当前位置:药品说明书与价格首页 >> 肝病 >> 药品目录 >> 肝细胞保护剂类 >> METADOXIL(Metadoxil,美他多辛)


2012-10-25 17:38:45  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:202  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 【中文品名】美他多辛【药效类别】酒精中毒治疗药【通用药名】METADOXINE【别  名】Metadoxil【化学名称】 L-Proline 5-oxo-, compd. with 5-hydroxy-6-methyl-3,4-pyridinedimethanol (1:1) 吡多醇 ...

【别  名】Metadoxil
【化学名称】 L-Proline 5-oxo-, compd. with 5-hydroxy-6-methyl-3,4-pyridinedimethanol (1:1) 吡多醇吡咯烷酮羧酸盐
【结 构 式】

【分 子 式】CHNOPS·
【分 子 量】
【性  状】
【用  途】5-羟色胺拮抗剂,用于治疗酒精中毒。


【规    格】 METADOXIL 300毫克/5毫升/安醅 10安醅/盒;METADOXIL 500毫克/片 30片/盒

Viboliv 500 (Metadoxine) - 500mg
Brand Name: Viboliv
Generic Name: Metadoxine
Form: Tablets
Manufacturer: Dr.Reddy's
Viboliv 500 (Metadoxine) is prescribed to patients who may have liver damage or fatty liver caused by either alcohol abuse or liver disease. It prevents further degeneration of the liver and therefore prevents more serious and possibly life threatening problems like hepatitis from occurring. It works by metabolizing the alcohol and other substances quicker and excreted them from the body faster.

Dosage and administration

Viboliv 500 (Metadoxine) should only be taken as prescribed. Correct dosage varies depending on the patient and on the severity of the condition being treated.

When used to treat liver damage caused by alcohol abuse the usual dosage is 500mg taken once a day. For chronic liver conditions such as liver disease or fatty liver, a common dosage is 500mg taken twice a day.

The maximum recommended dose for any 24 hours period is 1000mg.

Side effects

Viboliv 500 (Metadoxine) is usually well tolerated and any side effects are mild and short lasting. Side effects may still occur though, and your physician should be notified of any you notice. Pay special attention to your body so side effects can be picked up on early.

Seek medical attention immediately if you experience any skin rashes, diarrhea, hives, swelling, chest pains, trouble breathing, or difficulty swallowing.


Viboliv 500 (Metadoxine) is not suitable for patients who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or breastfeeding.

Prior to using this medication disclose any of the following to your prescribing physician:

Any allergies you suffer from

Any existing medical condition you suffer from

Any other medication you are taking (including all non-prescription medicine)

Any vitamins, supplements, or herbal products which you are using
What is Viboliv?
Viboliv is used to treat liver damage caused by fatty liver or liver disease caused by alcohol abuse. It is proven to prevent further deterioration, reducing the risks of serious liver conditions like hepatitis.? It also speed metabolism so unhealthy substances which put a strain on the liver are passed faster, causing less damage.

How is Viboliv used?
Patients using Viboliv to offset alcohol-related liver damage, are usually prescribed 500mg, twice a day. The maximum recommended dosage in any 24 hour period is 1000mg.

Adverse effects
Viboliv is usually very well tolerated by patients. Side effects normally experienced are very short-lasting and mild in severity, however you should always report any you notice to your health care provider.

Immediately proceed to your nearest emergency department if you suffer an allergic reaction. Symptoms usually associated with such a reaction include difficulty breathing or swallowing, chest tightness, swelling, skin rashes, and hives.

Viboliv is not always suitable for all patients. Always consult your health care provider prior to using this medication if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to conceive, using any other medication (prescription or non-prescription), using any herbal products or supplements, or if you have any allergies or other health problems.

The correct dosage and prescription commonly depend on the patient and the condition being treated. Do not adjust your dosage without the approval of your health care provider. This product is only for use as prescribed and instructed.
原产地英文商品名:METADOXIL 500mg/5ml/amp 10amps/box


原产地英文化合物名称:L-Proline 5-oxo-, compd. with 5-hydroxy-6-methyl-3,4-pyridinedimethanol (1:1)

中文参考商品译名:METADOXIL 500毫克/5毫升/安醅 10安醅/盒





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· Aminoleban EN powder m...
· 水飞蓟宾胶囊|LEGALON C...
· ASPARA Potassium Injec...
· Milk Thistle(奶蓟草胶囊)
· ACETADOTE(乙酰半胱氨酸...
· 乙酰半胱氨酸注射液|ACE...
· L-天门冬氨酸钾50%粉剂A...
· L-天门冬氨酸钾ASPARA(P...
· 注射用谷胱甘肽(Glutat...
· 谷胱甘肽片TATHION(GLU...

