美罗培南(meropenem,SM-7387,住友制药),商品名称Merrem Ⅳ/Meropen。本品是继亚胺培南-西司他丁和帕尼培南-倍他米隆(panipenem-betamipron)联合给药产品上市后,是第一个带有1β-甲基的碳青霉烯。 对肾脱氢肽酶(DHP-I)稳定,并减低了肾毒性与中枢神经毒性,不需要与抑制剂联合应用,可单独使用,为注射剂。其结构式如下: 于本品的广谱抗菌活性,因此在尚未确定致病菌前的治疗中,本品可单独使用。 临床评价研究发现,治疗脑膜炎时本品与头孢噻肟和头孢曲松作用相似;对腹内感染的患者,本品与亚胺培南-西司他丁或克林霉素-妥布霉素等效,与头孢噻肟-甲硝唑等效或稍弱,用于继发合并阑尾炎时更安全有效,治疗重度阑尾炎可使术后发热、抗菌素治疗周期和住院时间明显降低;治疗急性妇科感染和产科骨盆感染,本品比克林霉素-庆大霉素更有效安全。 预期本品的适应证将扩展到其它领域,尽管亚胺培南-西司他丁已可用于多种感染,但不适于治疗脑膜炎,也不可用于12岁以下的儿童。 主要不良反应为消化道症状与药疹。常用剂量为0.5~1g/d,分2~3 次给药。 通用名称:美罗培南 英文名称:Meropenem 其它中文名:麦罗派南、美罗配能、美洛培南、美洛配能 其它英文名:Merrem 药理作用 本品为细菌细胞壁合成抑制剂。体外比较本品和Imipenem、Cefotaxime(头孢噻肟)及Ceftazidine(头孢他定),发现本品对革兰氏阴性菌抑制作用最强。它的抗菌谱包括所有肠杆菌科的细菌(99.7%对本品小于4μg/ml浓度药物敏感)、假单胞菌属和不动杆菌属。对革兰氏阴性菌的作用强度和抗菌谱不及Imipenem,但优于Ceftazidine(头孢他定)。本品浓度0.5μg/ml时可抑制90%的金黄色葡萄球菌、肺炎双球菌和溶血链球菌等。本品对厌氧菌的作用强于Metronidazol(甲硝唑)和Clindamycin(氯洁霉素)。 本品对肠杆菌科特别有效,MIC90均小于或等于0.125μg/ml,抗普通变形菌、奇异变形菌和摩氏摩根菌的MIC90,本品为0.125μg/ml,而Imipenem 为 4μg/ml。本品容易透入大肠杆菌和绿脓杆菌,对大肠杆菌的渗透性更强。 药动学 本品在大鼠、狗和猴等动物体内分布快速、广泛,在肾和其它血流充沛的组织中浓度较高。血浆清除半衰期在大鼠体内为6分钟,猴体内为30分钟,狗体内为45分钟,人体内为1小时。 在各种试验对象中,本品24小时内尿排除量为90%~100%,主要以原形药或开环的β-内酰胺代谢物形式排泄。 本品不同剂量的药动学方式基本相同,多剂量研究未见药物蓄积。30位志愿者单剂量(250mg、500mg、1000mg)和多剂量(500mg/12h、1000mg/12h)输注本品,输注250mg、500mg和1000mg后立即测得的血浆药物浓度分别为15.8μg/ml、26.9μg/ml和53.1μg/ml,血浆半衰期1小时,尿中回收率为54.3%~64.2%。 适应症 用于治疗下呼吸道、尿路、腹内、妇科和皮肤感染以及细菌性脑膜炎等。 用法用量 应用本品原则上不可超过2周。最初三日给药后观察是否有效,以决定是否继续给药或更换其它药物。通常成人1日0.5~1.0g,分2~3次,静脉点滴,每次30分钟以上。可按年龄、病情增减剂量。重症,顽固性感染可增至1日2g。 使用时用生理盐水或5%葡萄糖注射液溶解,每0.5g本品稀释到100ml以上,不用注射用水稀释。谨遵医嘱! 禁用/慎用 对于不同程度肾损害病人,肌酐清除率下降,本品剂量应相应减少。 新生儿、婴儿与成年人相比,本品的分布体积增加,清除下降,半衰期延长,因此剂量应当调整。 不良反应 人对本品的耐受性好,副作用(如恶心和腹泻)短暂、温和,发生率低。 药物相互作用 丙磺舒可使本品t1/2延长。 专家点评 美罗培南为广谱抗生素,尤其对革兰阴性菌有很强的抗菌活性。对患呼吸道感染的老年住院患者,本品临床痊愈率76.67%,有效率为90.00%,细菌清除率为90.91%,不良反应发生率为6.67%。与亚胺培南/西司他丁随机对照治疗细菌性感染的评价结果,美洛培南对分离的51株常见致病菌抗菌活性强,对部分细菌产生β-内酰胺酶稳定,其所致不良反应以胃肠道反应为主。美洛培南抗菌广,抗菌活性强,能安全有效地用于中、重度呼吸道,泌尿道及皮肤软组织等部位的感染。可用于治疗慢性支气管炎急性恶化、下呼吸道感染、泌尿系感染、腹腔感染、细菌性脑膜炎及败血症。药代动力学研究表明美洛培南能迅速分布于组织间隙产生临床治疗浓度。 MEROPEN FOR INTRAVENOUS DRIP INFUSION(Meropenem hydrate) MEROPEN FOR INTRAVENOUS DRIP INFUSION KIT 0.5g(メロペン点滴用キット0.5g) Brand name : MEROPEN FOR INTRAVENOUS DRIP INFUSION KIT 0.5g Active ingredient: Meropenem hydrate Dosage form: Injection Print on wrapping: MEROPEN FOR INTRAVENOUS DRIP INFUSION VIAL 0.25g(メロペン点滴用バイアル0.25g) Brand name : MEROPEN FOR INTRAVENOUS DRIP INFUSION VIAL 0.25g Active ingredient: Meropenem hydrate Dosage form: Injection Print on wrapping: MEROPEN FOR INTRAVENOUS DRIP INFUSION VIAL 0.5g(メロペン点滴用バイアル0.5g) Brand name : MEROPEN FOR INTRAVENOUS DRIP INFUSION VIAL 0.5g Active ingredient: Meropenem hydrate Dosage form: Injection Print on wrapping: MEROPEN® is DSP's self-developed carbapenem antibiotic preparation for injection. The manufacturing approval was obtained in June 1995, and in 2004, an approval for the dosing regimen for children and an additional indication for purulent meningitis were acquired. This drug is widely used for various types of moderate to severe infectious diseases caused by gram-positive / gram-negative bacteria. This medicine is sold by DSP and AstraZeneca, DSP's licensee, in more than 100 countries collectively in the world. In more than 90 countries, indication for febrile neutropenia has been obtained and in more than 10 countries, dosage for children has been approved. Febrile neutropenia is a serious illness of patients with decreased immune competence. Most of the cases are thought to be due to some bacterial infections, and selection of antimicrobial agents at the initial phase treatment is considered to be critical. MEROPEN® has a broad antibacterial spectrum and a strong antibacterial activity, showing remarkable efficacy on gram-positive / gram-negative bacteria which are major causative microorganisms of febrile neutropenia, whereby for the purpose of treatment of febrile neutropenia, MEROPEN® is the first carbapenem antibiotic in Japan approved for adults and the first antimicrobial agent in Japan approved for children. While the maximum daily dose of MEROPEN® for conventional indications is 2g (potency), that is 3g (potency) for febrile neutropenia for adults, which is the same dose as overseas, based on results of newly implemented clinical studies. DSP expects that as a result of the additional indication MEROPEN® will further contribute to treatment of infectious diseases in Japan. Profile of MEROPEN® [Brand Name] MEROPEN® for Intravenous Drip Infusion Vial 0.25g MEROPEN® for Intravenous Drip Infusion Vial 0.5g MEROPEN® for Intravenous Drip Infusion Kit 0.5g [Generic Name] Meropenem hydrate [Indications] 1. Infection (Indicated bacteria) Meropenem-susceptible strains of Staphylococcus sp., Streptococcus sp., Streptococcus pneumoniae, Enterococcus sp., Neisseria meningitidis, Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis, Escherichia coli, Citrobacter sp., Klebsiella sp., Enterobacter sp., Serratia sp., Proteus sp., Providencia sp., Haemophilus influenzae, Pseudomonas sp.,Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia, Bacteroides sp. and Prevotella sp. (Indications) Septicemia, deep-seated skin infection, lymphangitis / lymphadenitis, secondary infection of traumatic wound, burn wound or operative wound, perianal abscess, osteomyelitis, arthritis, tonsillitis (including peritonsillar abscess), pneumonia, lung abscess, pyothorax, secondary infection in chronic respiratory disease, complicated cystitis, pyelonephritis, peritonitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, liver abscess, intrauterine infection, uterine adnexitis, parametritis, purulent meningitis, endophthalmitis (including panophthalmitis),otitis media, sinusitis, phlegmon around the jaw, and gnathitis 2. Febrile neotropenia [Dosage and Administration] (The changed portion is underlined.) 1. Infection For adults, usually 0.5 to 1g (potency) of Meropenem is intravenously infused for 30 minutes or longer in two to three divided doses per day. The dosage should be adjusted according to the patient's age and symptoms and can be increased to 3g (potency) per day with a ceiling of 1g (potency) per time in patients with severe/refractory infection. For children, usually 30 to 60mg (potency)/kg of meropenem is intravenously infused for 30 minutes or longer in three divided doses per day. The dosage should be adjusted according to the patient's age and symptoms and can be increased to 120mg (potency)/kg per day in children with severe / refractory infection. The dosage should not exceed the maximum daily dose of 3g (potency) for adults. 2. Febrile neutropenia (Description omitted because of no change) [Manufacturer and Distributor] Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd. http://www.kegg.jp/medicus-bin/japic_med?japic_code=00054716 -------------------------------------------------------- 产地国家:日本 原产地英文商品名: MEROPEN FOR INTRAVENOUS DRIP INFUSION KIT(メロペン点滴用キット) 0.5g/bag 5bag/box 原产地英文药品名: Meropenem Hydrate 中文参考商品译名: MEROPENEM静脉滴注(メロペン点滴用キット) 0.5克/袋 5袋/盒 中文参考药品译名: 美罗培南水合物 生产厂家中文名: 住友制药 生产厂家英文名: Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co. -------------------------------------------------------- 产地国家:日本 原产地英文商品名: MEROPEN FOR INTRAVENOUS DRIP INFUSION(メロペン点滴用バイアル)0.25g/VIAL 10VIAL/box 原产地英文药品名: Meropenem Hydrate 中文参考商品译名: MEROPEN(メロペン点滴用バイアル) 0.25克/瓶 10瓶/盒 中文参考药品译名: 美罗培南 生产厂家中文名: 住友制药 生产厂家英文名: Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co. ---------------------------------------------------- 产地国家:日本 原产地英文商品名: MEROPEN FOR INTRAVENOUS DRIP INFUSION(メロペン点滴用バイアル)0.5g/VIAL 10VIAL/box 原产地英文药品名: Meropenem Hydrate 中文参考商品译名: MEROPEN(メロペン点滴用バイアル) 0.5克/瓶 10瓶/盒 中文参考药品译名: 美罗培南 生产厂家中文名: 住友制药 生产厂家英文名: Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co. ---------------------------------------------------- 产地国家:日本 原产地英文商品名: Meropen 0.25g/VIAL 10vials/box 原产地英文药品名: Meropenem 中文参考商品译名: Meropen静脉滴注 0.25克/瓶 10瓶/盒 中文参考药品译名: 美罗培南 生产厂家英文名: Pfizer 生产厂家中文名: 辉瑞日本公司 ---------------------------------------------------- 产地国家:日本 原产地英文商品名: Meropen 0.5g/VIAL 10vials/box 原产地英文药品名: Meropenem 中文参考商品译名: Meropen静脉滴注 0.5克/瓶 10瓶/盒 中文参考药品译名: 美罗培南 生产厂家英文名: Pfizer 生产厂家中文名: 辉瑞日本公司 |