Gliptide Tab(硫糖肽片 글립타이드정)
전문의약품, 내과.가정의학과, 소화기(위~십이지3 ...
英文药名:Gliptide Tab(Thiopeptide)
生产厂家:Samil Pharmaceutical 药品介绍 成分1片(360mg) 主要成分:硫酸(标准)-----200mg 适应症 胃十二指肠溃疡 用法与用量: 成人每天口服一次,每天禁食三次。 使用注意事项: 1.以下患者应谨慎使用。 对这种药物或化学相似物质过敏的患者 2.应用注意事项 1)保持规定的剂量和剂量。 2)建议空腹服用这种药物。 3.储存和操作注意事项 1)勿让儿童接触。 2)避免阳光直射,并存放在低湿度(15-25℃)的阴凉处。 3)不要放入另一个容器以防止误用和保持质量。 如何保存:避免阳光直射,并将其存放在湿度较小的阴凉处。在室温(15~25℃)下存放在密闭容器中。 保存期 如何储存密闭容器,室温(15~25℃)储存 有效期 自生产之日起36个月 制造和进口商:Samil Pharmaceutical 销售公司:Samil Pharmaceutical
Glyptide Tab: Gliptide tab Efficacy/effect Gastroduodenal ulcer, gastric duodenal ulcer Usage/Capacity Adults are given orally once a day and on fasting three times a day. Usage Precautions 1. The following patients should be administered with caution. Patients with hypersensitivity to this drug or to chemically similar substances 2. Application Precautions 1) Keep the prescribed dosage and dosage. 2) It is recommended that this drug be given on an empty stomach. 3. Storage and Handling Precautions 1) Keep out of reach of children. 2) Avoid direct sunlight and store in a cool place with low humidity (15-25 ℃). 3) Do not put in another container to prevent misuse and to preserve quality.