ISSE是治療睫毛稀少症 (HYPOTRICHOSIS)的處方療程,有效促進睫毛自然生長,能為睫毛的成長週期注入更強生命力,延長睫毛生長期及生長期間增加新生睫毛的數量。讓它們變得更翹長、更濃密、更黑亮!睫毛稀少症是指睫毛不足或生長不當。
推出至今,越多越多人有興趣認識我們的產品!無可否認,LATISSE是目前全球第一,也是唯一獲FDA (美國食品及藥物管理局) 認證的處方治療產品,能夠改善睫毛不足或數量不夠的問題,為睫毛的成長週期注入更強生命力,延長睫毛生長期及生長期間增加新生睫毛的數量,令它們變得更翹長、更濃密、更黑亮!
LATISSE是治療睫毛稀少症 (HYPOTRICHOSIS)的處方療程,有效促進睫毛自然生長,能為睫毛的成長週期注入更強生命力,延長睫毛生長期及生長期間增加新生睫毛的數量。讓它們變得更翹長、更濃密、更黑亮!睫毛稀少症是指睫毛不足或生長不當。
一般來說,使用LATISSE睫毛增長液最常出現的副作用,主要包括眼睛痕癢及/或眼紅。停止使用後,睫毛將會慢慢回復原貌3mL 一瓶 可能够60次
Latisse 睫毛增长液 3ml 内含60个涂刷
Los Angeles Latisse® Eye Lash Specialist
Latisse®Dr. Bublik trained with world famous oculoplastic surgeons who have been successfully using Latisse in their practices for years.
Latisse® is a revolutionary treatment used to make eyelashes longer, thicker and darker. It is believed to work by not only extending the length of the growth phase of the eyelash hair cycle, but also increasing the quantity of the lashes. The use of Latisse® often results in eyelashes so thick and long that many patients find that they no longer need to wear mascara.
Latisse® solution is a once-a-day treatment that you apply each evening to the base of the upper eyelashes. Latisse® users may see results as soon as 8 weeks with complete results at 12 to 16 weeks. The growth is gradual, corresponding to the growth cycle of the eyelashes. If you stop using Latisse®, your eyelashes are expected, over several weeks to months, to return to their previous appearance.
Now, you can grow longer, fuller darker lashes.
It's not an illusion. It's your own eyelashes, only better.
Get ready for an innovation in lashes.
LATISSE® (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) 0.03% is the first and only prescription treatment approved by the FDA for inadequate or not having enough eyelashes, growing them longer, fuller and darker. (Hypotrichosis is another name for having inadequate or not enough eyelashes)
LATISSE® works effectively.
LATISSE® makes lash growth possible because of its active ingredient: bimatoprost. Although the precise mechanism of action is not known, research suggests that the growth of eyelashes occurs by increasing the percent of hairs in, and the duration of, the anagen (or growth) phase. Lashes can grow longer, thicker and darker because bimatoprost can also prolong this growth phase.
Clinically proven results you can see over time.
LATISSE® is FDA approved and effective. It's a once-a-day treatment you apply topically to the base of your upper eyelashes. Patients in a clinical trial saw results in as few as 8 weeks with full results after 12 to 16 weeks.
It's an innovation backed by research.
While LATISSE® is a treatment for inadequate or not enough eyelashes, it was developed through years of research by Allergan, a pharmaceutical leader with over 60 years of expertise in prescription eye care products.
Ask Dr. Derickson if LATISSE® solution is right for you!
Important Safety Information
If you are using prescription products for lowering eye pressure or have a history of eye pressure problems, only use LATISSE® under close doctor supervision. LATISSE® solution is intended for use at the base of the upper eyelashes. DO NOT APPLY to the lower eyelid. May cause eyelid skin darkening which may be reversible, and there is potential for increased brown iris pigmentation which is likely to be permanent. There is a potential for hair growth to occur in areas where LATISSE® solution comes in repeated contact with skin surfaces. If you develop or experience any eye problems or have eye surgery, consult your doctor immediately about continued use of LATISSE®. The most common side effects after using LATISSE® solution are an itching sensation in the eyes and/or eye redness.
3mL 一瓶 够 60次
每天搽一次, 每边眼捷毛, 只够一个月量.
LATISSE® solution is a prescription treatment for hypotrichosis used to grow eyelashes, making them longer, thicker and darker. Eyelash hypotrichosis is another name for having inadequate or not enough eyelashes.
LATISSE® Important Safety Information
If you are using, or have used, pescription products for any eye pressure problems, only use LATISSE® under close doctor care. Although not seen in LATISSE® clinical studies, may cause increased brown pigmentation of the colored part of the eye which is likely permanent. Eyelid skin darkening may occur which may be reversible. Only apply at the base of the upper eyelashes. DO NOT APPLY to the lower eyelid. Hair growth may occur in other skin areas that LATISSE® solution frequently touches. If you develop or experience any eye problems or have eye surgery, consult your doctor immediately about continued use of LATISSE®. The most common side effects after using LATISSE® solution are itchy eyes and/or eye redness. If discontinued, lashes will gradually return to their previous appearance.
Real Questions,Real Answers(latisse常見問題)
答案: LATISSE 療程為16周的治療期。不是一次大量使用LATISSE 幾天就會增加睫毛的生長。感到以上滿意效果需要8周,睫毛變得纖長、濃黑。堅持治療,16周後,你會看到LATISSE 解決方案的最佳效果。
問題:LATISSE 是新藥,我在使用前對其品質及安全性有疑慮?
答案: LATISSE 是由Allergan公司,一家美國上市專業制藥公司研發推出的,是在制藥行業的領導者,擁有超過60年的眼保健專業知識。
LATISSE 於2008年12月獲得美國FDA的批準,目前 目前全球有12個國家在大量使用。
問題:LATISSE 是滴眼液嗎?
答案: LATISSE 解決方案是局部外塗,沿著上眼瞼睫毛根部塗抹,下眼瞼禁用。 不是滴眼液。如果不慎進眼,對眼睛無傷害,你不需要沖洗。
問題:LATISSE 取代睫毛膏?
答案: 睫毛膏和 LATISSE 。 都是一種解決睫毛不足的方法。睫毛膏主要是一種物理遮掩延長作用,LATISSE 無法替代睫毛膏,因為它的作用是促進損傷的睫毛生長,長出屬於自己的睫毛,從根本上解決睫毛損傷、睫毛稀疏、短淺的問題。
問題:它傷害我的視力嗎 ?
答案: LATISSE 不是眼藥水, 對視力無任何影響,請勿適用於你的眼睛或下眼瞼。 不慎入眼,無需清洗。
答案: 為了實現LATISSE 生長出跟翹長、豐盈、濃密的睫毛-你需要每天使用,堅持16個星期,根據當時的效果再決定下一個療程是否需要。
問題:如果我停止使用LATISSE ,會發生什麽 ?
答案: 如果停止使用LATISSE ,你的睫毛生長代謝會減慢,毛發脫落後新睫毛生長會減慢,變得跟以前的水平,這樣造成睫毛的外觀不如治療時的水平。