生产厂家:EMD SERONO 药品说明
药物剂型 冻干粉针剂:GONAL-F 450IU/VIAL。 药理作用 本品是高纯度和高度稳定的重组促卵泡激素(FSH,Follicl-Stimu-lating Hormone),它是第一个通过重组rDNA技术而生产的FSH,FSH是一种促进卵泡生产的激素,而利用重组rDNA技术能够得到高度稳定的产品。卵巢中卵泡的生成和释放是由FSH和LH(1uteinizint hormone促黄体生成激素)控制,而这都是由大脑中的垂体释放,本品直接作用于卵巢刺激卵泡的生成。 药动学 静脉注射:本品分布于细胞外液体腔,起始的半衰期约为2小时;由体内排除时,最终半衰期大约1天。达稳定状态的分布体积与总清除率各为10L及0.6L/h,1/8的本品由尿液排泄。皮下或肌内注射:绝对的生物利用度大约为70%,若重复给药,在3~4天内本品于稳定状态下累积量达3倍。 适应证 妇女经氯米芬治疗仍无法排卵者(含多囊卵巢综合征,PCOD),诱导排卵。对于实施人工生殖协助技术(ART),如体外受精(IVF),配子输卵管植入(GIFT),合子输卵管植入(ZIFT)的患者,可刺激其多滤泡发育。 禁忌证 在下列情况时禁用本品:对活性成份促卵泡激素α、FSH或任一辅料成份过敏下丘脑和垂体肿瘤非多囊卵巢疾病所引起的卵巢增大或囊肿不明原因的妇科出血卵巢、子宫、或乳腺癌当不能达到有效反应时,禁用本品,例如:原发性卵巢功能衰竭性器官畸形不可妊娠者子宫纤维瘤不可妊娠者
注意事项 本品为医师处方(使用)药,禁用于有过hFSH重组产品过敏史者非控制的甲状腺或肾上腺功能障碍者,卵巢、胸部、子宫、下丘脑和垂体腺肿瘤者,孕妇,无确定起源的严重的不规则的阴道出血者,以及先天的性腺障碍。 不良反应 可能会引起注射部位疼痛、卵巢过分刺激综合征、异位妊娠以及腹痛等副反应。 用法用量 皮下注射,起始剂量:75IU/d,一日1次,14天后可降至37.5IU/d,疗程因人而异,决定于个人对Gonal—F的反应情况。 药物相应作用 在本品治疗期间未见有临床意义的药物不良相互作用。同时使用本品和其它促排卵药物(如绒促性素,枸橼酸克罗米酚)可能会提高卵泡的反应,而同时使用促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)激动剂诱导垂体脱敏时,可能需要增加GONAL-f的剂量以促使卵 巢充分反应。除了LHα,本品不得与其它药物混合在一起使用。研究显示,本品与LHα混合注射并未显著改变药物中活性成份的活性、稳定性、药代动力学和药 效学特征。GONAL-f可与LHα混合溶解后同时单次注射。因此应先溶解LHα,然后再溶解GONAL-f。
专家点评 治疗须依患者本身的反应做一适当的调整,其评估测量包括:以B超测量卵泡大小和雌激素的分泌。一般建议开始时注射75~150IU/d,每7或14天为剂量调整时段,视情况增加37.5IU(至75IU),以期产生最好的反应。若患者连续治疗5周仍无反应,必须放弃此一疗程。达最佳反应时,注射最后一剂的Gonal-F后24~48小时,施以单一注射1万IU的绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG),建议患者在注射绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)当天及隔天同房。针对接受试管婴儿或其他生殖技术的妇女:超排卵治疗计划由月经的第2或第3天开始,给予本品150~225IU/d,持续治疗至卵泡发育完成(经由血中雌激素的浓度及B超扫描来监测),并依患者的反应做药物剂量的调整,最高剂量不可超过450IU/d。使用本品,可以比尿液制剂提升36%以上的怀孕机会;可以减少打排卵针天数,降低药品使用量,得到较多品质优良的卵及胚胎,比尿液制品有更高的效益。
Gonal Product Contains Follitropin alfa, r-FSH Product Indications Gonal-f (Follitropin alfa, r-FSH) is another recombinant(synthetic) version of human follicle stimulating hormone, almost identical to that contained in Follistim. Available data tell us the differences between the two versions of the hormone are indistinguishable. It is indicated for women undergoing Ovulation Induction Treatment and also for women participating in an Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) program, such as in vitro fertilization. Gonal Dosage and Administration NOTE: During FSH treatment and for 2 weeks after treatment, patients need to be checked every day (or every other day) for signs of too much ovarian stimulation. Induction of ovulation and pregnancy in patients who do not ovulate when infertility is not due to ovarian failure Initial dose 75 IU subcutaneously once daily. Dose may be increased by 37.5 IU/day. Maximum dose 300 IU/day. Response is evident within 5-7 days. Duration of treatment should not exceed 35 days. hCG should be given 1 day after the last dose unless the serum estradiol is greater than 2000 pg/mL. For the development for multiple follicles in patient¿s participating in assisted reproductive programs Initial dose 150 IU subcutaneously in the early follicular phase (days 2 or 3) and continue 150 IU once daily until follicle development is adequate Administer hCG should be administered to retrieve oocyte. Retrieval should occur 34-36 hours later Do not exceed 10 days of therapy If needed initial dose can be 225 IU/day and may be increased by 75-150 IU/day (every 3-5 days). Maximum dose 450 IU/day. Gonal Warnings, Side Effects and Potential Drug Interactions Discontinue treatment if the ovaries become abnormally enlarged or if abdominal pain occurs and contact your physician Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding Sexual intercourse is prohibited if ovaries are enlarged Product can exacerbate asthma and other pulmonary conditions May enhance some cancers such as ovarian or breast cancerGonal Storage Store in refrigerator or at room temperature, between 36°-77° F (2°-25° C). Once reconstituted, discard after 28 days. Avoid excessive heat, humidity, and light. Do not shake. Gonal Manufacturer Emd Serono, Inc
附件: 201221919032038.PDF
 --------------------------------------------------------------- 产地国家: 美国 原产地英文商品名: GONAL-F 450IU/VIAL 原产地英文药品名: FOLLITROPIN ALPHA,RECOMB 中文参考商品译名: 果纳芬 450单位/瓶 中文参考药品译名: 重组人促卵泡激素 生产厂家中文参考译名: 默克雪兰诺 生产厂家英文名: EMD SERONO
