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PROTECADIN tablet(拉呋替丁片)

2017-01-17 08:00:56  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:0  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 英文药名:PROTECADIN tablet(Lafutidine) 中文药名:拉呋替丁片 生产厂家:大鹏药业有限公司药品介绍拉呋替丁是日本富士( Fujirebio)公司和大鹏(Taiho)公司联合开发的一种抗溃疡药,该产品为强 ...

英文药名:PROTECADIN tablet(Lafutidine)


拉呋替丁是日本富士( Fujirebio)公司和大鹏(Taiho)公司联合开发的一种抗溃疡药,该产品为强效、长效的第二代组胺H2受体拮抗剂,具有独特的胃保护作用。已于2000年4月在日本上市。
相比其它同类药物(如西咪替丁和法莫替丁),本品对H2受体的阻断作用更有效、持久,所以具有抗胃酸分泌作用更加持续的优点。胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡 。
1) 治疗消化性溃疡
2) 治疗急性胃炎
3) 在胃泌素瘤中的应用
プロテカジン錠 5



Name of drug classification
H2 receptor antagonist
Sales name
Procaskin tablet 5
Common name
Chemical name
(±) -2- (Furfurylsulfinyl) -N- [4- [piperidinomethyl) -2-pyridyl] oxy- (Z) -2-butenyl] acetamide
Molecular formula
Molecular weight
Melting point
96 ~ 99 ℃
Partition coefficient (log P)
-3.36 (pH 2), 0.39 (pH 6), 2.37 (pH 10)
(1-octanol / Britton-Robinson Buffer (20 ± 1 ° C.))
It is a slightly yellowish crystalline powder with a slightly peculiar smell. It is easily soluble in acetic acid (100), slightly soluble in methanol, slightly soluble in ethanol (99.5), very insoluble in diethyl ether, and hardly soluble in water. The methanol solution (1 → 100) shows no optical rotation.
Component · Content
Lafutidine in 1 tablet 5 mg
Lactose hydrate, crystalline cellulose, corn starch, croscarmellose sodium, hydroxypropyl cellulose, hypromellose, light anhydrous silicic acid, talc, magnesium stearate, titanium oxide, macrogol 6000, carnauba wax
Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of this drug
Indication or effect
○ gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, anastomotic ulcer, reflux esophagitis
○ Improvement of gastric mucosal lesions (erosion, bleeding, redness, edema) of the following diseases
Acute gastritis, acute exacerbation phase of chronic gastritis
○ Pre-anesthesia medication
The efficacy and safety of severe (Los Angeles classification Grade C or D) for reflux esophagitis has not been established.
○ gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, anastomotic ulcer, reflux esophagitis
Usually, adults are orally administered 10 mg once a day (after breakfast, after dinner or before going to bed) as lafutidine. Incidentally, it increases and decreases according to age and symptoms as appropriate.
○ Improvement of gastric mucosal lesions (erosion, bleeding, redness, edema) of the following diseases
Acute gastritis, acute exacerbation phase of chronic gastritis
Normally, adults are orally administered with 10 mg once a day (after dinner or before going to bed) as lafutidine. Incidentally, it increases and decreases according to age and symptoms as appropriate.
○ Pre-anesthesia medication
Normally, adults are orally administered with 10 mg once a day as raftidine twice a day before sleeping on the day before surgery and 2 hours before introduction of anesthesia on the day of surgery.
For dialysis patients, it is reported that the maximum blood concentration at non-dialysis rose about twice as high as that of healthy people, so careful administration should be made from low dose (see "Pharmacokinetics").
Careful Administration
Patients with a history of drug hypersensitivity
Patients with hepatic impairment [Symptoms may worsen]
Patients with renal impairment [Symptoms may worsen]
Dialysis patient [Increase in blood concentration has been reported (see "Pharmacokinetics")]
Elderly (see "Administration to the elderly" section)
Serious side effects
[Frequency of expression unknown]
Shock, anaphylactoid symptoms
Shock and anaphylactoid-like symptoms may occur, so observe thoroughly and if face pallor, blood pressure decrease, whole body redness, dyspnoea etc. appears, discontinue administration and take appropriate measures.
Liver dysfunction
Liver dysfunction accompanied by elevated AST (GOT), ALT (GPT), γ-GTP etc., jaundice may occur, so observe thoroughly and if abnormality is found discontinue administration and appropriate Take action.
Agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia
Since nonagranulocytosis (initial symptoms: sore throat, general malaise, fever etc.) and thrombocytopenia may occur, if abnormalities are observed discontinue administration and take appropriate measures.
Medicinal pharmacology
Action in humans
Basal and various stimulus gastric acid secretion
In healthy adults, gastric acid secretion for 2 hours at the time of administration of basal, tetragastrin stimulant and betazole hydrochloride stimulant was 95.1%, 84.0%, 98.3%, pectin secretion was 69.2%, 46.0% by oral administration of 10 mg, respectively, It was suppressed by 86.8%.
Nocturnal gastric acid secretion
Gastric acid secretion and pepsin secretion of healthy adults from 11 pm to 6 am were suppressed by 95.6% and 57.9% by oral administration of 10 mg, respectively.
24-hour gastric pH monitor
In healthy adults, 10 mg oral administration before going to bed, the intragastric pH became pH 5 or more after 2 hours of administration, the pH remained in the range of 6 to 7 until 10 hours, and the ratio of holding time of pH 3 or more in the nighttime 12 hours It was 75.0%. In addition, it was 67.8% and 60.2% in the nighttime and 12 hours during the day by oral administration of 10 mg twice a day, respectively, and gastric acid secretion was inhibited during the day as well as at night.
Gastric mucus increasing action
In healthy adults, oral administration of 10 mg twice a day for 3 days for 3 days resulted in a significant increase in the amount of hexosamine in gastric juice at 1 to 1.5 hours after administration compared to placebo administration. In patients who are scheduled to undergo gastrectomy, oral administration of 10 mg twice a day for 2 weeks, the amount of mucin in the mucous gel layer of the excised stomach body increased about three times that of non-administration.
The gastric mucosal blood flow increasing effect is not clinically proven.
Action in animals
Suppression of gastric acid secretion
The effect of suppressing gastric acid secretion 4 hours after ligating the pylorus and various drugs into the duodenum was 0.1 times that of famotidine and 2.3 times that of cimetidine (rat). However, gastric acid secretion inhibitory action by various stimulants persisted more than famotidine and cimetidine (rat, dog).
H2 receptor antagonism
The inhibitory action of thiotidine on the specific binding by the guinea pig cerebral cortex membrane was 1.9 times that of famotidine and 85.5 times that of cimetidine (in vitro).
Action on acute gastric mucosal lesions
It showed gastric mucosal protection against gastric mucosal damage caused by various necrosis substances (ammonia, hydrochloric acid • ethanol, ethanol, hydrochloric acid, hydrochloric acid • taurocholic acid). In particular, it showed a strong protective effect against ammonia damage (rat).
Action on acute / chronic ulcer
Inhibition of the occurrence of acute gastric ulcer (water immobilized stress, indomethacin, pylorus ligation aspirin, histamine) or acute duodenal ulcer (mepirizole, diethyl dithiocarbamate), also promoting healing promotion against chronic ulcers (acetic acid ulcer, cauterized ulcer) It showed recurrence-suppressing effect (rat).
Effect on gastritis
It showed a recovery promoting effect against gastritis caused by ammonia and taurocholic acid (rat).
Action on acute reflux esophagitis
Prevents the occurrence of esophageal mucosal lesion caused by forestomach-pylorus ligation (rat).
Gastric mucosal blood flow increasing effect 32)
Intragastric administration showed an incremental blood flow increasing effect (rat).
Increase in gastric mucus 33 ~ 35)
Promotes mucus production in organ culture of rat gastric mucosa (in vitro). In addition, oral administration increased the amount of mucin in the gastric mucosal gel layer, and further continuous administration showed a tendency of increasing the gel layer in the pyloric gland region (rat).
Mucosal reconstruction promoting action
As a result of examining the repair process of gastric mucosal damage caused by ammonia at the coverage of AB staining positive cells, the ratio was raised from 30 minutes later and showed a reconstitution promoting effect by epithelial cell migration (rat).


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· PROTECADIN tablet(拉呋...
· VONOSAP Pack(复合维莫...
· VONOSAP Pack(维莫那唑富...
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· Altacite Plus Suspensi...
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· VONOSAP Pack(复合维莫...
· PROTECADIN tablet(拉呋...