英文药名:ULCERLMIN Fine Granule 90%(Sucralfate hydrate)
中文药名:硫糖铝细颗粒 90%
治疗类别名称 胃炎和消化性溃疡的治疗剂 商標名 ULCERLMIN 一般名 スクラルファート水和物 (Sucralfate Hydrate)(JAN) 化学名 Basic aluminum sucrose sulfate 構造式

分子式 C12H30Al8O51S8・xAl(OH)3・yH2O 性 状 白色粉末,无臭,味。水,热水,乙醇(95)或在乙醚中几乎不溶。溶于稀盐酸或硫酸和氢氧化钠的TS。 适应病症 胃溃疡,十二指肠溃疡 以下疾病的胃粘膜病变(糜烂,出血,发红,肿胀)改善 急性胃炎,慢性胃炎急性发作 用法用量 成人一次1〜1.2克,口服给药,一天三次。年龄,根据症状进行调整。 药效药理 1. 底物蛋白保护作用(胃粘膜保护作用) 14C-硫糖铝水合物大鼠口服给予醋酸胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡的实验中,其促进通过相比于正常胃粘膜部位愈合选择性地结合到胃和十二指肠溃疡的网站,并形成保护层4通过获得)。同样,乙醇和选择性结合,附着于胃炎病变也阿司匹林胃炎大鼠14C-硫糖铝水合物证实5)。当该药物在消化道溃疡和胃炎患者口服给药,这种药物已被证实,紧密结合于溃疡部位或胃炎病变,该代理在炎症或溃疡底部的白苔站点6-8强烈从胃液的消化能力通过形成保护层的化学保护相信促进愈合)结合到蛋白质组分,病变。 2. 胃液胃蛋白酶活性的抑制作用 大鼠的实验中,已经发现能抑制胃液胃蛋白酶活性是攻击因子。 3. 制酸作用 大鼠的实验中,已发现有抗酸活性。 4. 促进生长和播放胃粘膜血管 大鼠 -可的松溃疡试验,开发和玩黏膜血管的结果观察,溃疡愈合升任。 5. 抗溃疡和溃疡愈合作用 豚鼠或大鼠,组胺,类固醇,利血平,在阿司匹林的实验性溃疡等抗溃疡作用,也夹持的应力 - 可的松溃疡,消融溃疡,溃疡愈合效果已在实验性溃疡,如乙酸溃疡被观察到。 6. 胃炎模型的影响 本剂的现有给药显著抑制大鼠阿司匹林和乙醇胃炎的产生。此外,已经观察到由牛磺胆实验糜烂性胃炎的治疗效果 包装规格 500克(500克×1)1公斤(1公斤×1) 1克×210盒(3包×10×7) 1克×1200盒(3包×10×40) 1克×3150盒(3包×7×150) 1克×3600盒(3包×10×120)
 制造厂商 中外制药有限公司
 ULCERLMIN Fine Granule 90%(Sucralfate hydrate) ULCERLMIN Fine Granule 90%(アルサルミン細粒90%) Brand name : ULCERLMIN Fine Granule 90% Active ingredient: Sucralfate hydrate Dosage form: white fine granule Print on wrapping: UL C-23C アルサルミン細粒90% (only for divided powder) Effects of this medicine This medicine combines with gastric/duodenal ulcer site or gastritis site selectively and forms a protective coating in order to protect gastrointestinal mucosa from digestive stomach fluid. It is usually used to treat gastric/duodenal ulcer and gastritis. Before using this medicine, be sure to tell your doctor and pharmacist •If you ever experienced any allergic reaction (itch, rash etc.) to any medicine. If you are a patient on hemodialysis. If you are a patient with renal disorder, or low serum phosphate level. •If you are pregnant or breastfeeding. •If you are taking any other medicinal products. (Some medicines may interact to enhance or diminish medicinal effects. Beware of over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements as well as other prescription medicines.) Dosing schedule (How to take this medicine) •Your dosing schedule prescribed by your doctor is <<to be written by a healthcare professional>> •General dosage regimen: For adults, take 1-1.2g (900-1080mg of the active ingredient) at a time, 3 times a day. It should be adjusted according to your disease, age and symptoms. Strictly follow the instructions of your doctor/pharmacist. •Take the missed dose as soon as possible and continue your regular dosing schedule. DO NOT take a double dose to make up for the missed dose. •If you took too much of this medicine (more than ordered), check with your doctor/pharmacist. •Do not stop taking this medicine without the instructions of your doctor. Precautions while taking this medicine • Possible adverse reactions to this medicine Common side effects are reported as below. If any of them occurs, check with your doctor/pharmacist: constipation, dry mouth, nausea. The symptoms described below are rarely seen as initial symptoms of the adverse reactions indicated in brackets. If any of these symptoms occur, stop taking this medicine and see your doctor immediately. No pertinent entries. The above symptoms do not describe all the adverse reactions to this medicine. Consult with your doctor or pharmacist if you notice any symptoms of concern other than those listed above. Storage conditions and other information •Keep out of the reach of children. Store at room temperature (1-30℃), away from direct sunlight and moisture. •Discard the remainder. Do not store them. Ask the pharmacist how to discard. Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.Internal Published: 6/2008 The information on this sheet is based on approvals granted by the Japanese regulatory authority. Approval details may vary by country. Medicines have adverse reactions (risks) as well as efficacies (benefits). It is important to minimize adverse reactions and maximize efficacy. To obtain a better therapeutic response, patients should understand their medication and cooperate with the treatment. http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/2329008C1097_1_06/2329008C1097_1_06?view=body