide Molar Ratio |
50:50 |
75:25 |
75:25 |
85:15 |
Constituted Product |
Polymer delivered |
82.5 mg |
158.6 mg |
211.5 mg |
165 mg |
NMP delivered |
160.0 mg |
193.9 mg |
258.5 mg |
165 mg |
Leuprolide acetate delivered |
7.5 mg |
22.5 mg |
30 mg |
45 mg |
Approximate Leuprolide free base equivalent |
7.0 mg |
21 mg |
28 mg |
42 mg |
Approximate administered formulation weight |
250 mg |
375 mg |
500 mg |
375 mg |
Approximate injection volume |
0.25 mL |
0.375 mL |
0.5 mL |
Leuprolide acetate, an LH-RH agonist, acts as a potent inhibitor of gonadotropin secretion when given continuously in therapeutic doses. Animal and human studies indicate that after an initial stimulation, chronic administration of leuprolide acetate results in suppression of testicular and ovarian steroidogenesis. This effect is reversible upon discontinuation of drug therapy.
In humans, administration of leuprolide acetate results in an initial increase in circulating levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), leading to a transient increase in levels of the gonadal steroids (testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in males, and estrone and estradiol in premenopausal females). However, continuous administration of leuprolide acetate results in decreased levels of LH and FSH. In males, testosterone is reduced to below castrate threshold (≤ 50 ng/dL). These decreases occur within two to four weeks after initiation of treatment. Long-term studies have shown that continuation of therapy with leuprolide acetate maintains testosterone below the castrate level for up to seven years.
Following the first dose of ELIGARD®, mean serum testosterone concentrations transiently increased, then fell to below castrate threshold (≤ 50 ng/dL) within three weeks for all ELIGARD® concentrations.
Continued monthly treatment with ELIGARD® 7.5 mg maintained castrate testosterone suppression throughout the study. No breakthrough of testosterone concentrations above castrate threshold (> 50 ng/dL) occurred at any time during the study once castrate suppression was achieved (Figure 1).
One patient received less than a full dose of ELIGARD® 22.5 mg at baseline, never suppressed and withdrew from the study at Day 73. Of the 116 patients remaining in the study, 115 (99%) had serum testosterone levels below the castrate threshold by Month 1 (Day 28). By Day 35, 116 (100%) had serum testosterone levels below the castrate threshold. Once testosterone suppression was achieved, one patient (< 1%) demonstrated breakthrough (concentrations > 50 ng/dL after achieving castrate levels) following the initial injection; that patient remained below the castrate threshold following the second injection (Figure 2).
One patient withdrew from the ELIGARD® 30 mg study at Day 14. Of the 89 patients remaining in the study, 85 (96%) had serum testosterone levels below the castrate threshold by Month 1 (Day 28). By Day 42, 89 (100%) of patients attained castrate testosterone suppression. Once castrate testosterone suppression was achieved, three patients (3%) demonstrated breakthrough (concentrations > 50 ng/dL after achieving castrate levels) (Figure 3).
One patient at Day 1 and another patient at Day 29 were withdrawn from the ELIGARD® 45 mg study. Of the 109 patients remaining in the study, 108 (99.1%) had serum testosterone levels below the castrate threshold by Month 1 (Day 28). One patient did not achieve castrate suppression and was withdrawn from the study at Day 85. Once castrate testosterone suppression was achieved, one patient (< 1%) demonstrated breakthrough (concentrations > 50 ng/dL after achieving castrate levels) (Figure 4).
Leuprolide acetate is not active when given orally.
ELIGARD® 7.5 mg
The pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics observed during three once-monthly injections in 20 patients with advanced prostate cancer is shown in Figure 1. Mean serum leuprolide concentrations following the initial injection rose to 25.3 ng/mL (Cmax) at approximately 5 hours after injection. After the initial increase following each injection, serum concentrations remained relatively constant (0.28 – 2.00 ng/mL).
A reduced number of sampling timepoints resulted in the apparent decrease in Cmax values with the second and third doses of ELIGARD® 7.5 mg (Figure 1).
ELIGARD® 22.5 mg
The pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics observed during two injections every three months (ELIGARD® 22.5 mg) in 22 patients with advanced prostate cancer is shown in Figure 2. Mean serum leuprolide concentrations rose to 127 ng/mL and 107 ng/mL at approximately 5 hours following the initial and second injections, respectively. After the initial increase following each injection, serum concentrations remained relatively constant (0.2 – 2.0 ng/mL).
ELIGARD® 30 mg
The pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics observed during injections administered initially and at four months (ELIGARD® 30 mg ) in 24 patients with advanced prostate cancer is shown in Figure 3. Mean serum leuprolide concentrations following the initial injection rose rapidly to 150 ng/mL (Cmax) at approximately 3.3 hours after injection. After the initial increase following each injection, mean serum concentrations remained relatively constant (0.1 – 1.0 ng/mL).
ELIGARD® 45 mg
The pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics observed during injections administered initially and at six months (ELIGARD® 45 mg) in 27 patients with advanced prostate cancer is shown in Figure 4. Mean serum leuprolide concentrations rose to 82.0 ng/mL and 102 ng/mL (Cmax) at approximately 4.5 hours following the initial and second injections, respectively. After the initial increase following each injection, mean serum concentrations remained relatively constant (0.2 – 2.0 ng/mL).
There was no evidence of significant accumulation during repeated dosing. Nondetectable leuprolide plasma concentrations have been occasionally observed during ELIGARD® administration, but testosterone levels were maintained at castrate levels.
The mean steady-state volume of distribution of leuprolide following intravenous bolus administration to healthy male volunteers was 27 L.1 In vitro binding to human plasma proteins ranged from 43% to 49%.
In healthy male volunteers, a 1-mg bolus of leuprolide administered intravenously revealed that the mean systemic clearance was 8.34 L/h, with a terminal elimination half-life of approximately 3 hours based on a two compartment model.1
No drug metabolism study was conducted with ELIGARD®. Upon administration with different leuprolide acetate formulations, the major metabolite of leuprolide acetate is a pentapeptide (M-1) metabolite.
No drug excretion study was conducted with ELIGARD®.
Special Populations
The majority of the patients (approximately 70%) studied in the clinical trials were age 70 and older.
The safety and effectiveness of ELIGARD® in pediatric patients have not been established (see CONTRAINDICATIONS).
In patients studied, mean serum leuprolide concentrations were similar regardless of race. Refer to Table 2 for distribution of study patients by race.
Table 2. Race Characterization of Study Patients
Race |
ELIGARD® 7.5 mg |
ELIGARD® 22.5 mg |
ELIGARD® 30 mg |
ELIGARD® 45 mg |
White |
26 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
Black |
- |
4 |
4 |
7 |
Hispanic |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
Renal and Hepatic Insufficiency
The pharmacokinetics of ELIGARD® in hepatically and renally impaired patients have not been determined
Drug-Drug Interactions
No pharmacokinetic drug-drug interaction studies were conducted with ELIGARD®.
One open-label, multicenter study was conducted with each ELIGARD® formulation (7.5 mg, 22.5 mg, 30 mg, and 45 mg) in patients with Jewett stage A though D prostate cancer who were treated with at least a single injection of study drug (Table 3). These studies evaluated the achievement and maintenance of castrate serum testosterone suppression over the duration of therapy (Figures 5–8).
During the AGL9904 study using ELIGARD® 7.5 mg, once testosterone suppression was achieved, no patients (0%) demonstrated breakthrough (concentration >50 ng/dL) at any time in the study.
During the AGL9909 study using ELIGARD® 22.5 mg, once testosterone suppression was achieved, only one patient (< 1%) demonstrated breakthrough following the initial injection; that patient remained below the castrate threshold following the second injection.
During the AGL0001 study using ELIGARD® 30 mg, once testosterone suppression was achieved, three patients (3%) demonstrated breakthrough. In the first of these patients, a single serum testosterone concentration of 53 ng/dL was reported on the day after the second injection. In this patient, castrate suppression was reported for all other timepoints. In the second patient, a serum testosterone concentration of 66 ng/dL was reported immediately prior to the second injection. This rose to a maximum concentration of 147 ng/dL on the second day after the second injection. In this patient, castrate suppression was again reached on the seventh day after the second injection and was maintained thereafter. In the final patient, serum testosterone concentrations > 50 ng/dL were reported at 2 and at 8 hours after the second injection. Serum testosterone concentration rose to a maximum of 110 ng/dL on the third day after the second injection. In this patient, castrate suppression was again reached eighteen days after the second injection and was maintained until the final day of the study, when a single serum testosterone concentration of 55 ng/dL was reported.
During the AGL0205 study using ELIGARD® 45 mg, once testosterone suppression was achieved, one patient (<1%) demonstrated breakthrough. This patient reached castrate suppression at Day 21 and remained suppressed until Day 308 when his testosterone level rose to 112 ng/dL. At Month 12 (Day 336), his testosterone was 210 ng/dL.
Table 3. Summary of ELIGARD® Clinical Studies
7.5 mg |
22.5 mg |
30 mg |
45 mg |
Study number |
AGL9904 |
AGL9909 |
AGL0001 |
AGL0205 |
Total Number of patients |
120 (117 completed) |
117* (111 completed†) |
90 (82 completed‡) |
111 (103 completed§) |
Jewett Stages |
Stage A |
- |
2 |
2 |
5 |
Stage B |
- |
19 |
38 |
43 |
Stage C |
89 |
60 |
16 |
19 |
Stage D |
31 |
36 |
34 |
44 |
Treatment |
6 monthly injections |
1 injection (4 patients) |
1 injection (5 patients) |
1 injection (5 patients) |
2 injections, one every three months (113 patients) |
2 injections, one every four months (85 patients) |
2 injections, one every six months (106 patients) |
Duration of therapy |
6 months |
6 months |
8 months |
12 months |
Mean testosterone concentration (ng/dL) |
Baseline |
361.3 |
367.1 |
385.5 |
367.7 |
Day 2 |
574.6 (Day 3) |
588.0 |
610.0 |
588.6 |
Day 14 |
Below Baseline (Day 10) |
Below Baseline |
Below Baseline |
Below Baseline |
Day 28 |
21.8 |
27.7 (Day 21) |
17.2 |
16.7 |
Conclusion |
6.1 |
10.1 |
12.4 |
12.6 |
Number of patients below castrate threshold (≤ 50 ng/dL) |
Day 28 |
112 of 119 (94.1%) |
115 of 116 (99%) |
85 of 89 (96%) |
108 of 109 (99.1%) |
Day 35 |
- |
116 (100%) |
- |
- |
Day 42 |
119 (100%) |
- |
89 (100%) |
- |
Conclusion |
117 (100%) |
111 (100%) |
81 (99%) |
102 (99%) |
Figure 5 ELIGARD® 7.5 mg Mean Serum Testosterone Concentrations (n=117)
Serum PSA decreased in all patients in all studies whose Baseline values were elevated above the normal limit. Refer to Table 4 for a summary of the effectiveness of ELIGARD® in reducing serum PSA values.
Table 4 Effect of ELIGARD® on Patient Serum PSA Values
7.5 mg |
22.5 mg |
30 mg |
45 mg |
Mean PSA Reduction at Study Conclusion |
94% |
98% |
86% |
97% |
Patients with Normal PSA at Study Conclusion* |
94% |
91% |
93% |
95% |
Other secondary efficacy endpoints evaluated included WHO performance status, bone pain, urinary pain and urinary signs and symptoms. Refer to Table 5 for a summary of these endpoints.
Table 5 Secondary Efficacy Endpoints
ELIGARD® 7.5 mg |
ELIGARD® 22.5 mg |
ELIGARD® 30 mg |
ELIGARD® 45 mg |
Baseline |
WHO Status = 0* |
88% |
94% |
90% |
90% |
WHO Status = 1† |
11% |
6% |
10% |
7% |
WHO Status = 2‡ |
3% |
Mean Bone Pain§ (range) |
1.22 (1–9) |
1.20 (1–9) |
1.20 (1–7) |
1.38 (1–7) |
Mean Urinary Pain (range) |
1.12 (1–5) |
1.02 (1–2) |
1.01 (1–2) |
1.22 (1–8) |
Mean Urinary Signs and Symptoms (range) |
Low |
1.09 (1–4) |
Low |
Low |
Number of Patients with Prostate Abnormalities |
102 (85%) |
96 (82%) |
66 (73%) |
89 (80%) |
Month 6 |
Month 6 |
Month 8 |
Month 12 |
Follow-up |
WHO Status = 0 |
Unchanged |
96% |
87% |
94% |
WHO Status = 1 |
Unchanged |
4% |
12% |
5% |
WHO Status = 2 |
1% |
1% |
Mean Bone Pain (range) |
1.26 (1–7) |
1.22 (1–5) |
1.19 (1–8) |
1.31 (1–8) |
Mean Urinary Pain (range) |
1.07 (1–8) |
1.10 (1–8) |
1.00 (1–1) |
1.07 (1–5) |
Mean Urinary Signs and Symptoms (range) |
Modestly Decreased |
1.18 (1–7) |
Modestly Decreased |
Modestly Decreased |
Number of Patients with Prostate Abnormalities |
77 (64%) |
76 (65%) |
54 (60%) |
ELIGARD® is indicated for the palliative treatment of advanced prostate cancer.
- ELIGARD® is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to GnRH, GnRH agonist analogs or any of the components of ELIGARD®. Anaphylactic reactions to synthetic GnRH or GnRH agonist analogs have been reported in the literature.2
- ELIGARD® is contraindicated in women and in pediatric patients and was not studied in women or children. Moreover, leuprolide acetate can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Major fetal abnormalities were observed in rabbits but not in rats after administration of leuprolide acetate throughout gestation. There were increased fetal mortality and decreased fetal weights in rats and rabbits. The effects on fetal mortality are expected consequences of the alterations in hormonal levels brought about by this drug. The possibility exists that spontaneous abortion may occur.
ELIGARD® 7.5 mg 22.5 mg 30 mg, like other LH-RH agonists, causes a transient increase in serum concentrations of testosterone during the first week of treatment. ELIGARD® 45 mg causes a transient increase in serum concentrations of testosterone during the first two weeks of treatment. Patients may experience worsening of symptoms or onset of new signs and symptoms during the first few weeks of treatment, including bone pain, neuropathy, hematuria, or bladder outlet obstruction. Isolated cases of ureteral obstruction and/or spinal cord compression, which may contribute to paralysis with or without fatal complications, have been observed in the palliative treatment of advanced prostate cancer using LH-RH agonists (see PRECAUTIONS).
If spinal cord compression or ureteral obstruction develops, standard treatment of these complications should be instituted.
Patients with metastatic vertebral lesions and/or with urinary tract obstruction should be closely observed during the first few weeks of therapy (see WARNINGS section).
Laboratory Tests
Response to ELIGARD® should be monitored by measuring serum concentrations of testosterone and prostate specific antigen periodically.
In the majority of patients, testosterone levels increased above Baseline during the first week, declining thereafter to Baseline levels or below by the end of the second or third week. Castrate levels were generally reached within two to four weeks.
Castrate testosterone levels were maintained for the duration of the treatment with ELIGARD® 7.5 mg. No increases to above the castrate level occurred in any of the patients.
Castrate levels were generally maintained for the duration of treatment with ELIGARD® 22.5 mg.
Once castrate levels were achieved with ELIGARD® 30 mg, most (86/89) patients remained suppressed throughout the study.
Once castrate levels were achieved with ELIGARD® 45 mg, only one patient (< 1%) experienced a breakthrough, with testosterone levels > 50 ng/dL.
Results of testosterone determinations are dependent on assay methodology. It is advisable to be aware of the type and precision of the assay methodology to make appropriate clinical and therapeutic decisions.
Drug Interactions
Drug/Laboratory Test Interactions
Therapy with leuprolide acetate results in suppression of the pituitary-gonadal system. Results of diagnostic tests of pituitary gonadotropic and gonadal functions conducted during and after leuprolide therapy may be affected.
Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility
Two-year carcinogenicity studies were conducted with leuprolide acetate in rats and mice. In rats, a dose-related increase of benign pituitary hyperplasia and benign pituitary adenomas was noted at 24 months when the drug was administered subcutaneously at high daily doses (0.6 to 4 mg/kg). There was a significant but not dose-related increase of pancreatic islet-cell adenomas in females and of testicular interstitial cell adenomas in males (highest incidence in the low dose group). In mice, no leuprolide acetate-induced tumors or pituitary abnormalities were observed at a dose as high as 60 mg/kg for two years. Patients have been treated with leuprolide acetate for up to three years with doses as high as 10 mg/day and for two years with doses as high as 20 mg/day without demonstrable pituitary abnormalities. No carcinogenicity studies have been conducted with ELIGARD®.
Mutagenicity studies have been performed with leuprolide acetate using bacterial and mammalian systems and with ELIGARD® 7.5 mg in bacterial systems. These studies provided no evidence of a mutagenic potential.
Teratogenic Effects
Pregnancy category X
Pediatric Use
ELIGARD® is contraindicated in pediatric patients and was not studied in children (see CONTRAINDICATIONS).
The safety of all ELIGARD® formulations was evaluated in clinical trials involving patients with advanced prostate cancer. In addition, the safety of ELIGARD® 7.5 mg was evaluated in 8 surgically castrated males (Table 7). ELIGARD®, like other LH-RH analogs, caused a transient increase in serum testosterone concentrations during the first one to two weeks of treatment. Therefore, potential exacerbations of signs and symptoms of the disease during the first weeks of treatment are of concern in patients with vertebral metastases and/or urinary obstruction or hematuria. If these conditions are aggravated, it may lead to neurological problems such as weakness and/or paresthesia of the lower limbs or worsening of urinary symptoms (see WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONS).
During the clinical trials, injection sites were closely monitored. Refer to Table 6 for a summary of reported injection site events.
Table 6 Reported Injection Site Adverse Events
7.5 mg |
22.5 mg |
30 mg |
45 mg |
Study Number |
AGL9904 |
AGL9909 |
AGL0001 |
AGL0205 |
Number of patients |
120 |
117 |
90 |
111 |
Treatment |
1 injection every month up to 6 months |
1 injection every 3 months up to 6 months |
1 injection every 4 months up to 8 months |
1 injection every 6 months up to 12 months |
Number of injections |
716 |
230 |
175 |
217 |
Transient burning/stinging |
248 (34.6%) injections;84% reported as mild |
50 (21.7%) injections; 86% reported as mild |
35 (20%) injections; 100% reported as mild |
35 (16%) injections; 91.4% reported as mild* |
Pain (generally brief and mild) |
4.3% of injections (18.3% of patients) |
3.5% of injections (6.0% of patients) |
2.3% of injections† (3.3% of patients) |
4.6% of injections |
Erythema (generally brief and mild) |
2.6% of injections (12.5% of patients) |
0.9% of injections§ (1.7% of patients) |
1.1% of injections (2.2% of patients) |
Bruising (Mild) |
2.5% of injections (11.7% of patients) |
1.7% of injections (3.4% of patients) |
2.3% of injections |
Pruritis |
1.4% of injections (9.2% of patients) |
0.4% of injections (0.9% of patients) |
Induration |
0.4% of injections (2.5% of patients) |
Ulceration |
0.1% of injections (> 0.8% of patients) |
These localized adverse events were non-recurrent over time. No patient discontinued therapy due to an injection site adverse event.
The following possibly or probably related systemic adverse events occurred during clinical trials with ELIGARD®, and were reported in > 2% of patients (Table 7). Often, causality is difficult to assess in patients with metastatic prostate cancer. Reactions considered not drug-related are excluded.
Table 7 Summary of Possible or Probably Related Systemic Adverse Events Reported by > 2% of Patients treated with ELIGARD®
7.5 mg |
7.5 mg |
22.5 mg |
30 mg |
45 mg |
In the patient populations studied with ELIGARD® 7.5 mg, a total of 86 hot flashes/sweats adverse events were reported in 70 patients. Of these, 71 events (83%) were mild; 14 (16%) were moderate; 1 (1%) was severe. In the patient population studied with ELIGARD® 22.5 mg, a total of 84 hot flashes/sweats adverse events were reported in 66 patients. Of these, 73 events (87%) were mild; 11 (13%) were moderate; none were severe. In the patient population studied with ELIGARD® 30 mg, a total of 75 hot flash adverse events were reported in 66 patients. Of these, 57 events (76%) were mild; 16 (21%) were moderate; 2 (3%) were severe. In the patient population studied with ELIGARD® 45 mg, a total of 89 hot flash adverse events were reported in 64 patients. Of these, 62 events (70%) were mild; 27 (30%) were moderate; none were severe. |
Study Number |
AGL9904 |
AGL9802 |
AGL9909 |
AGL0001 |
AGL0205 |
Number of patients |
120 |
8 |
117 |
90 |
111 |
Treatment |
1 injection every month up to 6 months |
1 injection (surgically castrated patients) |
1 injection every 3 months up to 6 months |
1 injection every 4 months up to 8 months |
1 injection every 6 months up to 12 months |
Body System |
Adverse Event |
Number (Percent) |
Body as a Whole |
Malaise and Fatigue |
21 (17.5 %) |
7 (6.0%) |
12 (13.3%) |
13 (11.7%) |
Weakness |
4 (3.6%) |
Nervous System |
Dizziness |
4 (3.3%) |
4 (4.4%) |
Vascular |
Hot flashes/sweats |
68 (56.7%)* |
2 (25.0%)* |
66 (56.4%)* |
66 (73.3%)* |
64 (57.7%)* |
Renal/Urinary |
Urinary frequency |
3 (2.6%) |
2 (2.2%) |
Nocturia |
2 (2.2%) |
Gastrointestinal |
Nausea |
4 (3.4%) |
2 (2.2%) |
Gastroenteritis/colitis |
3 (2.5%) |
Skin |
Pruritis |
3 (2.6%) |
Clamminess |
4 (4.4%)* |
Night sweats |
3 (3.3%)* |
3 (2.7%)* |
Alopecia |
2 (2.2%) |
Musculoskeletal |
Arthralgia |
4 (3.4%) |
Myalgia |
2 (2.2%) |
5 (4.5%) |
Pain in limb |
3 (2.7%) |
Reproductive |
Testicular atrophy |
6 (5.0%) |
4 (4.4%)* |
8 (7.2%)* |
Gynecomastia |
2 (2.2%)* |
4 (3.6%)* |
Testicular pain |
2 (2.2%) |
Psychiatric |
Decreased libido |
3 (3.3%)* |
In addition, the following possibly or probably related systemic adverse events were reported by < 2% of the patients treated with ELIGARD® in these clinical studies.
Body System |
Adverse Event |
General |
Sweating, insomnia, syncope, rigors, weakness, lethargy |
Gastrointestinal |
Flatulence, constipation, dyspepsia |
Hematologic |
Decreased red blood cell count, hematocrit and hemoglobin |
Metabolic |
Weight gain |
Musculoskeletal |
Tremor, backache, joint pain, muscle atrophy, limb pain |
Nervous |
Disturbance of smell and taste, depression, vertigo |
Psychiatric |
Insomnia, depression, loss of libido* |
Renal/Urinary |
Difficulties with urination, pain on urination, scanty urination, bladder spasm, blood in urine, urinary retention, urinary urgency, incontinence, nocturia, nocturia aggravated |
Reproductive/ Urogenital: |
Testicular soreness/pain, impotence*, decreased libido*, gynecomastia*, breast soreness/tenderness*, testicular atrophy*, erectile dysfunction, penile disorder*, reduced penis size |
Skin |
Alopecia, clamminess, night sweats*, sweating increased* |
Vascular |
Hypertension, hypotension | Changes in Bone Density
Decreased bone density has been reported in the medical literature in men who have had orchiectomy or who have been treated with an LH-RH agonist analog.3 It can be anticipated that long periods of medical castration in men will have effects on bone density.
Pituitary apoplexy
During post-marketing surveillance, rare cases of pituitary apoplexy (a clinical syndrome secondary to infarction of the pituitary gland) have been reported after the administration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists. In a majority of these cases, a pituitary adenoma was diagnosed with a majority of pituitary apoplexy cases occurring within 2 weeks of the first dose, and some within the first hour. In these cases, pituitary apoplexy has presented as sudden headache, vomiting, visual changes, ophthalmoplegia, altered mental status, and sometimes cardiovascular collapse. Immediate medical attention has been required.
In clinical trials using daily subcutaneous injections of leuprolide acetate in patients with prostate cancer, doses as high as 20 mg/day for up to two years caused no adverse effects differing from those observed with the 1 mg/day dose.
ELIGARD® is administered subcutaneously and provides continuous release of leuprolide acetate over a one-, three-, four- or six-month treatment period (Table 8). The injection delivers the dose of leuprolide acetate incorporated in a polymer formulation.
Table 8 ELIGARD® Recommended Dosing
Dosage |
7.5 mg |
22.5 mg |
30 mg |
45 mg |
Recommended dose |
1 injection every month |
1 injection every 3 months |
1 injection every 4 months |
1 injection every 6 months |
Once mixed, ELIGARD® should be discarded if not administered within 30 minutes.
As with other drugs administered by subcutaneous injection, the injection site should vary periodically. The specific injection location chosen should be an area with sufficient soft or loose subcutaneous tissue. In clinical trials, the injection was administered in the upper- or mid-abdominal area. Avoid areas with brawny or fibrous subcutaneous tissue or locations that could be rubbed or compressed (i.e., with a belt or clothing waistband).
Mixing Procedure
IMPORTANT: Allow the product to reach room temperature before using. Once mixed, the product must be administered within 30 minutes.
Follow the instructions as directed to ensure proper preparation of ELIGARD® prior to administration:
ELIGARD® is packaged in either thermoformed trays or pouches. Each carton contains:
- One sterile Syringe A pre-filled with the ATRIGEL® Delivery System
- One Syringe B pre-filled with leuprolide acetate powder
- One long white plunger rod for use with Syringe B
- One sterile needle
- Desiccant pack(s)
- 1.
- On a clean field, open all of the packages and remove the contents. Discard the desiccant pack(s).
- 2.
- Pull out the blue-tipped short plunger rod and attached stopper from Syringe B and discard (Figure 9). Gently insert the long, white replacement plunger rod into the gray primary stopper remaining in Syringe B by twisting it in place (Figure 10).
- 3.
- Unscrew the clear cap from Syringe A (Figure 11). Remove the gray rubber cap from Syringe B (Figure 12).
- 4.
- Join the two syringes together by pushing in and twisting until secure (Figure 13).
- 5.
- Inject the liquid contents of Syringe A into Syringe B containing the leuprolide acetate. Thoroughly mix the product by pushing the contents of both syringes back and forth between syringes (approximately 45 seconds) to obtain a uniform suspension (Figure 14). (7.5 mg PI, 22.5 mg PI, 30 mg PI, 45 mg PI) When thoroughly mixed, the suspension will appear light tan to tan (ELIGARD® 7.5 mg) or colorless to pale yellow (ELIGARD®, 22.5 mg, 30 mg and 45 mg) in color. PleaseNote: Product must be mixed as described; shaking will not provide adequate mixing of the product.
- 6.
- Hold the syringes vertically with Syringe B on the bottom. The syringes should remain securely coupled. Draw the entire mixed product into Syringe B (short, wide syringe) by depressing the Syringe A plunger and slightly withdrawing the Syringe B plunger. Uncouple Syringe A while continuing to push down on the Syringe A plunger (Figure 15). Note: Small air bubbles will remain in the formulation – this is acceptable.
- 7.
- Hold Syringe B upright. Remove the cap on the bottom of the sterile needle cartridge by twisting it (Figure 16). Attach the needle cartridge to the end of Syringe B (Figure 17) by pushing in and turning the needle until it is firmly seated. Do not twist the needle onto the syringe until it is stripped. Pull off the clear needle cartridge cover prior to administration (Figure 18).
Administration Procedure
IMPORTANT: Allow the product to reach room temperature before using. Once mixed, the product must be administered within 30 minutes.
- Choose an injection site on the abdomen, upper buttocks, or anywhere with adequate amounts of subcutaneous tissue that does not have excessive pigment, nodules, lesions, or hair. Since you can vary the injection site with a subcutaneous injection, choose an area that hasn't recently been used.
- Cleanse the injection-site area with an alcohol swab.
- Using the thumb and forefinger of your nondominant hand, grab and bunch the area of skin around the injection site.
- Using your dominant hand, insert the needle quickly at a 90° angle. The approximate angle you use will depend on the amount and fullness of the subcutaneous tissue and the length of the needle. After the needle is inserted, release the skin with your nondominant hand.
- Inject the drug using a slow, steady push. Press down on the plunger until the syringe is empty.
- Withdraw the needle quickly at the same angle used for insertion.
- Discard all components safely in an appropriate biohazard container.
ELIGARD® is available in a single use kit. The kit consists of a two-syringe mixing system, a sterile needle (Table 9), a silicone desiccant pouch to control moisture uptake, and a package insert for constitution and administration procedures. Each syringe is individually packaged. One contains the ATRIGEL® Delivery System and the other contains leuprolide acetate. When constituted, ELIGARD® is administered as a single dose.
Table 9. ELIGARD® Needle specifications
ELIGARD® formulation |
Gauge |
Length |
7.5 mg |
20-gauge |
½-inch |
22.5 mg |
20-gauge |
½-inch |
30 mg |
20-gauge |
5/8-inch |
45 mg |
18-gauge |
5/8-inch |
ELIGARD® 7.5 mg – NDC 0024-0793-75 ELIGARD® 22.5 mg – NDC 0024-0222-05 ELIGARD® 30 mg – NDC 0024-0610-30 ELIGARD® 45 mg – NDC 0024-0605-45
Store at 2 – 8 °C (35.6 – 46.4 °F)
注:以下产品不同规格和不同价格,购买时请以电话咨询为准! 规格与剂型
艾里咖 7.5毫克/注射器/盒 艾里咖 45毫克/注射器/盒 艾里咖 30毫克/注射器/盒 艾里咖 22.5毫克/注射器/盒 生产厂家中文参考译名: TOLMAR THERAP 生产厂家英文名: TOLMAR THERAP